Anyone who was formerly Blue-Pilled here?
What happened that changed your political views? When did you change them?
Anyone who was formerly Blue-Pilled here?
What happened that changed your political views? When did you change them?
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gradual since first posting on /new/
I figure it's about 1-3 year half life for people who post on Sup Forums to 180 completely on previous liberal beliefs
Was red pulled then I got out of my shit home town and a staunch leftist.
Red pills are for people who never left home
yeah. I used to be an SJW with libertarian views along the lines of "just let them have gay marriage and abortion, so we could get free markets"
I took me until the current year+1 to realize that liberals will never be satisfied with "progress" until we (the white race) are wiped out.
As a white person from a very white upbringing, I have an expectation that people are gracious, generous, dignified, respectful, courteous, honest, consistent, self-reliant and reasonable.
When I see people that aren't that way, they usually aren't white.
People that are loud, rude, demanding, abrasive, ignorant, selfish and ill mannered disgust me. It was the way I was raised.
So no, I guess.
Same thing I realized. Shit got weird fast
Is that a lib Varg?
and "became" a staunch leftist cuck. Remember your grammar little boy.
I started browsing Sup Forums when the attacks in Paris happened (never baguette).
I was a Bernie supporter. I thought it was totally reasonable to have our tax dollars work for us instead of going to corporate bailouts which goes right into the Jews pockets. I knew jews were an issue when I was looking into the federal national reserve and the banking cartels. I then saw Hillary Clinton was an evil Cunt and fucked over Bernie and then wikileaks show that Bernie was a plant. I wanted Trump to win because it would be the biggest middle finger to the establishment. Then when Trump won, all my liberal friends cursed white males and still are. I then saw an offensive attack on White males and how the rapefugee crisis was meant to breed white people out of existence.
Then pizzagate happened...
I believed it and still do but once I took that red pill there was no turning back. Started seeing the connections of Hollywood and pedophilia. Then that just came back to the Jews. It was a rabbit hill that I am still swallowing. Then I started looking into communism and WW2. When I saw the atrocities of communism, I couldn't stand antifa and saw them as a disgrace to America. So then I had all these discoveries with no one to talk about it to and it was driving me insane. I then started to slowly redpill my family and friends. I discovered if you introduce it in portions then it's much more easy for them to swallow. Pizzagate redpilled so many of my liberal friends that it started to become easy. Now I have people posting redpilled memes that I thought were super liberal.
My conclusion.
Meme magic is real.
Keep it up lads.
Leaf here, when I was 18 I saw liberals vilifying conservatives left and right, so I decided to check out the conservative platform for myself. All I saw was things I agreed with, only to realize that the shit I've been fed in public schools and the media my whole life was a sham.
When I saw all the hypocritical Democrats who voted for the Iraq war suddenly turning on Bush and claiming he lied to get us into the war yet all the ranking Dems had access to the same intelligence he did.
Age. Was very liberal in my 20s, became somewhat conservative in my 30s. Happened over time, just saw too much pure bullshit from the left, but the more they embraced identity politics and outright socialism the more it drove me away.
Wait until you find out about the holocaust
Trump. I just about gave up on politics when I realized the Dems and Republicans were the same entity.
Everyone was blue-pilled at one time. Hell, everyone still is to some degree.
Yeah like when I was 18 I voted for Obama and was pretty liberal. I didn't vote in 2012 and I got redpilled during the Trayvon trial.
Turns out McMullen was /our guy/ all along.
I was "progressive" as hell. Read Marx, was anti-border, hung out with nothing but commies and anarchists, registered with one of the major US Socialist Parties, even did some field work for them and attended regular meetings. Can't quite put my finger on what changed, but a slow feeling of "I'm working for the wrong side" started to creep in. Sometime around 2011, I became HIGHLY disillusioned with the whole "intersectional" aspect of the left that crept in. The notion that some feminist slam poetry was somehow just as useful for the working class as direct action or union movement. Then, the increasingly "all or nothing" aspect of their ideology. If you weren't driving hard left and hating every aspect of white culture, actively working against your blood and your past, you were as good as a reactionary. The goalposts of what constituted a leftist kept being moved further and further. Eventually, I drifted away and became apolitical for a time. I noticed all my commie friends weren't really doing much of anything with themselves, and I got bored of the scene. Started to realize that Islam is not our friend, Western Culture is something to be proud of, and as a result, I am now an enemy of the left.
Started to read, a lot. Classic Greek works on civics all the way up to Evola and Spengler. Currently studying philosophy at a highly respected university, decided to re-enroll in school and actually make something of myself. Highly nationalist, supporter of my people, degeneracy free. No more drugs in squat houses and junkie friends, no more antifa goons, no more creeping pressure to hate myself and subvert my own existence for the benefit of people who will hate me regardless. I will no longer apologize for being who I am. Took a few years, but went from switchblades to helicopter blades. Also found God again in the process.
Feels righteous man.
I was. I moved to Wrigleyville "Boy's Town" in Chicago and had to be surrounded by faggots. Then I rode the train and realized that niggers are insufferable, subhuman animals.
I voted for Obama. I hated GWB and Cheney. I loved the Daily Show and Colbert. I had an account on the DailyKos. I had no fucking clue what the world was really like, so I thought we could all just get along and work together for a Star Trek future.
Then I spent a little time out in the world and realized that, holy fuck, faggots are mentally ill cancer, women are not like men, and that races are very different.
Once that started to sink in, I felt really bad, like there was something wrong with me. I knew it, but I couldn't believe it. Then I found Sup Forums and felt relieved that other people talked about this stuff openly and without shame. Then I learned more and more stuff.
I was 28 when I realized faggots were awful, and it's been a slow progression through the rest of the red pills. I am now 32.
>he thinks Trump is anti establishment
Good goy.
>he thinks pizzagate is real
Good goy.
Me, i once called a girl racist because she said that Obama had a "dark heart".
I began to change my views mainly because of the internet. I used to find fun in trolling fundamentalists and other traditionalists, then i realized that doing so was fucking encouraged, while trolling even .01% of the left's ideals was considered sacrilege. I found out through observation that you could possibly ruin the life of someone on the right and no body cared, but say something bad or call someone a "Nigger"? Then their would be a dedicated army of brainwashed idiots to come and try to murder you.
Really i jumped sides during the NSA scandal were Obama, despite claiming to be "the most transparent president" openly shilled for state surveillance, as well as seeing my family going "YEAH WELL, WE DON'T CARE AND WE ALWAYS KNOWN THAT WE WERE BEING SPIED ON!"
I honestly think Hitler was a plant that was financed by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers to pull of the hoax of the holocaust to create sympathy so the Holy Land was just handed to the Jews by the world leaders at the time. The holy land that my ancestors fought for centuries was just handed to ((them)) by using white nationalism to fabricate horrible atrocities as a way to sway future generations from becoming white nationalists.
I don't think Trump is anti establishment, I just know the establishment hates him because it's a liberal wasteland.
Pizzagate is real.
I went back to college and realized my generation had gone insane. I was slowly educating myself on shit, then I found Sup Forums. Eventually I realized that I'd always secretly believed a lot of what I consciously acknowledge now, but it had always lurked in the back of my mind on a subconscious level. Even when I was fully bluepilled, the worship of "victim" classes, the blind bashing of conservatism, and the general degeneracy all felt, on some level, alien and wrong.
Except no one gave a shit or gave any sympathy to Jews after WW2. Nothing was handed over either, they won it in battle with the Arabs who came to toss them into the sea.
I used to wear Obama sweaters & shit.
But I saw the Protest starting in Syria, and us arming "Rebels" which could be anyone.
Then I saw Syria turn to complete shit, completely destroyed & Libya, Lebanon completely fucked up.
Then I knew, Obama was here to cause more war than Bush did.
From then on I always rejected what he had to say & looked for the opposite.
Proud of you user
Just to expand on this, I realized on some level that the media caricatures of the right must be inaccurate, because there were simply too many intelligent people who were ideologically opposed to me. When I finally started listening, I realized why leftism had seemed so impossibly common-sensical: because its premises were based on lies.
I was born red pilled. Before I was born I signed a contract to bring humanity back. A change is coming for the betterment of our kind.
Jews were financed and it was because of sympathy for them after they were spread across Europe because of WW2.
Yep, me.
I just got more exposed to liberal bullshit IRL at school and then my workplace, and then I started to hate them. Then I think it was one of those anti-feminist youtube videos by Sargon back in the day that opened the floodgates and I did some actual reading up on things to find my own political acumen. Now I'm here.
I went from "authority hating Libertarian" to "as far right as you can go and still vaguely be referred to as a Libertarian." September and October of 2016 really pushed me towards Trump. The DNC leaks, the Clinton emails, the Clinton Foundation, the willful ignorance of the left, all of that shit. I started coming to Sup Forums about the same time. I didn't vote for Trump because at the time of the election, I still wasn't sure about him. But now, a month into office, I wish I did vote for Trump. The more divisiveness I see from the left, the more I believe the entire system should be demolished, and Trump seems to be doing everything he can to do that.
When I realized that white western countries tried egalitarianism, and decades later it devolved into minority ethnic groups (celebrated for shouting X power) organizing collectively, against whites collectively, who are denied that right themselves. That's a one way street.
>actual reading up on things
but all good modern literature is left wing
Thank you friend. Also, nice trips.
I was very much progressive until I was about 19. The questioning of fundamental underlying concepts of progressivism and the inability of myself or other progressive thinkers to answer them or even entertain them lead to me "redpilling" myself.
Mizzou protest and personal encounters with blm types
Grew up being indoctrinated into thinking that conservatives were the "bad" guys. Thanks to Sup Forums I know that they're /ourguys/
I'm a bit older, 37, I considered myself liberal/progressive earlier in life, but it eventually just became too much for me. It all started around the gay acceptance movement I think, when gays started getting marriage rights and that kind of thing.
Don't get me wrong, I don't really care about gays one way or the other, I'm not going to go out and assault gays, but I also don't think their degeneracy has a place in the public spotlight and the liberals forcing them into the spotlight is what opened the floodgates for all the other shit that followed.
At this point we're doomed. Too many liberals/progressives and politically correct losers that the other side has no chance in hell. It's taboo in many places to even criticize what they're doing and how society is shifting.
If I had to name the single biggest thing that pushed me away from the left it's that I felt political correctness was infringing on freedom of speech. I want the right to say anything I feel, even if my words are hurtful or cruel or mean-spirited. I consider myself a fairly nice guy, so I don't intend to run around hurting peoples feelings on a regular basis, but I want that RIGHT if I choose to exercise it and the left is making that more and more difficult.
I was a hardcore lefty. Protested Bush's wars and cried tears of joy when Obama was (s)elected and everything.
Then I watched Obama do basically everything Bush did that made me hate him while the left acted like everything was okily dokily.
Also, Ron Paul.
Our priorities must differ user.
I worked as a bouncer at a almost all black night club. Solved the problem real quick.
I got a job driving. When you're in your car 8 hours a day the radio gets old fast, so i started listening to talk radio as a lark. Then i saw the media spin machine in real time. Then I started listening seriously.
Oh yeah. That will strip your illusions in a hurry.
the only thing bernie was good for.
>Read Atlas Shrugged
>Started listening to am radio Rush Limbaugh
Been here since 2011 and im still hate the national socialist nazi fags on here. Yet i still believe the white race superior, but i dont want to gas kikes or kill niggers. I think society should allow survival of the fittest and the poor and neets should die off through capitalism.No welfare
I just of tired of hating my race and being blamed for shitskins subhumaness
read the ego and its own
Almost let myself get cucked
I swallowed red pill after red pill and now here I am
I agree with first part of ur statement.
>"will never be happy"
That's part of the bluepill indoctrination so common in western society today.
Consider it in a mathematical sense: If the axiom of your mathematics dictates that arithmatic has no such thing as fractions, it becomes nearly impossible to solve basic formulas. If your arithmetic has no multiplication function then you're stuck going 2+2+2+2 = 8 instead of 4*2 = 8. What you think, what you see, is constrained and controlled by the axioms of the system you use.
It can be incredibly difficult to break from that because you don't even realize the axioms exist in the first place, it's ingrained in you from birth and simply accepted as 'reality'. The redpill is honestly, that understanding/questioning process - where you start exploring the axiomatic beliefs that make up your reality and your ideology. Then you see that other guy multiplying shit instead of adding it together in a series like you've always been doing, and your mind is fucking blown. How the fuck could you have believed the way you did it before was the best or only way?
That's the redpill. Question your axiomatic beliefs, then come to the realization you've been lied to this entire time.
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>muh everything is a spook
Stirners selfish nihilism wouldn't bug me so much if it wasn't the reason that it's become so easy these days for the liberals to take bloody axe swings at the base of western civilization. Indifference and lethargy is the reason globalists are winning.
I am 27 and more successful than you will ever be.
The first paragraph was basically me
The realization that I was on the "wrong side" was when I was attending UC Berkeley and my sociology professor was trying to convince us that Obama was essentially a neocon (that's how extreme she was).
I think you make a good point here. All the smug, mainstream sudo 'intellectuals' opposed my more Christian upbringing. It never sat well with me. I finally became 100% red pilled when I learned how quickly Canada was importing 3rd world immigrants to offset 400 years of European civilizational expansion of Canada, arguably one of the best countries in the world.
pretty much this
they got really explicit about it during the election, no clue how I didn't see it before
Public schooling in the Western world will do that to you
I was never committed blue-pilled, but I was really unaware there was a different way than it.
At school we learnt about and discussed poor African and Latin American countries. Not even a single word in the books hinted that any problem they had could be traced to bad decisions by the people living there. Not a single word spoken by a teacher or in the classroom hinted that the people in tribal-warfare countries did anything wrong. It was all a product of the West, capitalism, imperialism. To even HINT or THINK differently was to have the screaming skull of racism gaping in your face.
I noticed how very many people hated America, mocked and ridiculed them, how we warned against "American conditions". I noticed that there was a discrepancy between the loud hostility to the US and how you could not even hint that famine in Nigeria was caused by people too dysfunctional to do basic farming.
I went to a leftist multicultural conference where someone presented some arguments and numbers that obviously made no sense at all. I asked about them. The young hip lecturer with his sleeveless shirt looked at me pissed-off and said "Well, we assumed that (a blatantly enormously ridiculous assumption, on the level of assuming all people die at the age of 50)".
For this I became their enemy basically, they would rather knowingly embrace ridiculous claims based on obviously wrong numbers because it fit their desires.
This is great. Many people build their identities on pillars of lies and they cant even comorehend this. "Giving money to poor people always helps" is just one of many "common sense" truths of liberalism that get blown to dust when you look into the science of human nature.
The descriptors "Conservative" or "Liberal" have implications that there is a standard of morality or commonly held notions which define the views of the ideology. The descriptor of "progressive" has the implication that progress needs to be made, without saying how, where, and for what reasons. While progress will happen naturally as new problems arise in society, the fact that every aspect of society would always need to be progressed means that there is an extremely weak or nonexistent base of fundamental values which progressives can build off of.
In constructing a pyramid, if you always second guess your measurements of the base, you will never reach the top.
I definitely became more concerned when I realized just how heavy the holocaust indoctrination and guilt push is in schools, literally in middle school learning more about the holocaust than my own countries history
>get forced to read books about holocaust and write poems about jews and be taught jewish customs
>talking tough on the internet
I was a democrat in college. Nothing will make you realize liberals are fucking idiots like hanging around them.
"Obama is a neocon" is actually a great place to start redpilling leftists
No, I was raised well.
I will say that I was a cuckservative before I started reading books on economics and found Sup Forums. Now I'm a right winged libertarian.
A combo of three things
I learned what the "T" in LGBT meant, and thought it was insane.
I realized the hypocrisy I had noticed in the school system was mainly related to progressive ideas
I had an argument with my entire class about Affirmative Action after being informed of what it, and realized that progressives just want to give black people free shit.
I started watching videos about feminism.
That's about all folks, peace out.
Holy shit, this is so identical to my experience that I could've typed it...
"muh holocaust" is as much about demonizing traditionalism and rightwing populism as anything
I noticed the disparity between cultural taboos of Nazism vs other genocidal/mass murdering regimes pretty young (during the "Bush is Hitler!" years) and saw it for the bullshit it was
when you hear someone shout "fascist" you can near guarantee they're a commie of some flavor
Haha, the red line is the red pill. I had a sociology professor who assigned us ask the task of taking every CTA train line to the ends and back.
He created a few racists with that assignment.
This. I used to be a bleeding heart liberal a couple years ago. The amount of denial I was in is disturbing.
Once I looked into actual facts and figures with an open mind I knew there was no going back. I now consider myself to be a proud conservative. I never thought in a million years I would ever say those words.
affirmative action isn't merely giving blacks free shit, it's getting black votes and disenfranchising whites - who are more difficult to manipulate and control
blacks don't form unions, for example
supposedly hitlers father was in an affair with a servant of the rothschilds who was also involved with a rothschild or something idk read the 2nd half of this
expanding on this:
stormneets love the holohoax mythology, and maybe they're right. but normies ain't gonna have it any time soon
There's a much more transparent aim of Naziphobia, which is to prevent the American middle class from forming coalitions with capitalists. Liberals are allergic to strong right wing coalitions, and they'll cry Hitler every single time they see anyone remotely rightwing appeal to the scary white populous
I'm an immigrant from one of the ex-soviet republics so I was raised with very conservative values. We immigrated to leafland when I was 12, and I was immediately subjected to a barrage marxism. I resisted very well but the years took their toll so I slowly started to despise faggots less. Then the identity politics started being shoved down the people's throats and I embraced my conservative upbringing with full force, being slightly ashamed of myself for taking a few steps away from it.
Me, I was full blown antifa at one point. I became a business owner and that redpilled the shit out of me. I'm still not racist or anti jew so I guess I'm not that redpilled but I'm a registered Republican now and a gun owner.
Also, exploiting people with empathy.
Most people feel empathy. So you control them by parading endless dead Jews in front of them.
You must do X, think of the dead Jews!
You must not do Y, think of the dead Jews!
Dead Jews, dead Jews! You must vote for A and not B because let the images of the dead Jews we have shown you fill your mind!
It's a tell that they've been run through common core. They tell you that Hitler was the worst guy ever and is the pinnacle of evil, yet people like Mao went unmentioned. Glad I went homeschooled route after that.
which republic? is the cultural conservative from the soviet or post-soviet era?
The discussion moved from "Is Affirmative Action good?" to "What do we owe Black People?"
I said "nothing", and I saw an entire class of people I thought were reasonable turn into a fucking lynch mob that repeatedly screamed "RACIST!"
Used to be a massive lefty in highschool, believed everything I was told, but honestly growing up in the Bush years it was very hard not to lean that way. Fucker allowed the Patriot Act to come in and that was probably my first step to being mildly redpilled.
Then for a few years starting around 2010 I dropped off the earth to be a neet commission artist and stopped paying attention to the news and began doubting shit in the back of my mind because the provincial government here was shitting on the middle and lower classes so hard. Then around the beginning of 2015 when the election cycle started, I questioned the shit out of everything actively, and ended up flipping 80% of my political beliefs just because the left had been so completely corrupted from what it used to be. Used to be about genuine free speech and protecting citizens from the religious right and instead now it's trying to limit speech and expression in addition to giving protections to muslims.
Shit's fucked. Nobody left to vote for in this country either since I also woke the fuck up to the immigrant problem when I tried entering the workforce and got denied prmotion after promotion because the hiring manager who was brown would only hire or promote other brown guys. When me and 3 of my friends all got shafted a month before the US elections I think that was the last straw and now I'm going to my local anti-fa demonstrations decked out in leather and a ballistic mask to start shit.
>What happened that changed your political views?
The left started pushing for more gun control, and I was a "pro-gun leftist".
>When did you change them?
Around the time Bernie Sanders lost the primaries and sold out to Hillary.
It seems this election changed a lot of peoples minds on their political ideologies.
This. I always considered the right to be automatically bad and wrong. I had no idea the amount of brainwashing a lifetime of leftist media had on me.
Also, you heard it here first:
As the Lollercaust becomes further away in time, they will find new methods to use it. They must keep the images of dead Jews alive but it's harder the further back it was, so they must use stronger means.
I predict some kind of Virtual Reality dead-Jewsing will be incorporated into the school system at a young age. They will try to make the experience as impactful as possible. You heard it here first.
definitely--I think a few people have sorted left as well, but their coalition is way, way less attractive at this point and they're not getting nearly the same advantage from the realignment
Trump has major personal problems, but the "Trump movement" is far more aligned with what "Americans really think" and the left will keep alienated themselves by attacking the man, rather than building anything worthwhile
...which is part of Trump's genius. He's the sacrificial lamb that will keep the left devolving into a dumpster fire and pushing people out
It was a combo of blacklivesmatter, the 2015 migrant invasion of Europe and the SJW anti-white anti male shit. If either BLM or the migrant invasion hadn't happened I think I would have been with her.
there's no such thing as "conservative" or "liberal".
you're either mind-controlled by the kikes or you're not.
I think Millennials will be the first turning point on this, a generation of kids (most my friends, even the liberals) who believe in the holocaust, but think it's silly to keep talking to it
Gen Z will probably go along with the whole thing, but I think shit is changing under the surface and the conditioning will be broken
This is just phase 1
Yeah. Your sociology professor, even if by accident, was actually correct. In many respects, Obama was a model neocon without any of the baggage that comes from having an (R) next to his name.
It's conservative mainly from the Soviet era, however based on what I hear from the friends back there I keep in touch with it's still relatively conservative. There is some degeneracy, but not too much. Faggots are despised, and club girls aren't sluts. It's not bad. It would be a decent country if it wasn't extremely corrupt.
2012's Quebec student protests. I can only handle so much "gimme gimme" bullshit activism before figuring out it's nothing else then a reason for unpopular uglies to vent their pent up aggression and complain with no solution whatsoever to propose.
Lost a few friends, for the better.
>Considered voting for Bernie
>Thought welfare was good
>Imagined all homeless people to be white men thus sympathized with them
>Laughed about "racist" grandpa with siblings
>Actually talked with grandpa, realized he wasn't racist just disliked terrorists and lazy people and welfare leeches
>Considered myself a moderate for a while, hate hillary know of all the things she's done would never vote for her
>But don't want trump either because he's "just as bad"
>Bernie says he wants america to be sweden 2.0
>Have family in Sweden so I know how it is
>Decide to vote for trump
>Go to 8/pol/ to ask about the holocaust
>get majorly redpilled, get called shill but I was just taking it all in and accepting what I'd suspected for a while
>Start reading every holocaust revisionist book I can find plus all documentaries
>But think most blacks are still okay
>Also think gays are okay
>wife introduces me to Charles Murray, we watch some of his lectures, she tells me to read the bell curve
>I do
>At the same time begin working with a nigger
>Begin to hate niggers
>Read up on homosexuality and the signs pointing toward it being a mental disorder akin to pedophilia
>No longer think fags are okay or should just be left alone
>Start listening to TDS
>Change views on welfare, become white nationalist, gladly vote trump
>All aboard the trump train
>Disagree with him on some issues like blacks (think he's too easy on them), etc, but otherwise he's the best option and fun to watch
>Still evolving every day, began to read philosophy of all views to develop way of thinking
Over all I'd say yes, fairly. Never feminist or SJW level, but average middle class white viewpoint that's shifted pretty strongly.
This. How anyone can be leftist after Mizzou it's insane.
Pretending to be part of pol. Well Shariablue shill I have to say you maybe catching on, however I can small a shill 10 miles away. You may act like this, but in the end it will consume you. Believe me. I seen it happen so many times. First it is pretending to be red pilled. Second stage is you get yourself very deep and accidentally redpill yourself. Third stage, you start believing what pol has to offer and start showing a little power level. Fourth, you are consumed by it and depression settles in and you have no one to talk to after seeing the light. Fifth stage, you are fully red pilled. From some one who was an old Tea party member. Once you step into the void it is hard to get out.
It started with investigating why exactly women didn't share any of the Catholic values I was raised with...
And down the rabbit hole I went.
>fake news
nice catch
i was never a progressive. i guess the only thing i flipped on was the environment. to say we don't affect the environment is retarded. we do. the issue i have is that by shutting down our industry and sending it to china isn't solving anything. we're just moving it to another country. you can see china's smog from fucking space and they dump upwards of 40,000,000,000 pounds of plastic waste into the ocean. so what is this really about then? we aren't doing shit for the environment. the only thing we're doing is committing economic suicide while the chinese flourish. i'm not saying we should turn into a polluted shit hole like china, but we can still keep industry here and be responsible about it unlike the fucking chinks