Why aren't you faggots talking about this?
Why aren't you faggots talking about this?
because nobody watches CNN.
Fuck off to reddit.
CNN is a shithole WE all know
lmao that was blatant
Umm, sweetie. I hate to break it to you, but they ACTUALLY had technical difficulties. These things actually DO happen from time to time.
We did. At this point we know CNN is complete and total shit.
woah..... makes u think
>tv gremlins
Yes difficulties right when someone from an opposite point of view is starting to make an argument that's difficult to counter.
Not saying they don't happen just at CNN they always seem to happen at an all too convenient moment.
>happen from time to time
>always happen during interviews with conservatives when they're deopping statistics on crime and other shit
Guy who actually does tv production stuff here, you're retarded and to have colorbars pop up like this regularly is unprofessional as fuck.
We did when it happened But what can you say about it
that sucks
Too convenient.
Too many coincidences.
The pattern is observable.
(((They))) think the tech savvy wouldn't notice.
(((They're))) wrong.
Dead wrong.
Fake news is real.
why? why even bother?
the eternal Leaf.
Surely you're not off work at Prep-da-Bull yet? Does Mohammed know you're using company time to shitpost?
>(((CNN))) is (((CIA)))
They didn't even try to hide it this time.
>TV gremlins
Why isn't CNN getting its broadcast license pulled? And what can we do to convince the FCC the sanction CNN?
Because we're all talking about the CIA leaks and CNN isn't
Those TV gremlins are at it again
That is old already.
>Operation Mockingbird was allegedly a large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that, beginning in the early 1950s, attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes, and funded student and cultural organizations and magazines as front organisations.
>According to writer Deborah Davis, Mockingbird recruited leading American journalists into a propaganda network and oversaw the operations of front groups. CIA support of front groups was exposed after a 1967 Ramparts magazine article revealed that the National Student Association received funding from the CIA. Congressional investigations and reports in the 1970s also revealed Agency connections with journalists and civic groups. None of these reports, however, mentions an Operation Mockingbird controlling or supporting these activities.
>A Project Mockingbird is mentioned in the CIA Family Jewels report, compiled in the mid-70s. According to the declassified version of the report released in 2007, Project Mockingbird involved wire-tapping of two American journalists for several months in the early 1960s.
I work for a tv station. My job is to book lines for studios. This does happen from time to time. Because booking time in studios is expensive usually you only book 15 min windows. 5 min before air to prep the guests mic and ifb, and 10 min to get the guest on air for the interview. Sometimes it takes more than 5 min to get the guest ready leaving sometimes only 6-8 min left. The Atlanta "switch" you see is the type of line that was booked. It does not come from cnn. It is kind of like a middle man that books signals from studio to studio. Another popular company is encompass or ascent which are vx lines. They do the same thing. When guests ramble on for too long hosts often can't stop them in time.
>During college, Cooper spent two summers as an intern at the Central Intelligence Agency. Although he has no formal journalistic education, he opted to pursue a career in journalism rather than stay with the agency after school,[13][14] having been a self-proclaimed "news junkie since [he] was in utero."
>to have colorbars pop up like this regularly is unprofessional as fuck.
They aren't even real SMPTE patterns or anything btw
That being said. There are ways they could still cut guests off and make it lok like they ran out of time. They could just route another line that is showing bars into the same one that is on air. But it's unlikely
They weren't even trying to be subtle about it, what the fuck, hahahaha.
I've been checking cnn like every hour waiting to see a hint of wikileaks
I'm sorry I fucking died
Get out of my country, chink.
my dad works at nintendo btw
How deep does the rabbit hole go?
Loss of feed shows screen color test. Every. Single. Time.
Yeah that's flagrant.
The post feels forced tbqh
what a (((coincidence)))
RIP in peace
>inb4 cnn blames cia
Pretty obvious its on purpose now, nobody but CNN seems to have an issue
cnn thinks wikileak is a hoax
You think they're doing this on purpose? This might be a way to instigate people more, divide more and distract from other news.
It's a Congressman at captial think he was in a studio paying for airtime? Ya it's not the mayor of some shit city.
But it is crazy that CNN has not figured out what a 1 min delay is yet
Surely Americans can't take CNN seriously anymore after their blatant misinformation and flat out lying throughout the election campaign and the first 2 months or so of Trump's presidency?
If they do, Americans are more idiotic than I thought.
> tv production stuff
Oh no
that sucks
>mfw they had been doing this for years
They'll be fine
Fake news. they know it's obvious? because it's obvious.
That actually inadvertently emphasized his point. Get rekt CNN.
Yeah, they really need to get that gremlin infestation looked into.
Leaf, at least try to produce good quality bait. This shit is getting old.
>30% of the investigations are refugees
hmmm.... and the FBI never lies.
Go away CIA
dat 2 second reaction time
>feed "cuts off"
>waits 2 seconds
go- oh how surprising! Those darn gremlins.
Well composed bait there maple nigger.
Day of the rake when?
CNN does this shit all the time, but this one makes you look stupid. Watch the video, directly after he's cut off she says they cut him off because they were switching to another show. The timer says 4:00 so it makes sense.
See I'd buy that if they hadn't done this same kind of shit countless times in the past year.
welp, the hooked nose trotsky-ite globalists are still going at it. at least she, the host, made a relevant statement and didn't lie. bump
I'm surprised she didn't blame it on the Russians
it's not the first time. cnn actually is fake news
Oh boy, that is a real gem.