We all bitch about how modern women are no-good whores but is it at all possible to reverse this trend...

We all bitch about how modern women are no-good whores but is it at all possible to reverse this trend? Women will never be satisfied because they are bombarded with constant messages in the media like everyone else that they may not be satisfied. This is dangerous in the hands of emotionally weak women. Is it time to watch it all fall to pieces or can we stop the media from destroying proper society?

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Stop believing neck beards online. Unleash your inner Chad.

It's over.
That ship is sinking, we can only hope to push the women and children out of the way and get our selves on the lifeboat.

I dont want a whore friendo. This modern society of degeneracy has always disgusted me. Love isn't about casual sex to me. I think that is lost among most people today.

Nice Slide thread CIA fag

When degeneracy floods a society there is usually a "restart" for lack of a better term. Usually brought out by war, revolution, collapse of a nation, etc etc.
Just be ready friendo

Just fuck them and leave, its literally a swipe left to fuck game. marriage is dead so get your pussy and leave.

It's the double edged sword of capitalism and individualism. Capitalism does not discriminate, the market that buds as profitable is chosen as the future. Female sex appeal has become a commodity; polarizing men and women allows you to sell to both sides, to do this you need women to independently have money Interestingly enough, most women are raised to believe they are larger than their instinctual sex appeal, as they should be; however, women grow older, become bombarded with pro-sex mantra then upon joining the workforce, spend much of their money increasing sex appeal. Like cows to the slaughter. This timeline is only being strengthen by the rise of the information age which saturates a social circle and bring back the animalistic need for status.

Capitalism and the resulting legislation set by the west is completely based on treating everyone as the individual, thus individualism and personal self-actualization is everyone's goal. Men have had this for awhile and are naturally more mature to see it as a mode of success, every guy goes through a sense of being young and free but with close regard to their future and ability to provide as a key to "success" which to them means a sense of purpose and fulfillment, ultimately leading to happiness and a family/companionship. Women see success as a means to status and desire, and as a way to become "valuable" outside of their sex appeal. Think of how dating works now.

Individualism and capitalism are perfectly fine when oriented towards men and softly towards women. I do believe women need a sense of selfworth outside of sex appeal or affairs will be rampant (see China and eastern asian culture for an example). The only true way to achieve this is via fascism, for awhile America had a guise for fascism blended with the concept of individualism as called the "American Dream."

But I want a waifu that will be faithful and have my kids dammit

This. At this point the degeneracy is too far gone. I feel that a full reversal (not just buying time) can only be accomplished by a major revolution or war. Of which I might not even survive... feels bad man.

I think the first step would be for /r9k/ faggots to get the fuck off of Sup Forums and blaming their failures with women on society or those pesky niggers/minorities.

Second would be realizing that men are sure as hell not perfect, we do pretty shitty stuff too at times to decent women that turns them into the whores we whine about so much. It's a vicious cycle.

Third would be not being a bitch and giving into despair so easily. Yes the majority of people in the world are shitty and flawed, big fuckin surprise there. If you're expecting a perfect mate you're going to be highly dissapointed. It's about picking and choosing what traits and quirks you absolutely must have and being able to compromise on the rest

t.guy who grew up being a mysoginistic asshole but has now finally tied the knot to a girl I geniunely found worth it for the past 4 years

Nah no way. It peaked in 2015 and is actually on the decline now. I mean think about it we just kicked trannies out of the little girls room finally.

>We all bitch about how modern women are no-good whores but is it at all possible to reverse this trend?
Ya. Get a job and be self sufficient. They will be damn near knocking down your door to get you to make them a baby.

We are an animal that proves to potential mates that you can achieve without them. Deep down they know they are only good for making babies.

Keeping one that is worthwhile without getting the court-ordered child support is another issue entirely. You need to understand compromise.

>t: 15 years married.

My wife is very based. She was never any feminazi.

I got a young friend in his early 20s. The shit women do when you are not fully self supporting is insane. You are just another ride on the cock carousel.

You get much better choices when they see that you have good credit. Cars are irrelevant. Cars only impress cheap and shallow women. Having a car is good enough.

Better yourself, and get better potential mates....Don't settle for damaged goods either. If you can support yourself, you can afford to hold out for a worthwhile woman. Stay away from the expensive ones. Most are looking for a free ride. If they fuck on the first date, they are not worthwhile.

i think the actual answer to this has to do with Jews and erasing their toxic influence on our culture

sadly this is too big of a red pill for most people to swallow and the problem will remain

>Women are bad
>b-but men are bad too!
Fuck off

I know but thats exactly my point, I feel like we are buying time at best. We would need something major if we were to see a substantial movement toward traditional values. Hell look at how homosexuality is praised in this country, and legally it would be a daunting task repealing all the legislature behind it.

>think about it we just kicked trannies out of the little girls room finally
How long until a Dem comes along and reverses it for the sake of nondiscrimination? Anything Trump does now is band aiding a wound that has festered and been infected.
It must be cut out

Literally every single person on this board, and hell on this planet, has something they can improve upon as a person. We are born into sin and the least we can do is live a life worthy of god's teachings

The fact that 90% of Sup Forums thinks they are worthy of some pure virgin intelligent bombshell who lusts for them and only them is laughable when they are assuredly far from being the kind of man that would attract someone like that.

Im aware and I am not disagreeing, I sure as hell have been working hard these last few months to work on myself.
I just hate that in these conversations theres always some faggot saying "yeah women suck, but so do men so get used to it"
Its such a shitty argument

>is it at all possible to reverse this trend?
I can't believe I'm saying this, but Islam.

I'm not even a sandnigger, I fucking hate the ideology, but tell me, where else can you find feminists doing something like this:


Literally segregating themselves willingly and prostrating themselves before a patriarchal, Abrahamic religion, completely voluntarily

I mean it's like something out of a bizarro wacky parallel universe

Go make a better society you whiners, surround your self with good people, women want a confident knowledgeable man, I am all for taking the red pill but stop obsessing over abstract generalities of life and go create the life you want pussies, women want a man to tell them how it is, so tell them what you think and don't apologize and go make babies and then tell them how it is you fucking cucks

A good war can end all of this. Look at what the US Civil War did to transcendentalism. Shit got too real and they abandoned hippie shit. If war ever came to our soil or emerged in Europe, it'll be a hard reset when there's actual hardship and oppression for people to face.

Our generation is fucked. Our only hope is that this next generation of women is raised to respect men, eachother and themselves. Given female nature i hypergamy i'd say that's unlikely, but again - we are already fucked.

>tfw all i wanted was someone to love me as much as i love them

You are naive

We need to change divorce laws and family court before anything else.