How do I avoid detection by CIA deep state
I'm running a 2011 MacBook pro
How do I avoid detection by CIA deep state
I'm running a 2011 MacBook pro
It's far too late.
I'm going to need more info than that.
Do you have a Credit Card number and pin?
You basically can't, unless you go full freetard, and even then...
Macs are compromised, nothing is safe. On the bright side though your 3d loli collection is safe, the cia probably enjoys it as well.
MacBook Pro lol. Put tape over your camera, they Prob don't want to see you naked anyway.
conduct all communication in person at the beach while in the ocean
leave the internet
>all these newfags freaking out cause they down own isolated hardware
Get curtains and a dog, that usually works against hackers on steroids
sorry bro, you can't.
You need to just buy a refurbished IPhone and a used dell pc running windows 10. Make sure to download mcafee so you don't have bots or malware
what the fuck happened to day
goddamnit Sup Forums stop memeing and tell me
why is every thread about the cia
why is there a new sticky
There's virtually no way to avoid it.
Unless you build your own PC and dont download anything or use the internet.
err I meant install anything.
>How do I avoid detection by CIA deep state
Got something to hide citizen!?!?!
hahah jk jk
pretty dank response right?
but seriously
you can't
Your only choice is stop using computers, all big CPU makers (Intel, AMD, Arm etc) are hardware backdoored. If you use windows or mac has NSA backdoors. While not the NSA, pretty much all internet shit is built to spy on you as well, if you've ever used a google service you're being spied on, facebook is spying on, as well as pretty much every other free service on the internet.
thy have mechanical fish equipped with cameras and mics to record everything
What did they mean by this?
use the real life
>Not keeping an EMP device on a small floating cushion and detonating it during the conversation
Get on my level m8
Pick one and only one.
Ask the Mexican cartels and Islamic terrorists. They seem to successfully evade the CIA.
Use an operating system and software that respects your freedom.
Congrats dude you played yourself
There are several very different principals that often get confused here.
if you are really looking to "avoid detection" in the strictest sense, you really have to go offline and sks innawoods.
If you are online, that presence will be detected and logged. Associating the presence with an identity is another question.
>mfw porn on my phone
>mfw 4k video of my hot load being streamed to the CIA 24/7
>mfw some CIA office cuck being forced to watch me jack off
I just want to add. I can give more info, but not without knowing what you are concerned about.
by switching to birbs when it comes to information sharing
In all honesty the only way to be completely safe is to hand write and deliver your message personally
>Associating the presence with an identity
This is what I'd like some more info on.
Nothing is truly safe on the Internet. It doesn't matter what you do, how many proxies you run, if you truly need to hide for something, then they'll get you eventually. Get rid of all your devices that connect to the Internet.
mfw pr0n cam capture
Vault 7 leaked.
CIA actually hacks everyone and pretends they are someone else.
For example, they hacked France and pretended it was China.
Likely they hacked Hillary and pretended it was Russia.
Now they are getting rid of Trump.
They also have access to all iPhones, Computers, WhatsApp, etc.
They also share this Access with other Intelligence Agencies around the World.
The Intelligence Agencies around the world are probably plotting to take over the world and betray every government.
The ultimate nerd revenge.
>Anything apple
You're literally steaming your life directly to CIA.
>thinking the cia doesn't have non-electric microphones on the fish
>CIA actually hacks everyone and pretends they are someone else.
>For example, they hacked France and pretended it was China.
>Likely they hacked Hillary and pretended it was Russia.
>Now they are getting rid of Trump.
and people are scared about this?
fucking newfags, thethree letter agencies have been doing this for decades.
>also have access to all
again, anyone surprised by this is ignorant
>also share this Access with other
>plotting to take over the world
color me surprised
thanks user. seems like another day with the schizos on Sup Forums
>muh cia
its like the 60's, 70's when everyone was losing their shit about the CIA doing all the shit they were doing back then. and then "no worries americans, we are teh good goys, i mean guys
So the intelligence agency are the real Jew? Or are the Jews jewing them into jewing the rest of us?
By avoiding detection you become more conspicuous when they check social media lists with birth records and find you're a ghost.
It is better to hide in a crowd than in a hole in the ground.
Use Chrome in Incognito mode
Install Gentoo
okay, this is still pretty broad.
plebteir topics:
- cookies
- open source
- social media
1337 Haxzor teir:
- use public computers (library) / public wifi (mcdonalds)
- change computers often (new used laptop every few months, go to craigslist)
- Never log into, or repeat an action (like typing in a password) when you are trying to remain user
- use tor / proxies (probably a proxychain)
ninja teir:
- tails
- fuzz system footprint against OS / browser fingerprinting
- never run foreign scripts on websites
- appear uninteresting when you are most engaged
tl;dr - you cannot install a program that gives you what you are looking for. What you are looking for denotes a dedicated practice of hygenic behavior and practical paranoia.
Read the Leaks, mate. Prior to this it was all plotting, now shit got real.
They use Smart TVs to watch you (old news), but more importantly, they hacked into Tesla and all other smart cars, they can commit perfect assassinations and blame other governments.
Not sure how the average CIA hacker looks like, but they skipped the whole Jew agenda while they weren't looking.
>I'm running a 2011 MacBook pro
A rope tied in a hangman's noose and your neck going through it is 100% guaranteed to work.
Use nothing but tails on encrypted USB for computing, encrypt phone and always use two factor traffic encryption
Yea use tor goy, you'll be fine for sure goyim
New wikileak about the cia.
Doesnt matter. The alphabet agencies pay neckbeards six figure incomes to crack encryption algorithims. Encryption is just complex math equations that can be reverse engineered in front of the right neckbeard.
How do I escape getting pozzed I'm naked in a gay sauna
You can't
Right, but if you don't make yourself a target you'll be less likely to be a target of such an attack.
Say you're a health inspector
KEK this must be a joke thread
It's the CIA you faggot, they're masturbating to your mom's bare tits as we speak
no, mate
if anyone has to second guess they were doing all this shit, all along, they're a fucking ignorant naive cunt
even your goddamn smart fridges with televisions can be hacked into. either fuck off from the grid or your being watched. i dont give a fuck if they know i browse trash, or that they have thousands of shitposts i have made.
who fucking cares, this little nigger is apart of the government anyways. its like the goddamn cloud. trying to force everyone into their little games and "automation", no its about control. they dont want you to drive YOURSELF they dont want you to have powerful computers by YOURSELF
oh the same cia who has been posting about themselves? its just another branch of a government psy op.
id rather watch some faggot nobody on youtube than listen to what wikileaks has to say (as of late) and i fucking hate the majority of youtube
thanks again anons, no hard feelings towards you guys.
>How do I avoid detection by CIA deep state
>I'm running a 2011 MacBook pro
What if (((they))) infect your installer? You always have to create a liveCD or usb from a Windows or Mac OS to install a freedom OS.
Even if your computer came with linux installed it could already be infected and creating a liveusb on that system could infect the installer.
Go to power switch.
Turn off.
If Gentoo is so great how come portage still uses md5 hashes?
Install Gentoo
For people that really want to know. One leave internet
Two get rid of iPhone but for me it's hard because of my job. In my line of work I can't have any other phone other than a iPhone. Imeg maps with pin drops etc. I put tap on cams about all you can do with a phone. Don't use internet unless you want them to see.
Computer you can start by geting vpn change from windows to ubuntu. It's the easiest to transfer to. Change you me browser to Firefox start using tor borwers for everything. Use startpage for search engine. Use ProtonMail for email. Encrypt everything. All save files put on a encryed USB drive. It might be hard to start but it's not really a big deal easy to get use to
>Using something with an installer
Look at this pleb. Real men do it the old fashioned way.
Don't use tor browsers unless you have vpn. You should not use tor unless you have encryed internet. People can see the exit node
tor is fine. It does exactly what it is advertised to do.
I am prepared to debate this if you actually are prepared to argue your position.
I'm saying what if they infected your systemrescuecd that you used to manually install your BSD.
You would have to make the installation medium on some OS you didn't install yourself at some point.
You have to have some kind of medium to install it manually too.
The gov has been tapping my phone since Occupy Wallstreet. Anyone who does anything that's political will get tapped, basically everyone on this site is vulnerable
>Can they brake encrypt?
Yes they can. But why would they spend 3 years trying to brake it on someone like me? The answer is they won't. They like the info that takes millsecouds to get not years.
You can just check the hashes to make sure that mitm didn't happen.
how about keyScrambler to keep from getting keylogged? I use it but don't know if its effective.
Smear your shit on the microphone and webcam. It's the only way user.
the chances that alphabet agencies are cracking AES itself is pretty small.
its so much easier just to subvert the software that implements it. Or to break into the machine itself. The actual algorithm is the least likely attack vector from a practical standpoint.
And they are using AES internally.
And breaking standard encryption protocols is not a trivial undertaking. It still highly time and resource intensive, i.e. expensive. So if you're not a target it's highly unlikely that those resources will be allocated to find you
Since the OS creating the install medium is already compromised they could just change your checksum tools to show the original hashes.
Meta data strip all memes before reposing
Install VLC, Adobe Reader, WhatsApp, AVG, Skype, and McAfee
Keep the laptop on the power cord, and never turn off wifi
They have backdoors built into hardware itself, unless you're literally making your own hardware you're fucked
You create an iso file of the os you're going to install, who's hash can be compared with the original ( usually published on the vendors site). The "installer", which resides in this file, can then been deemed "secure "
For every version of the installation media that ever exists though? If your cheksum tools stay constant it is understandable that previous versions would give the original hashes as well, but it isn't as if they can make sure that every iso file from the future will hash as they want it to on your computer.
> 3years
I love that argument, the accuser never has a valid point
>tor comprised
>exit node
They still have no idea who YOU are, just possibly what you're doing
break out the old dual pentium pro you keep in the closet and an old copy of slackware, don't connect it to the internet.
congratulations no one will ever be able to use it to spy on you
>mfw currently running on intel core2 duo
What OS is best
>How do I avoid detection by CIA deep state
i think you mean NSA. and you don't. because the hardware itself is infected. this is what Petraeus was talking about before he got cucked. you can't win, even with Gentoo. every layer is cucked.
Install gentoo
use google ultron
You dont. They already know all the weird porn you've fapped to.
Turns out the CIA has as many exploits, if not more than, the NSA
Vault 7
>I'm running a 2011 MacBook pro
are you even fucking trying ? Get lost NSA shill.
There are ways to unmask a tor user, for sure. I wont claim to deny that.
I think the best argument against tor is that it likely makes your activity more conspicuous, while it makes your identity less readily available.
using tor / tails from a public area will hide most of that identity. Especially if you avoid view of any cctv.
do you Cryptome?
tor was exposed as a gov't spook project years ago
apple has presented itself publicly, as the most privacy concerned company.
while not provably secure / private, they do actively cripple usability of many of their software products in ways which would indicate that they do take privacy seriously.
But who knows what happens under NSL's and FISA
>Not building your own computer out of aborted fetuses in the current year
>gov't spook project
I'm pretty sure it was openly funded and developed by the office of naval research from its inception to a couple years ago.
That doesnt change the fact that all of the public cases that have come from people being compromised while using tor have been the fault of something other than TOR in every case.
btw - I am very open to being proven wrong on this.
Shill them with assclowns united
I honestly can't see them using a method like this when they have an arsenal of zero days anyway.
if'n you really want to avoid detection, you pay cash for a yard sale computer and jump on an open network as a guest
This is a partial solution.
I've already mentioned it in this thread.
But its also necessary to note. The longer you spend online, the more information is available to fingerprint your behavior.
About 9000% better than windows 10 pleb.
VPN/TOR add blocking, turn off Java, little snitch firewall, DNS Crypt
Good as it gets macbro.
You need to realize how hopeless it really is (believe me or not, I really don't care):
It's not only the CIA, NSA and the FBI working on this either. By 2006, there was a group in the government could essentially watch any PC screen they wanted remotely (I was shown a demonstration in 2008 by someone retired a couple of years earlier, he had kept some software). There was one security product that he said at the time (again, 2006) that they couldn't get around. I now see articles specifically mentioning that product is including in the CIA's portfolio of products with a known "bypass". This applied to all known Unixes, Linux, Macs, Windows systems.
I have a windows phone