Why the antisemitism, Sup Forums?
Why the antisemitism, Sup Forums?
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I don't know, what exactly do you mean?
jewish girls won't sleep with me either
I have no issues with semitic languages. Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic are all fine in my books.
Fuck jews though.
Every kike needs to be turned into a lampshade ASAP.
I dunno I just think it's nice to have a universal boogeyman behind all of the world's ills.
What does vagina smell like after a multicultural gang bang by a bunch of snobby homosexual men, impregnating women with lots of men on a boat full of men, where every woman is a man because we don't need women, just men, nothing but men. I bathe in taco sauce and sleep in taco shells!
Because they hate goys more than they love other jews
They think each and every jew is an Rockefeller cousin that manage money, media or movies and it's not like that.
Damn my best pal is a kike and have no money at all, the poor bastard.
Some possible reasons:
1. it's edgy
2. it's a form of bullying
3. it makes people uncomfortable
4. the memes are funny
5. drives normies away.
Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks
Hey OP whatcha doin
This board contains many sand niggers, Western European "men" (aka the submissive girlfriends of sand niggers) and edgy LARPers: It's a dam shame because it's otherwise a really good board.
What does vagina smell like after a multicultural gang bang by a bunch of snobby homosexual men, impregnating women with lots of men on a boat full of men, where every woman is a man because we don't need women, just men, nothing but men. I bathe in taco sauce.
Answer: it smells like men.
Mods are gods and I am grateful that they made explicit the already attaining forbidding of redundant threads BUT
The biggest problem here was not redundant threads, it is one-line writing prompt one-posts. This format allows a spammer to quickly bombard us with brainless spam and drive good threads off the board before they can be archived. The brainlessness of the non-discussion offends the character of the board.
Imagine trying to have a substantive discussion while surrounded by robots who constantly demand to know your favorite color. /s/ has a minimum thread set-up requirement -- you cannot demand that everyone else write your thread for you -- and Sup Forums needs one too.
Only one of these two Canadians is correct.
Jews are a threat to humanity
there's 0% antisemitism on Sup Forums
It's just jews are cancer
Because I there is a severe lack of Jewish Qts in my proximity
There are Jews. And there are those who claim to be Jew but really are a synagogue of Satan. Read a fucking Bible.
Jewish cuties only date Jews, sorry my apelike friend.
i dont know, ask one of the countries that threw them out the over 150 times in history. surely on of them knows where the "complete baseless" antisemitism comes from
Why only 1 post by this ID?
Western European "male" detected.
Is this what your Imam told you to say?
Every Jewish child and woman needs to be raped until they can no longer walk or breathe.
Let a man dream Cletus. If the Jewess daughter of the Rothschilds piss away her future for a dumb rapper, then why can't the same happen to me?
You don't want that. Leave it on for too long, and it screams about losing shekels to pay for electricity.
>Why the antisemitism, Sup Forums?
Sup Forumsacks are /x/-tier conspiracy theorists.
It's easier to scapegoat another group than blame your own.
No anti-semitism here, friendo. I've got a busty jewess qt for a gf.
Now who's the whore?
>Are mega corporations like Walmart, Microsoft, Apple, Bank of America, and McDonalds your friend?
Of course not, they practice corporate malfeasance and don't give a single fuck about the consumer. They only care about profit margins.
>What about all the megacorporations owned by Jewish people?
Well, they're my best friend of course.
no, but i told your mother last night everything about the jewish conspiracy and their plans for white genocide, so we decided to create a new kid with aryan genes which doesnt got a cromosome to much like her last kid
>Megacorporations owned by Jewish people
Megacorporations are publicly traded, they are not owned by any small group of people.
Good one, make sure to tell Achmed you BTFO'd the Jews online on your way home from mosque he might not beat you so hard for being a weak infidel.
Yo brotendo I bet she smells like a fresh pizza fresh outta the Delfino Plaza pizza shop. With jugs like that she could milk john adams.
2 words; Cultural Marxism
Because they are a cancer.
Fuck off edgy LARP faggot go back to Queerback PLAINS OF ABRAHAM BEST DAY OF MY LIFE.
Sup Forums is satire
>believing in classcucked propaganda
Whatever you say chinaman.
anyone got the best version of running joo?
Jews have always banded together as a tribe, infiltrated governments, monopolized financial systems of nations, instigated wars, and intentionally created chaos in societies. Jews mass murdered tens of millions of non-Jews over the last century but they've seized control of the media so you won't find out.
Detailed Timeline: History of the Jewish War Against the World
The International Jew - The World's Foremost Problem
By Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company
"The International Jew" by auto magnate Henry Ford, is comprised of newspaper articles printed in 'The Dearborn Independent" during the 1920's. At the apex of his business career Henry Ford sensed that a terrific effort was being made to take his business from him and manipulate it into the hands of the money-changers. Henry Ford, who had the impression that these manipulators were being engineered by powerful Jewish financiers, called to his office the most intelligent research men within his acquaintance. He commissioned them to make a thorough study of the International Jew and publish their findings in "The Dearborn Independent," which at that time was the official organ of the Ford Motor Company. No expense was spared, and it is estimated that literally millions of dollars were spent by Mr. Ford on this project. The original articles were carried first in "The Dearborn Independent," and then published in book form. This book, "The International Jew," provides a hard-hitting, easy-to-read introduction to what the renowned American automaker and industrialist called "the world's foremost problem." This influential and much-discussed collection of essays, packed with facts and insights, is an eye-opening survey of the enduringly vexing "Jewish question." Whether readers agree or disagree with the content of "The International Jew" and Ford's approach to the "Jewish question," the book provides an important historical record that remains of interest today.
- - - -
Henry Ford's Resistance to Jewish Power
Source now
can anyone post that image of the jew network??
That's surely a goyim, the nose is not big enough
I like the Jews. They mind their own business and at the same time do well enough for themselves, without anyone else's help by sticking to their own kind that every other race (except the Chinese who also do well) have to make up all sorts of conspiracies to explain their success.
Jews never did anything to anybody, they didn't even have a problem living in shit-tier Jewish ghettos in Europe for 1000 years until we tried to exterminate them all.
The fact is, Jews do well because they are conservative and not the degenerate kind that you see in far-right white (trash) populations.
Liberal Jews do need to be gassed, however.
Slide thread. Disregard.
Jews are all racial supremacists and they have their own fucking ethnostate. They believe they're put on earth to lead the underclass (goy).
How do you not hate them?
Since when is there anything wrong with having an ethnostate?
The Rockefellers aren't even Jewish you moor
because jews own the world and try to impose NWO : Soros and multiple examples in showbizz and politics.
A Jewess gave my penis a disease. Ever since then, I hated the people of Israel.
That's exactly why I like them.
They have no problem admitting their true feelings, unlike most whites who are afraid to even admit they like their countries flag.
Plus, 99.99% of Jews mind their own business and don't bother anybody.
They don't go around beheading or colonizing other nations in order to promote their ethnostate. They just ask and our inferior cultures let them in because we know they will raise our GDP.
They don't bother us. You'll never even see a Jew, and you'll never get killed by a Jew unless you throw rocks at them first.
They are more conservative and libertarian than U.S. conservatives and libertarians.
We could all learn something from the Jew.
I only have one thing to say.... GAS THE KIKES!!!!!!!!!REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I dont want to hate anyone user
I wish I had the tweets saved where NRO writers are talking about Alaska - beautiful country shame about the people oy vey!
Honestly if I was promised that I could fuck this girls brains out daily I totally would convert and I know most of /ppl/ would too
>why do they prosecute me so?
gee, I wonder why.
It's a reasonable reaction to loxism
Every time I see a jew, the theme music from jaws comes to mind for some reason. Something about the nose and the shark fin.
lol yeah im not sure that will play out to well for her you remember what happen the last time all of those sjws that came flocking over to pol
Good goy
Antisemitism exists, because of the behavior of the Jewish people.
lol this is the hottest jewess the jidf has ever posted good job guys
unironically this
why the love for antisemitism, /((you))/ ???
i love jewish tit cows.
No! No! No! I LOVE Israel and my Jewish friends, especially if they're cute!
Banned for shoped tits.
Who would want to be an anti-semite? That's so mean.
>tfw no jewish gf
when will this suffering end?
The behavior of Bar Raefeli is being a cutie. Leave her alone.
Sup Forums is a board of peace!
>Sup Forums is full of conspiracy enthusiasts
>they embrace the biggest and longest standing conspiracy
that's how every other race except maybe East Asians and Indians feel about white people