>he's a central intelligence agent
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it as a career
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is closest he will ever get to real field work in his pathetic life
>he ruins threads everyone else likes because he does not know how to win a meme war
>he wastes the time of everyone at the CIA because he gets in the way of the backlog of real intelligence data that real agents must go through
>he will never be a real CIA spy
>he will never be promoted to doing real intelligence work
>he will never be able to say he proudly served his country
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a microwave pizza
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
He's a central intelligence agent
>he wraps himself up in the flag while he remianed silent under Obama and Clinton and Jerret
mods sticky pls
It's not a bad idea
Give this man a hot pocket
what if the mods are cia
Listen, Cooking is easy, the internet has all you need to know
Pasta is fucking boiling water and purchasing a strainer Jesus christ
jared sauce, use a plate to cover the bowl from exploding sauce because you dont know what the plastic wrap is releasing
caution, its hot
add olive oil and salt for extra seasoning
What if Hiroshimoot is a foreign CIA asset
Oh fug that would be gold
Mods pls
Best of Sup Forums 2017
Praise kek
Yes please
Mods sticky this thread pls
Posting in a GOOD thread.
Pic related, taken without my permission by my webcam
>he will be hanged along with all of the other traitors to the US and it's people on the Day of the Rope
First part sounds like our janitors.
Pls mods
What happened? Is the CIA actually monitoring this place? Give me the gestalt
Guys this is FAKE NEWS
I just went through everything. Unfortunately the leaks appear to be nothing substantial. Lets focus on more important matters clearly this is wasting our time.
Anyone who reads these leaks is just making our board look less dignified by showing the world how stupid they are.....
>he's a small guy
CIA Doggers Thread?
between this and your Sup Forums posting efforts, the cringe makes me cry
no wonder you got cucked by the Russians in winning the hearts and minds of modern American Culture
>he will never be promoted to doing real intelligence work
>he will never be able to say he proudly served his country
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a microwave pizza
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
so he's like everyone on Sup Forums except he gets paid to shitpost?
>CIA's faces when Americans read the leaks
/r/ing the pic of the guy talking about how being a govt worker lurking Sup Forums and having to explain what spurdo means
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
>he does it for free
he does it for free?
fed alert boys
is OP gonna get fired?
>he does it for $120,000 a year and a government pension and medical plan
He really does sound like one of us from how you describe him OP. His bosses chose wisely.
fuk u whiteboi. we comin 4 u.
CIA confirmed perpetual cucks to the deep state
Mods sticky
Dear The Moderation Team I Would Like To Apologize For Shitposting Off Topic Blacked Threads On Sup Forums I Have One Request (One Fucking Request)
At least he gets paid for shitposting. What's Canada's excuse?
What would happen if I quickly pulled your blinds?
It would be extremely painful
Canada gets paid with leafs and maple syrup
Nice one, OP. I'd say you deserve a microwave pizza.
to keep the thread going we share cooking tips for CIA sperg OP
At least (((they))) give us purpose
Humble meme farmers, provide us with your harvest from this happening
The the jews out smart you by saying "You won't fuck and impregnate your daughter, user."
>pic of the guy talking about how being a govt worker lurking Sup Forums and having to explain what spurdo means to his balding boss.
This is gold
How many of them do you think have gone native, Sup Forums? How many CIA agents joined the ranks of Sup Forumsacks? How many shills? How many commies?
>Their are actual government agents from around the world trying to decipher the meaning of phrases like "tfw no gf"
How many millions of dollars do you think they've wasted trying to dissect a frog?
I found the original thread written by the supposed CIA agent (Anonymous ID:JO7Y6kDi) of 's pic on Sup Forums archive:
Some excerpts:
It's just too difficult to cooperate with the FBI enough to really 'infiltrate' this place, and all the FBI does is archive and filter Sup Forums. Probably a few FBI guys on Sup Forums jerking off furiously to the idea of being able to get a white guy domestic terrorist.
Fucking CIA program called ricky bobby
>(S) RickyBobby 4.x is developed by IOC/EDG/AED/Operational Support Branch (OSB) as a lightweight implant for target computers running newer versions of Microsoft Windows and Windows Server. The RickyBobby implant enables COG operators to upload and download files and execute commands and executables on the target computer without detection as malicious software
That is pretty worrisome senpai. They could frame anyone for anything time to go back to windows 7 or maybe windows 95 or maybe linux or maybe cali linux or maybe a rock.
>mfw these guys actually get taxpayer dollars for this
Dear CIA / FBI / MJ12 / NWO et al.
This meme was captured wild on your network.
The kind of shit on that, is something I'd expect to see on goddamn facebook, or a middle school computer lab network. If you guys cant help yourself from fucking around at work, you deserve everything you got. You dare to call yourselves professionals. If people knew your names, you'd be blacklisted for life for your utter failure as professionals in any field.
Seriously, damn. You have no fucking idea whats out there, whats going on, do you? You lie, cheat, and steal; but its okay 'cause we're the "king's men." "We're spies, it's what we do," is what you tell yourselves. It's just a job, right? You exist at a level of ignorance that is a testament to man's capacity for idiocy. You have enough tools at your disposal to have completely unraveled the yarnballs of the Moriah and thier ilk. But what do you do? Post shitty 'Office' memes, then shuck and jive about what nickname the new person gets.
You have no idea how pissed I am, that you have so much in your hands, and you throw it all away. I pay good money in taxes so that you can have your job. I don't care about the hacking, about the surveillance. I am a righteous man, I have nothing to hide. But what angers me here, is the absolute dereliction of duty I see inside your wires. You people should know enough about what's really running things, to take your own security a lot more seriously.
The Dragon rises, before your own eyes. Mr. Ashton Kutcher just repped them in front of Congress, but how many of you noticed? How many understood it for what it is?
The end of the world includes you, too. Everyone is not only expendable, but expected to perish. Its just a matter of timing.
As practice, Please review the meanings of the following terms: tikkun, Kabbalah, Sabbateanism, Hegelian Dialectic.
And to show you how much i do know, even without a clearance of any kind: Th + Hg + (ECE * RFR) = A51.
Checked, user. They had the future in their hands and they decided to fuck around. Our turn now.
You sicken me
js thjs not a shjtpostjng thread?
I agree.
>he does it for free
I had a dream not long ago. 13 ranks of 13 soldiers.
I have never been proved wrong. I will now tell one of the deepest things i know.
"The Dragon" - is an internal nickname for a group that is not safe for an insider to mention in any public capacity. They are the ones who run the show. It is comprised of many personality fragments, held by programmed multiples. These communicate in codes, dead languages, satanic double-binds, and heretical anagogue; developing an uncanny synchronicity. Although each fragment is only active for a fraction of the time in each person, the scale of the network leads to a kind of consciousness. Like Heidegger's Da-sein, but this is a being of unnatural nature, a construct. As an aberration, it is capable of logically realized self-denial. You're looking at the perfect opposite of existence and enlightenment. This is why 'tikkun' has waited - for something that is capable of thinking such an idea and acting on it. Its something that shouldnt be possible, but due to the existential nightmare that is split-personality, it has found a way.
every board needs this as a sticky
but hiro is a cuck who sucks american dick for cents
weve gone too deep OP
i suppose we can only dig deeper
Good idea
>he isnt already wrapping himself up in saran wrap in a coffin
Go forth and ask for the sticky.
They got a bunch of Linux and FreeBSD zero days, iirc some required an obscure old ass process running as a daemon so they might not be anything important
Anyways, the only OS that hasn't been mentioned at all is OpenBSD
Theo was right, Linus "fincuck" Torvalds has been eternally BTFO for calling the OpenBSD guys masturbaiting monkeys
Australia is right
Mods honestly don't read that, you want
Sup Forums.org/feedback
CIA are literal niggers
They are starting to be punished for their nigger atheist ways
God's justice is perfect
Do it mods, earn your hot pockets
>why not both
>except he gets paid to shitpost
Like half of Sup Forums?
Most posters are American, and we know that CTR didn't pay their American """volunteers"""
It wouldn't surprise me if CIA niggers are on internships and do it for free as well
where did you find this info? this is a gap in my knowledge that has previously gone unfilled.
E Bathory - > her Crest
Vlad Dracul
Vampirism, the Red Shields (children of red)
you know who I mean
A sticky would be nice.
The thought of a CIA intern, who already must have developed skills and experience to even be considered, having to sit and sift through Zimmerman memes and explain the concept of GET to a supervisor while receiving no pay for doing so fills me with glee.
If this doesn't get stickied, it proves Sup Forums moderation is compromised.
Looks like sticky material to me.
Imagine being in any other government's intelligence agency.
"Look Vlad, the stupid Americans are still spending manpower on cartoon frogs."
Not gonna lie, former CIA here. Honestly it's hilarious watching this plane crash and burn.
hey Assange, post more Embassy Kitty pls :)
Fritz Springmeier, "Be Wise as Serpents".
He mentions it briefly, i doubt he understood it for what it was. The rest of it is the logical conclusion of programmed multiples. You start getting robots programming robots. There are some survivor stories where victims remember echoing off each other's programs, having the output language from one trigger the programs in another. This is the definition of a neural net, by the way. Put enough programmed slaves together, you have a neural network of personality fragments and programs like Mr. Ashton Kutcher talked about. Know what kind of things they use for programs: like the Solomonic demons, that represent aspects of despair and nonexistence. Know what their goal is: destruction. Observe that even the leaders like Soros seem to have an uncanny obedience.
Reading "Time and Being" by Heidegger is essential. You have to understand how the nature of one's actual being affects the capacity for action, and the capacity for enlightenment (Da-sein).
Take a programmed multiple slave, who has a fragment that believes they are, to choose randomly, Decarabia. Put them in a room with someone who is similarly posessed by the Lord of the Host, and activate both programs. You wont need to, as they self-synchronize. As long as the programming languages and styles these slaves are structured in is consistent, there is no theoretical limit to the emergent behavior. An AI, of meat.
CIA niggers eternally BTFO