I used to be a Drumpf supporter but this Russia controversy has be regretting my vote. We need to remove Drumpf from office and replace him with Wayne "Face of Sup Forums" Lambright. Unlike Drumpf, Lambright is actually QUALIFIED to run the country.
I used to be a Drumpf supporter but this Russia controversy has be regretting my vote...
Other urls found in this thread:
But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes
Lambright here.
Trump is actually doing some good.
See twitter for proof.
jesus you suck at this online personality thing
I have over 200K customers.
Aren't you on food stamps?
We need to arrest Obama, Clinton's, Rumsfeld, Chenney.
Hang them.
It's fucking nuts that you post here. You're like Malay Mike. I think if you two got in an argument, it would result in some shredded keyboards and a couple of bumplocked threads you fucking jabroni
Do you still take Seroquel?
but in all seriousness this is a sage thread.
Posting here is part of my job dumb ass.
Yeah, and Malay Mike gets paypal donations from posting, Totally.
What job even is that?
That’s it. Im sick of all this “Russian’s didn’t hack us” bullshit that’s going on on pol right now. America deserves better than that. Much much better than that.
I should know what I’m talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine Russian hacker from the motherland for 16 bitcoins (that’s about $20,000) and have been using him for about two years now. I can even hack election machines with my Russian hacker.
The Russian government spends years working on a single hacker and have them compile up to a million lines of code to produce the finest hackers known to mankind.
Russian hackers are thrice as smart and thrice as fast at typing for that matter too. Anything an American can hack, a Russian can hack better. I’m pretty sure a Russian hacker could easily penetrate American servers with a simple kiddy script.
Ever wonder why the U.S. government never bothered hacking Russian elections? That’s right they were too scared to fight the KGB and their elite hackers. Even in the cold war Americans targeted soviet hackers and their computers because their prowess was feared and respected.
So what am I saying? Russian hackers are simply the best the world has ever seen, and thus, require better recognition on pol. Here is what I propose we say:
Russia hacked the U.S. election to get drumpf in the white house.
drumpf is in collusion with Russia, specifically putin.
We put Hillary in her rightful spot as the first female president (she got 3million more votes lol)
Now that seems a little more representative of the power of a Russian hacker in real life, don’t you think?
TLDR; Russian hackers need to be taken more seriously by pol, Madame President Hillary won.
a fun job. call me now!
We all know that Israel attacked the USA on 9/11 now the proof: youtu.be
this pasta has been used for three days now and it doesnt work
i feel like youre a fan of David Dees
>David Dees
obvious troll. go back to splashing in imaginary piss puddles.
Make sure you sage slide threads
Insult Lambright and you Insult Trump.
FUCK YOU. I'll cut your head off myself.
use google, wayne
Who is still paying CTR?
Guess (((who)))
Top kek
Too fucking late dumbshit. DEAL WITH IT!
A Warning from Wayne!
Try and fuck with the bright future. Lambright.
I'm 275 lbs 6' 2" I can defend myself easily.
Update: pool is fixed.