How much do you agree with political messages of Trey Parker and Matt Stone?
"I hate conservatives, but I really fucking hate liberals." - Matt Stone
They said they are somewhere down the middle but more right wing.
How much do you agree with political messages of Trey Parker and Matt Stone?
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Does one of them not have a shitskin woman? Or a cucked son or something?
they flopped when they made fun of trump, their entire audience was trump, and they started bashing free speech, it was so ironic considering their past.
Yeah, they both have non-white wives
I don't know if their wife has a son or not
I'm not in High School anymore, I don't care what they think
They said Trump was too hard to make fun of or something like that
When did they mock free speech?
Pretty much everyone watches their shit, so I'm glad they at least hate liberals
And mock liberal hollywood and say they are close to communists
I remember watching South Park in 1997
I think something happened to make them do that.
All these years they made fun of everything. Catholic Church, Islam, fat people, politicians and suddenly they start spending time making a play about Mormons, let "other" people write the scrips for South Park and go full in SJW.
Something happened. Someone has them by the short and curlies.
>Something happened. Someone has them by the short and curlies.
They got civilized.
Interesting observation but what was wrong with the mormon episode?
>They said Trump was too hard to make fun of or something like that
From what I recall, it was kind of vague weather they meant that as an insult or compliment
But I was surprised they didn't bash the left harder
Their ideology is pretty standard for the agnostic middle class millenial/Gen Xer. They're conservative in the fact that they want to uphold the social status quo of the 80s/90s.
Yeah, Trey Parker's wife has a black son.
I'd defend them and say they aren't meant to be taken seriously, but sometimes they are reaching so hard for a plot that they end up biting off more than they can chew. I don't think they are really trying anymore, the show feels like a blog or something.
Older south park (not the first few seasons, but after them) was so good, and brings me back to better times. The show thrived when people weren't virtue signaling PC cunts and people didn't complain about "edgy" shit being edgy because being a complete bootlicking pussy was seen as a bad thing.
I know how old I sound, don't care.
What a cuck. He is just another unfunny liberal recycling the same jokes over and over.
So did Dave Chappelle, doesn't mean selling out is a good thing when you realize you hurt some people's feefees.
That's pretty sad
First seasons were the best though.
They aged like milk. It picked up after they added Timmy.
>my wife's black son
Why the fuck would he do this?
He could choose from so many woman and he chooses a coal burner?
I think its their video games, they probably have their seasons mapped out well in advanced unlike before and just wait to see what side story they can toss in there in the week of release
>The Current Year
>still watching Douche Park
They were expecting Hilary to win and had to change the story
I seriously don't know how people ever thought Trump wasn't going to win
The ''women are funny, get over it'' jokes were the funniest part of the new season, I thought. I like to think of or say that whenever a woman makes a joke in normal conversation
Also Cartman virtue signalling the whole season with the ''Token's life matters'' shirt
That was some funny shit
They fucked up with last season of South Park but when everyone on the far left screams that anyone even an iota closer to the right than them is LITERALLY HITLER, yeah, I can see how you'd fucking hate them.
Jesus. Did he at least adopt?
His face is approaching JUST levels imhotbqhwymf
I laughed like an idiot when the memberberries had the motherfucker in the trunk of their car.
I think South Park is gonna get a lot better than it was this season. Stone and Parker aren't idiots, they know they fucked up.
>don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again
It's sad but it happens a lot, why would someone take used goods?
>They said they are somewhere down the middle but more right wing.
They kept saying that to pander their show to the biggest audience possible, because they knew that was how they could get both liberals and conservatives to watch it.
However, during the election last year they finally showed their true colors.
Cowardice and trying to appease jew masters is not reflective of ideology.
I have no idea what the fuck you cucks are talking about. All I know is that South Park has been shit for like a decade already. No idea what they did now that made people create this thread.
I think the general consensus is that they jumped the shark with the Warcraft episode. There were occasionally good ones after that but once they went with the seasonal narrative shit the show was truly done.
Sometimes joking around is just necessary. Mr Garrison as Trump was funny. Don't take things too seriously. However take #Vault7 seriously.
That episode was trash, but it was one of the first shows to acknowledge videogamers existed.
>that Kobe tattoo
Turbo cucked.
This is a pretty fucking awesome joke about liberal hollywood. Classic
I don't know it was pretty god tier Cartman
Every moment they were inside the game I hated it. Outside of that yeah it was okay.
Go post this on reddit.
When you love someone enough you tend to give a shit about their problems.
This doesn't mean people, especially celebrities, don't get into relationships for seemingly no reason other than good P.R. Or that single mothers don't tend to be the person who ends the relationship. Although they usually are...
Yeah, maybe he is virtue signalling
I guess having a wife with a black son might give you more of a free pass to make ''offensive jokes''
That kid legitimately thinks his mom's husband is leaps and bounds cooler than his biological dad. Kind of a different situation than the typical "wife's son" stuff.
True, but it's still weird
He probably buys him shit, makes him food, and picks him up from school to be a good husband
Which is pretty beta to do all that for a coal burning skank considering it's not even his son
Typical libertarian