How do you redpill a populace that wants to remain bluepilled?

How do you redpill a populace that wants to remain bluepilled?

>Parents in family room watching wheel of fortune on smart tv
>brothers in their rooms playing their vidya and jerking off
>sister out doing god knows what degeneracy

just a small sample size i know, but i feel as though being in this echo chamber we feel as though tons of people are red pilled and reading about this cia shit when in reality they are engaging in degeneracy and bluepilled programming

are humans just meant to be slaves to the elites

try moving out of mom and dads house first.

we need warp drive to transcend this existence

why would i do that when i dont need to pay some jew for rent? im not a neet. im piling up tons of money from my lack of expenses.

Most people are stupid. Accept this fact. Instead of allowing the enemy to control the levers of propaganda you take control. This is the only way

Also you shouldn't use the term redpilled unironically nwefag. It doesn't mean what you think it does

patrick stewart is a bisexual feminist liberal bitch who opposes trump and the patriarchy

star trek was a dumb socialist utopia bullshit soap opera written by a scientology friend fag


First, you must define what "redpilled" and "bluepilled" mean to you.

your a neet and you think your going to redpill people? Implying your family? Good luck.

Well being aware of what is happening around you would be a start.

>How do you redpill a populace that wants to remain bluepilled?

Honest answer? You don't.

Most people have never had a single original thought in their entire lives. They simply go along with whatever the majority believes. They only listen to the (((loudest voice))) and laugh/scoff at any dissenting opinion or unconventional ideas.

These people are impossible to reach.

That doesn't mean we should stop trying, however. We CAN redpill a person here, and a person there, by openly discussing issues. There is an awakening slowly taking place right now. Many more people are aware than they were 10 years ago.

Keep fighting the good fight, and memeing the dank memes. It DOES make a difference.

>mfw i will never mate with unknown species several light years out of reach due to lack of warp drive capabilites

Why even life.

explain in great detail things obama did but tell them trump did it. after they get triggered and start freaking out, tell them obama really did it.

"im not a neet."

>tfw Riker copulated with pretty much every sexy female that appeared on the screen

mad space pussy game, shame the show is built around utopian bullshit that would never EVER come true

Wrong newfag

>mfw i will never mate with a mullato klingon q.t

Follow Kek, and let the dead bury their own dead.

hehe, yeah

>what is happening around you
And to a leftist, that means becoming aware of the patriarchal cisgendered oppressive power structure.

It's just an illusion, OP.

You realize people felt the same way you do days before the Berlin wall fell right?

People are only pretending to be blue pilled, not actually blue pilled. Because the deep state / KGB / freemasonic cabals assassinate people who try to resist up until the day that the wave is overwhelming.

Your "blue pill" friends are doing what is called going along to get along, not really blue pilled for the most part.

Something like 1/3 of all young males visit Sup Forums each month. Everyone has a Sup Forums user in their family more or less, but certainly many within their social network.

Tipping point is very close and they know it. Why do you think you have folks like Pieczenik or Robert Steele LARPing about a counter-coup? Trying to convince you that what you know needs to be done is already being taken care of ...

>Something like 1/3 of all young males visit Sup Forums each month.


working on redpilling gf

very slow process but she hasnt been corrupted by college leftism yet so hopefully were good