What restrictions on franchise are reasonable?
What is the proper age restriction? Should non-Citizens be allowed to participate in any manner? Should any classes of people be disenfranchised?
What restrictions on franchise are reasonable?
What is the proper age restriction? Should non-Citizens be allowed to participate in any manner? Should any classes of people be disenfranchised?
Legal permanent resident of the united States with a valid ID who has been here at least 5 years.
Voting age should be state set with a minimum of 14 years of age to prevent any trickery.
Sauce on pic pls
Im fine with a few possibilities:
>land owner
>earned via test or service
>Property owner, tangible or intangible
>Taxpayer (meaning non-exempt from income tax)
I think any of those would slow the nations degradation by several generations.
You just KNOW she'd cut a seedy assed fart like that
Did she inject all of the fat from her top half into her bottom half?
I see what you did there. Seriously, we can't let them get the pizza codes.
High test
Faggot manbutt lover detected
came here to post this
You're a stupid cuck. Fuck you, illegal. Voting age: 18. The same age you can serve in the military. Voter ID should be required in all 50 states. No voting for illegal aliens.
Just read Starship Troopers.
theres a rise in porno threads in the last 15 minutes Sup Forums, seems like some sort of raid is currently happening to push you to fap so you can lose time, energy, and PRECIOUS BODILY FLUIDS
>14 years old to vote
What on earth are you thinking? The human brain doesn't fully develop until mid 20s. Voting age should be at least 35.
Joke's on them, I'm a total fag.
Go fuck yourself. This age of 18 is feminist nonsense with no foundation in history or biology and just serves to make men perpetual manchildren.
You're retarded. Full brain development is not required for anything and at the age of 35 you may even have started to see some regression.
>tfw you will never have a gf because women SUCK and are WHORES
That's a pretty horrible ass.
21+ years old
Voter ID required
No felonies
No class A misdemeanor
High school education required for anyone born after 1970
18, no and no.
But there should be a minimum IQ of 110 to vote in all countries. OR service to the country for a right to vote.
>Full brain development is not required for anything
Kek. That explains the people that vote for Democrats. Fuck off, shill.
You sound like a woman and a lunatic leftist. Everything you've said has been completely disregarded.
>That's a pretty horrible ass.
Some people think wide = good. I don't get it.
I smell Cheese pizza
You're an imbecile. You want everything to require being mid to late 20s? You'll ruin everyone's prime you moron.
>You sound like a woman
You're the one supporting female idiocy. Traditionally people did much more much younger. Take the age of consent as an example and go look at what it was around a hundred years ago here and what it is now after women got a hold of it.
Must be born in the country. (Can gain voting right by serving 3 years in military service)
Welfare disqualifies you from voting while you are receiving it.
god damn user sauce me
iq test and test to figure out if you have any idea how american government and politics/polices work, his will cut out a significant portion of blind ignorant americans who keep voting corrupt monsters into power
stupid people voting is a risk to society as a whole
I want a gf DAMMIT
There's no definition from her leg to her ass. Gross.
Only those willing to fight and die to protect their country deserve to vote directly. Those willing to help those that fight should have representation from those that have their best interests at heart. Those unwilling to help should have zero say in how things will be run.
You can't vote directly until you've gone through civil service (4 years) to become a genuine citizen. Representatives can only be voted on by those 27 years old, or older.
The only people that should ever be disenfranchised are those unwilling to be productive. They can change this by choice anytime they wish and take civil service.
fucking christ who is that
I'd still stick my rigid penis firmly into her vagina and asshole if ya know what I mean...
Every living, breathing person should be able to vote and on top of this be able to vote however many times they desire.
Age 25
Military Service
Property owner
I'd pick 2 of the three above.
I love that woman. She's gorgeous all over.
undocumented migrants ought to have the right to vote, there are approx 11 million of them and the US is behaving like apartheid era South Africa in denying.... just kidding
Seriously though I think at a minimum graduating high school and/or some sort of standardised test would be useful. Maybe there should be a sort of civics exam paper set in high school which you're required to pass. Any (legal) immigrants who become citizens ought to face the same test as an additional requirement before being allowed to vote too. I'd suspect that disproportionate members of certain groups might fail such a test, however the test itself can still be completely unbiased.
Elections are primarily about how tax dollars are spent, therefore only taxpayers should be allowed to vote. Very simple.
>This age of 18 is feminist nonsense with no foundation in history or biology and just serves to make men perpetual manchildren.
Elaborate, because it sounds like you're conflating age of consent and voting ages.
>Traditionally people did much more much younger.
People died much younger back then so it was a necessity
Must be a man, citizen of the United States, >= 5 years military service, sole owner of >= 1 contiguous acre of property where the hollow hull is bounded by a rectangle of width no less than half of length, or containing a section which fills stated requirement, live on said property with wife, have at least three children with wife, >= 120 IQ, white, no history of drug abuse, own at least four guns
People now hit puberty much younger. That isn't an argument if you made it past infancy and childhood you had a chance to live a good while. We're not talking medieval times either just America a hundred years ago.
It is a comparison to show how sheltered and ridiculous society is now to fully developed younger adults or kids.
Like I said state decided voting age with a minimum
But don't illegals pay sales tax?
Tax-paying citizen's working full-time.
This will stop women voting en masse as they do (gallup.com
what defines full time voting? 40 hours? Is this a single job or multiple?
>Is that mango chutney my dear?
best post
I'm fairly sure it's defined as someone working a minimum of 32 hours or more in a single job. You could allow people working 32 hours or more across all jobs to vote though, I think that would be fine.
Natalie Austin, zishy.com
service guarantees citizenship
>property owner
Just because you own a car doesn't mean you should vote
IQ test
test on the issues and what parties believe/ran on what
Civics test
Must hit 115 on the IQ test, and score a 90% or better on the other two.
18, either a citizen or a legal resident who pays taxes, and you should have to take a citizenship test when you register to weed out the rednecks and niggers. Voting should also be made a public holiday.
Also, add an ID requirement.
I have never not seen a good Vietnamese poster.
We were so wrong all those years ago.
1. No more female voting
2. Only people who can pass a literacy test on politics and government can vote
3. Only people born here can vote
4. No crimals can vote
This, except minimum IQ of 130.
The ideal requirements would be:
1. Over the age of 21
2. Legal citizen with valid photo I.D.
3. IQ over 130 AND/OR five years of military service
4. No known history of Marxist/race-traitor political advocacy (participation in AntiFa demonstrations, etc.)
so basically ban left wing people from voting so you are guaranteed to get the government you want.
This is written by a 25 year old loser neckbeard I can feel it.
>Muhr military and unrealistic IQ expectations and thought control
Commit suicide.
yes, basically
"unrealistic IQ expectations"
ummm I have a 130 IQ, faggot
And yes, people dumber than me should have to serve in the military before they can vote.
>Non-citizen are not allowed to vote and if caught doing so are banned for life from the country's and sent back to where they came from
>You must be at least 25 to vote
>You cannot vote if you immigrated, second gen and up only
>Women are not allowed to vote
>If you don't pay taxes you cannot vote
>If you are on government assistance you cannot vote
There, now MAGA
>I don't get it.
Niggers and Jewish propaganda pushing nigger beliefes
Land-owning White males over the age of 25.
This is pathetic. You took an online IQ test and now think you're superior because of your """IQ"""". You're a fucking pathetic waste.
Then you'd have the plebs lick the boot to have the right to vote huh?
you shouldn't be able to vote in county level elections unless you own land and it's your primary residence
renters have no fucking business shitting up a city they can just bounce out of at any time
lel, I remember the fucker that used to post that on every single booty image on r34 til Titanium got triggered enough to ban the word and about 4000 variations thereof. Goodtimes, goodtimes.
LOL the plebs should be happy they get to vote at all. Actually we should probably have a military dictatorship run exclusively by me, but I'll take what I can get.
I always presumed they were western ex-pats
This mostly but...
What if... Whaaaaat if...
You get a vote for each of these things
And or
1 vote for every X amount of dollars you pay in taxes.
I'll smother you with a pillow in your sleep
so middle-class people who actually work get more way more votes than super-poor welfare leeches and super-rich celebrities, money-lenders, etc. who pay no taxes? I like it!
No desu! Spoon me in my sleep
>no welfare recipients
>must have high school diploma
>must pass a drug test
>must have American birth cirtificate with government issued photo ID
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The following things should result in automatic disenfranchisement:
1. Describing yourself as a "nerd"
2. Saying that you enjoyed any Star Wars movie outside of the original, unaltered trilogy
3. Having a "Netflix" subscription
4. Going to college and majoring in anything except math, physics, or engineering
5. Being a female, black, Jew, millennial etc.
>no welfare recipients
The system already favors the rich to an absurd degree, you really want to tip the scales further? Not all people on welfare are gibsmedats, some people just got dealt a shit hand and are getting back on their feet.
>must have high school diploma
>must pass a drug test?
Drugs, all drugs should be legal.
>must have American birth certificate
No, if you're a citizen you can vote.
>with government issued photo ID
Pretty shit plan, desu. I bet you also think people with a criminal record who have paid their debt to society should also be barred.
Underage posters please get off Sup Forums or be banned.
how dare you post this picture
i cant even afford a pizza
>implying voting for a puppet who's ass is filled by the same hand either way is going to change anything
is it summer already?
my sides
Libshit detected. The entire point of this threat is to discuss how to disenfranchise voters
>Minimum age of 25
>Own land or have a minimum income of $25000
>Married with one biological child (exceptions for widowers)
>1 vote per family
>Be registered for the draft
>Math, physics, or engineering
Can't have Doctors I guess.
Whites only. Spics, niggers, and other non-american trash don't deserve rights.
I prefer to think of myself as centrist, the world isn't binary, and our system will always be broken as long as it operates on the presumption that it is.
>The entire point of this threat is to discuss how to disenfranchise voters
I know, my point was that the user in question gave some pretty shit reasons to deny someone a vote.
>Spics, niggers
Even ones that have volunteered for military service? Who have served in combat? Please educate me how a bitter, neckbearded "Aryan" who shitposts on Sup Forums all day is more entitled to a vote than a black man who took personal responsibility for the defense of his nation.
>Minimum age of 25
How is 25 any more arbitrary than 18? Please explain how someone can be old enough to pay taxes, be subject to military conscription... and yet not be old enough to vote.
>Own land or have a minimum income of $25000
This is a ridiculously easy benchmark to hit, even still, you're giving more power to people who already have too much.
>Married with one biological child (exceptions for widowers)
Only one? Shouldn't it be two, to replace both you and your spouse? In all seriousness, how does this matter at all, and why should a bachelor be denied a vote? While you're at it, you might want to abolish divorce, no-fault divorce at least, before imposing such a restriction.
>1 vote per family
When does one family end and another begin? Again, what about rogues?
>Be registered for the draft
Not until women are subject to conscription as well.
I'd suck the fart straight out of that asshole.
>What restrictions on franchise are reasonable?
very little
Any time you wish to create a class of citizen via legislation, consider the scenario where your opponent agrees, but gets to define the class. Example: demoshits want to limit "hate" speech"; republicans agree, if they get to define what counts as "hate".
In any kind of republic this is what happens because eventually your political opponents get power. This is why I hate GWB so fucking much because he handed Obama a police state and Obama used it with extreme prejudice.
That said, citizen property owners should be the only ones that can vote.
Did we get a name? I missed it if we did