Based American calls out shitskins
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white entitlement at its finest
Good (or nice) guy!
>Emigrate to white country by abusing visas
>Fail to emigrate
>Piss off natives
>muh "white entitlement"!!
Old faggot should kill himself. He let the kikes win in this shitty nigger generation.
I would chase that "white" dude out of the park.
It would be pretty easy, most people who claim to be "white" are only clinging to a fantasy of an identity that means far more than their own pathetic existence.
Historically however, NAZIs end up sucking on the hot ends of their own guns, with them pissed pants.
LOL sounds exactly like Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys.
this guy is a shithead. go be a dylan roof somewhere else
Fuck off niggers
I'm sick of you shitskins coming here and ruining this board
>most people who claim to be "white" are only clinging to a fantasy of an identity that means far more than their own pathetic existence.
fuck this is too true
Probably a mosque's picnic retreat or something. My Catholic Church does shit like this all the time. This guy is a fag. Surprised no one called him out for filming their children.
Indians are caucasians and the ones who make it to the US are the top tier high IQ ones.
These guys are just Indians. They are all just happy people having a good time. Now if they were destroying the neighborhood then that would be a problem. I feel like I could sit at that park all day without a single problem. He's making mountains out of mole hills.
I moved into an Indian infested shithole neighborhood like that 2-3 years ago. It's fucking horrible, I can smell curry where ever I go, the people can barely speak english and they're all shitty drivers. I can't fucking wait to move out of here.
Anyone defending these shitskins is probably a shitskin themselves.
>euphoria the post
>Anyone defending these shitskins is probably a shitskin themselves.
Judging by replies such as:
>Indians are caucasians
I'd say you're right.
>I moved into an Indian infested shithole neighborhood like that 2-3 years ago.
Too many Indians everywhere.
>Anyone defending these shitskins is probably a shitskin themselves.
Definitely. This whole thread is dumb though. That guy was being creepy as fuck. Walking around a playground recording kids. We get it, your town has a lot of Indians.
Besides the street shitting, curry smell, and being ugly, Indians are based. They're smart, conservative, rich, and don't cause any trouble.
>I don't need me no learnins
>no job for you
>job for apoo
>what happens to amurca?
What a fag.
Oh yeah, let's talk shit about children.
Fucking pussy ass coward.
looks like Sup Forums full of shitskins
I fucking put a coherent sentence together.
How exactly am I a nigger again, meme spouter?
You have to go back.
>finishes gargling, spits load of poz cum into a glass for later
And yeah, I VAPE. You heard me right. An elegant vaporizer is a tool for the modern Gentleman sophisticate. So I for one wouldn't be caught dead at a formal dinner not blowing thick white clouds of vapor from every orifice.
>fills the entire room with damp strawberry smoke
Such a display of dominance is sure to win me the hand of m'lady.
>fedora falls off, spaghetti goes everywhere.
honestly there are way too many indians in america
Unreal, America is a nation of immigrants
>white country
Didn't realize native Americans were white
Who are you to deny anyone from enjoying the USA? Haven't you read the statue of liberty?
Since when is Sup Forums a poo-nigger curry recipe board?
If this video looks normal to you YOU are the problem
This. I can't wait for boomers to die even if it means more shitskins and less whites.
I'm so tired of stupid cunts waking up when it's way too late.
In a multi cultural nation it's normal, I'd love to move there and enjoy the best curry I've ever had!
sounds kind of comfy. Anything but American niggers and chicanos
Fuck all shitskins...worthless sub-humans
Why is a creepy old man walking around a playground filming children?
They look like decent, happy, hard-working families to me.
i hope Sup Forums doesnt support actual autists like this
America is our country, we built it.
There was no America before we killed those savages.
>retard boomer realizes that his country sold him out in 1965
Glad to see Gramps finally understood the damage his generation did.
Why are schizophrenic people so based?
>all these migrants here and i still can't get a gf
>tfw 27 and never had a gf
>implying the United States of America existed before European arrival
Go back to Hongcouver and stop shitposting, poojeet.
they got conquered far and square you turbo kike
can someone explain the incentives of the elites here?
>they abuse h1-b because they can displace Americans who would demand higher wages and better living conditions
which is it, Sup Forums?
Ignore that H1-B makes less money bullshit.
H1-B is a covert liberal strategy to increase % of minorities in the U.S. Just look at the number of shitskins applying for green card after coming here on a work visa.
>Based American
Video of pajeets and shitskins in park
Some guy muttering incomprehensibly to himself.
>All these indians coming here and stealing our jobs
look, I'd agree with that on any other ethnicity but this is just retarded.
why would the corporate elite, who can buy out whoever is in power, give two fucks about the number of shitskins? I don't buy the argument that they're more accommodating of tyranny, there are far more effective ways of dumbing down the population, and silicon valley type indians/asians tend to be pretty libertarian
it seems like they're just following their own economic interests. maybe we could consider putting a bit more investment in our own math/science education and removing the social stigma of intellectualism?
hahaha I'm fucking stupid
Native americans are called "Indianer" in german, so I thought he was talking about native-americans coming to america to steal jobs
You homosexuals are a disgusting lot.
It's not primarily the corporate elite pushing for this, its liberals who want to secure an voting base.
>Native Americans
How can the Asiatic Mongoloid who came across the Bering Strait be native to a country that didn't exist during their occupation?
what in the fuck are you talking about? legal tech immigrants make up an tiny fraction of the population - the dominant liberal strategy is clearly illegal immigration and subsidized nigger-breeding and sustained impoverishment through their own shitty culture/welfare
Come on y'all, give me a good argument against skimming off the far right end of other countries' bell curves
kek, what are Indians called in German?
>everyone who disagrees with me is a nigger
you sound like a nigger