Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.
Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.
What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:
>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need. >Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need." >To achieve such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said. marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/11/prin-com.htm marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/
Failed ideology general. China and Vietnam went back to capitalism. Now Cuba is making the switch too.
Matthew Edwards
Adrian Bennett
I just can't understood the communist ideal, I can understand the desire for meritocracy and a fair start in life, but I've never understood this idea that everyone, no matter what their contribution, deserves the same rewards.
Christian Anderson
time to build a more equitable economy. time to bring democracy to our workplaces and not just in the polls
Luis Evans
Communism can work you guys Just here me out What if, and stay with me here What if....we found a Genie? And, and and and wished for Communism?
Nathaniel Rodriguez
lol this is another dirty communist playing the devil's advocate so another commie pastes the answer to try and convert someone
Logan Turner
None of the major Communists actually argued that though. The issue's equality of opportunity not outcome.
Charles Smith
what about fat cat bankers who hoard money. it's not meritocracy in this country. it's oligarchy. a system where the rich pick politicians. fund campaigns. and in the end the working class has no economic or political leverage
Hudson Cooper
Jace Carter
But communism doesn't seek to solve equality of opportunity, it only solves equality of outcome. There are other systems out there that fix the problem of equality of opportunity, but you never see leftists advocate for those.
Joseph Reyes
mudkipz pls
Jayden Martinez
>And the Chinese are unironically some of the most capitalist people now. That's why nobody fucking likes them.
>Also Cuba is becoming capitalist. Totally not due to corruption or anything. Cuba is totally not about be sold off to corporations. :^)
Sebastian Jenkins
Henry Ortiz
Why are communists so convinced that communism is the way? Why not distributism? Or fascism? Both of those solve the problems capitalism creates, so what's with the cult-like obsession with communism?
Isaac Bell
out of all the happenings that are going on why the fuck are you making a thread that we've had daily for years
Cameron Lee
>being triggered so hard you attempt to derail What's the matter, realized capitalism can't be defended in honest argument?
Kevin Young
Ryder Collins
>This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of jew socialism and communism.
Justin Walker
Ethan Edwards
Results of Deng dropping Mao's failed ideology for capitalism by allowing private business and property again.
>China's economic growth since the reform has been very rapid, exceeding the East Asian Tigers. Economists estimate China's GDP growth from 1978 to 2013 at between 9.5% to around 11.5% a year. Since the beginning of Deng Xiaoping's reforms, China's GDP has risen tenfold.[28] The increase in total factor productivity (TFP) was the most important factor, with productivity accounting for 40.1% of the GDP increase, compared with a decline of 13.2% for the period 1957 to 1978—the height of Maoist policies. For the period 1978–2005, Chinese GDP per capita increased from 2.7% to 15.7% of U.S. GDP per capita, and from 53.7% to 188.5% of Indian GDP per capita. Per capita incomes grew at 6.6% a year.[29] Average wages rose sixfold between 1978 and 2005,[30] while absolute poverty declined from 41% of the population to 5% from 1978 to 2001.[31]
Absolute poverty reduced from a whopping 41% under the failed communist meme to 5%.
>Viet Nam poverty reduction rate has been improved unceasingly for a long period, with a very impressive rate of 2% per year. Thanks to the rapid growth rate, in only two decades, nearly 30 million people were lifted out of poverty.
30 million out of poverty.
Capitalism can not stop winning.
Cuba just recently legalized private business again:
>Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of JEW socialism and communism.
Kayden Davis
>national socialism >socialist pick one
Joseph Evans
So then if that's the case, why is communism designed around equality of outcome? Aside from the fact that you aren't quoting Marx, there's also this problem that if communism is designed to reward work through equality of opportunity, it completely fails to do that in any capacity.
Zachary Peterson
>posts in a thread filled with 95% spam and shitposting
I just wanted to fit in.
Elijah Brown
Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.
Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.
Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:
>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD >Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD >To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people. gommies.gom/fug/ gommies.gom/starve/
>Sdage one Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.
>Sdade two Withering All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.
>Sdage three Gommunism. No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.
Christian Rogers
Tyler Turner
>fascism >solve the problems capitalism creates Fascism is still capitalism
>distributism Half-measure.
Eli Jackson
so many outdated 9gag memes...
Jeremiah Thompson
>gommunism >shitposting Pick two
Anthony Harris
>if communism is designed to reward work through equality of opportunity, it completely fails to do that in any capacity Cite your sources
Adrian Foster
Even when he doesn't work?
Carter Taylor
youtu.be/spof8R9Vwpw Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! >>Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! >>Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! >>Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! >>Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! >>Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! >>Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! >>Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! >>Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! >>Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! >>Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! >>Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News! >>Alex Jones : Facebook Announces Ban On Vault 7 WikiLeaks News!
Andrew Hall
>women having property rights over their holes. >communism
Pick one mate and watch you support fall by 50% because of hypocrisy or advocating institutionalised rape.
Hunter Sullivan
bless you
Hunter Gray
Spurdo is fellow traveler :DD
Xavier Sanders
>All those site names Better be careful showing off this much comedy gold. The CommieJews are liable to kill you for it.
Elijah Miller
>pls tek meh srsly ;((( >i am gommunist debate me
Camden Young
Cunt. I bet your whore of a mom is a coal burner.
Nicholas Young
See Almost all economic measures improved massively since socialism was dropped. Poverty was reduced massively from the Marxism fuckup by Mao.
China became the economic superpower it is today because of capitalism. Its citizens are much better off today than Mao.
You heftylol morons are beyond retarded.
Adam Ross
If the last thread is any indication commies will avoid any actual discussion and spew talking points then, and it certainly will happen, when somebody pokes a hole in any gommunist ideal, you'll just side step it and go "oh yeah well, gabitaism doesn't prevent death! check mate, for the prole!" and then sniff the ass of the other leftypol raiders when they fart some self-congratulatory rhetoric that appeals to you. It's really tiresome for others to even try to engage you lot when this sort of behavior is to be expected.
Jose Ramirez
Reminder: Neo-Marxists cannot be reasoned with.
It is mental illness, it is a delusional cult. They aren't the original 19th century communists that were just anti-intellectuals rednecks. They are degenerated trained dogs, they train themselves to share the same beliefs and to hold them systematically.
With such a drastic economical change advocacy, you'd think they were all about talking about economics and incentives, you'd think their circles would be all about economical theory and how to apply their totalitarian commie policies in a way that doesn't completely destroy society, after all, if they manage to make incentives and allocation just slightly worse than capitalism they'll become a third world shithole in five years. But nope, they are not talking about that, they are not even remotely interested in knowing how their system should look like, they don't even care.
So what do they talk about? They talk about feminism, they talk about racism, they larp about the class struggle, they talk about veganism and trannies. It is a conglomeration of mental illnesses, a pile of degeneracy. They are a lost cause. There's no economical argument that they'll accept, there's no moral argument they'll accept, there's no philosophical axioms they'll accept as long as those go against their commie beliefs. They are the human beings that failed at dealing with nihilism, they are the kids that staid in pleasure island, they don't believe they can have thoughts on their own. They don't believe they can define truth for themselves, they only care about defending their fantasies and dreaming about an utopia of ultimate pleasure where you don't need virtue to survive.
Isaiah Butler
The system of communism, as described by the OP.
Jacob Lewis
>derail gommunism kek
Aiden Anderson
Jace Cooper
Colton Campbell
facism isn't the way because it still uses capitalism as a economic system. I personally am a socialist. I think capitalism is an outdated model for economics. It makes no sense that wealth can't be accessed democratically like our political process. but even that is flawed but that's another story.
Jason Jenkins
Lets take a quick ride while you enlight me about this communism thing
Juan Bennett
Fucking schecket m80. Here, take this totally politically relevant picture as a reward.
Lucas Hall
>Fascism is still capitalism No it isn't.
>Half-measure. It solves all the problems communism seeks to solve without falling victim to the tragedy of the commons.
Jackson Edwards
Toss them dice baby
Cameron Hughes
>avoid any actual discussion and spew talking points Funny, because everything I've seen from pro-caps is just "LTV HAS BEEN OBJECTIVELY DISPROVEN KEK" without a scrap of evidence for how or when this supposedly happened. Diff'rent strokes I guess.
Mason Phillips
Did that happen in the USSR or was it turned from being a quasi feudal state into a world superpower in a few decades? No. >Private property >Not capitalism We*boos
Elijah Lopez
Does fascism permit private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit?
Henry Reed
even shoes laugh at communism
Nathan King
>Trying to paint national socialism as a capitalist system or NSDAP Germany as capitalistic >allowing a private sector to control unnecessary sections of production and commerce makes them capitalistic
Fuck you and fuck your shitty meme.
Eli Long
>A nations wealth should be accessible democratically like our political process I didn't think governmental gridlock could get worse buy by God you found a way
Hudson Sanders
>facism isn't capitalism yes it is see this picture
Discussions happen outside /leftypol/ raid territory. Feel free to go back if you don't like a environment that isn't filled with le original commie maymays.
>fascism >capitalism >compatible Oh my goodily goodness you /leftypol/ kids know so little. >allowing private property means it's a capitalistic system
Chase Rogers
cheeto is no different than clinton. tell us about capitalism
>Implying capitalism=private property Yes? There's also accumulation of capital, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system and competitive markets.
Jason Anderson
>yes it is see this picture Fascism is whatever is best for the nation. It allows a moderate amount of capitalism because capitalism is very good at creating wealth for the nation. Once AI and automation renders capitalism obsolete, fascism will abandon it.
Nathan Hernandez
Gaiz Gaize laistan What is an... Ego-nomics xDD :D
Mason Wood
>govt directorate controlling industry directly = capitalism I refuse to read your shitty blog find the citations at the bottom of the page and send THOSE to me.
Anthony Torres
Don't forget conveniently exempting Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Wahabism, from his immigrant ban just because he owns hotels there
Aiden Rodriguez
Not an argument. We're discussing how much of a bitter fucking failure marxism is.
Chase Hughes
>posts soviet state capitalists, a straight up dictator that exploited farmers and a wackjob funded and armed by the CIA
Jayden Fisher
fug! those digits! :DDDD
Lincoln Gutierrez
A study of systems of distribution of resources among the population.
John Watson
marxism has never been allowed the opportunity to fail. you keep death squadding us
Wyatt Stewart
I want to gas all communists
Julian Reed
It can be defended very easily. What is something worth? Is it worth more than you're willing to pay for it? Do you have the right to choose which occupation you'll have? Do you have the right to decide what you'll eat for breakfast tomorrow? Will a distant bureaucrat ever be able to compentently make that decision for you?
All expressions of Marxist theory are so patently absurd, so devoid of any understanding of logic and human nature and ability, you'd have to be a woman or a negro to be dumb enough to accept them. I honestly can't wait until we implement UBI and wipe you people from the face of the earth.
Xavier Peterson
gommies can't handle the truth, digits prove gommunism bullshit.
Gabriel Murphy
pretty much. rex tillerson might lose some money if he didn't have influence with oil monarchs
Landon Cox
Again, private property does not on its own mean there is free trade occurring. I don't care what your public college professor told you, free trade means free trade.
I don't believe they should earn the same honey I'm not a social democratic
What would be the problem if they did anyway?
inb4 nobody would work hard
Sweetie have you heard of a place called Cuba?
Jaxon Price
I got 37.. whatever that is
Joshua Reyes
>muh state capitalism
Because your shitty utopian ideology cannot exist.
The reality is that capitalism has existed since the Roman Empire. It has been in existence and manages to adapt and stay in power because it's the best economic theory we have.
Unless post-scarcity becomes a thing, capitalism will always exist. All Nordic countries are capitalist. 90% of companies in Sweden are privately owned, 5% state-owned and only 5% worker co-ops (vast majority is small bakeries and vegan restaurants.)
Landon Nelson
i agree with your point that capitalism is necessary to build wealth. Marx would even agree with you on that point. But i can't agree with the tribalism/nationalism aspects of facism. It's petty and backwards. Some of humanity's greatest achievements were realized in multi-ethnic civilizations. Ancient Egypt, various Arabian civilizations, United States, Rome. kek wants to push you into a different direction
Xavier Sanders
Sure, accumulation and cycle of capital is much more indicative of a capitalist system.
Luke Johnson
>not appreciating those palis SHIT TASTE
>state capitalism >mfw
Cooper Phillips
>Cuba >successful You've never been off your island, have you? Cuba is a shithole, stagnant for as long as it has been a "communist utopia".
>using the state capitalism argument On that note every "communist" country in existence had a state capitalist system, of course with a directorate attached.
Angel Hill
Zachary Bell
That is embracing capitalism now because of their constant economic stagnation?
>What would be the problem if they did anyway? I'm in favor of meritocracy. It's a matter of justice for the man who works hard to be able to earn more than the man who slacks off.
>Sweetie have you heard of a place called Cuba? A caribbean socialist hellhole that millions of people have tried to flee.
Logan Allen
>Cuba is a shithole, stagnant for as long as it has been a "communist utopia". Also, embargoed. :^)
Kayden Ramirez
fuck you stop listening to the lying media motherfucker fuck you
Parker Harris
So I found a picture of this weird looking guy yesterday. Are their more like him out there? Could someone give me a speedy sum up on that issue?
Gabriel Martin
Isaiah Collins
The Socialist wishes to distribute material goods in such a way as to establish a substantial equality, and in order to do this he requires the State to make and keep this distribution compulsory. The Christian replies to him: "You cannot maintain this widespread distribution, for the simple reason that you have no machinery for inducing men to desire it. On the contrary, you do all you can to increase the selfish and accumulative desires of men: you centre and concentrate all their interest on material accumulation, and then expect them to distribute their goods."
This ultimate difference between Christian and Socialist teaching must be clearly understood. Socialism appropriates all human desires and centres them on the here-and-now, on material benefit and prosperity. But material goods are so limited in quality, in quantity, and in duration that they are incapable of satisfying human desires, which will ever covet more and more and never feel satisfaction. In this Socialism and Capitalism are at one, for their only quarrel is over the bone upon which is the meat that perisheth. Socialism, of itself and by itself, can do nothing to diminish or discipline the immediate and materialistic lust of men, because Socialism is itself the most exaggerated and universalized expression of this lust yet known to history.
Isaiah Barnes
Why are these threads not banned
James Brown
I don't have to listen to the media, I just have to listen to the many refugees who sought to flee that craphole in the ocean.