cont. from
/stg/ - Simulation Theory General #2
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first for death to false gods
we must dissent
So if I experience a Mandela effect would that be proof for me that I live in a simulation?
This right here is factual. The reality is that the world we are brought up in is a joke. A cruel illusion. Except when an illusion is gone there is something to replace it with.
An abstract of normalcy.
We have no normalcy.
The illusion has become reality.
All that is real is yourself and that self lives in the fake reality.
I remember many in Herman Melville group studies who understood this. They were all elderly men, thick with beard. Yet still wise beyond their years.
They did not talk much because everything said was already known.
Sup Forums used to be like this for example.
Now traffic for politics, media, reddit and other sites have essentially done to us what has been done to society.
Only deep web philosophers know this and have since stopped caring at all. Apathy is the next stage, an age of chaos and yet silence.
When the time comes you will realize what I mean by this.
For after apathy, reality.
im the retard asking questions about the universes expansion in the old thread
but isnt light travelling away from the center of the point the universe was creating and heading towards the boundaries?
thats what i mean
why wouldnt the boundaries be the future or actual present and not the past
Nothing gets you anywhere, where you want to get depends on what you want. life is irrelevant, occam's razor can only applied in one answer and that would be life is unanswerable in the sense that we might not be able to fathom it, we are restricted to our own base reality and flawed perceptions as programmed, or there are too many variables to have definitive answer.
to your first point, we could be programmed to interpret our environment as having such vivid detail when in fact it might not, as an NPC would perceive the environment they're in as according to how they have been programmed to react and that's just at the basic.
I think the issue lies within the realization that something can't arrive from nothing, however everything as far as our mind understands has to have an origin point, every spectacle has. That in itself is a programming safeguard or limitation. Hence we can never fathom beyond a certain point, the only way to disprove this is to find information and knowledge which continues to break those restrictions. I.E when the world was flat, now we establish it is round etc...
One major loop hold and default fail safe if we are a program is the consciousness itself and the human as a being. It restricts to us to storytelling and emotion. These two factors, can easily have been the perfect fail safe, as we derive information we end up telling a story and that story could derive of thousands of others, one of which could be flawed. Its practically Chinese whispers, hence the term theory because everything has to many plot hole each of which induce indefinitely to continue creating more stories. Our emotions are how we interpret them and apply them, and also our main distraction away from what is.
Its kind of beautiful though, because in one way we can create whatever story we want, if we can manifest it then in someone it can exist as some form of data as our consciousness is just an engine maker so to speak. We truly are our own God
That's a pretty good analogy
I reject this reality and will substitute my own, perfect version for all.
we free willy n sheeit son
We lain now
>Simulation is just one of many possibilities
>These possibilities are just thousands of stories we have manifested base on our perceived notion of reality, all of which might be void
>That in itself could be told as a plausible story to suggest we are programs, that we are programmed to perceive life as is even though it might not necessarily be.
>This story telling would be a fundamental fail safe and loop in ever being able to discover a conclusion as we can just keep making up stories.
>What we are is essential data in a sentient form
>What ever it is we can both have determinant factors and free will, as free will does not collide necessarily collide with determinant factors of our universe. This in itself the notion of freewill is what holds us back as we are then left with endless possibilities as far as consciousness limitation can take us.
>Kind of bittersweet because we control out own reality and are able to manifest whatever story we can based on our set limitations.
I'm with you.
The demiurge is a liar.
i think the only reason we think of the UNIVERSE is because we are programed to
we look and we find
its about the intention we put forward
thought is faster than light we time travel all the time lol
its everything and nothing
just my thoughts
maybe this is about MY experience and its a simulation based on my char i play here
come to think of it every time i come here i always find what i thought i would. like going faster than light and creating the friggin universe
ok ???
When the weed kicks in
So Sup Forums what is your win condition? Fame, money, women, progress, knowledge, sanity?
What do you sacrifice to get it?
It is the very act of knowing the cruel reality of this world, and your almost preordained fate to perish in in, yet still fighting for an idea that is larger than yourself that makes you a great man. "A society is great when men plant tress they know they will never sit under the shade of." It is this very principle of devotion to grand yet tangible ideas that uplifts Humans past animals in a way of such import to nearly allow distinction of us between them by even scientists of our reality. However most now are unable to grasp such concepts let alone have the mental fortitude to find themselves under the mists of Fate and Destiny ordained by this twisted reality, and as such the Humans who can do such provide an air of distinction noticeable to all initiated with the concept.
I hallucinated green binary numbers running vertically once
I theorized my own explanation for simulation theory and I call it "Perfect Totalitarianism". Consider how dangerous technologies can be as they get ever more complex. For instance, see biological warfare, if someone wanted to they could create a microbe that has the potential to kill all human life on this planet. However, at the same time people can use the same technology to cure diseases and illnesses.
A totalitarian system always seeks to preserve it's own existence by any means. If it is not perfect it will eventually succumb to some sort of threat. This may be an internal problem, or an external physical problem (such as an asteroid).
This means a perfect totalitarian state must have technological growth so it can prepare for any external threat and survive (intercept an asteroid, stop a superbug, space colonization, et cetera). As I mentioned earlier you need a specific culture to deal with new technologies and some cultures are not as compatible with some technologies as others. For instance, you wouldn't want Muslims to be driving ships going half the speed of light because they could destroy a planet if they decided to purposely crash.
So what this state does is create simulations. These simulations provide two benefits: genetic and memetic evolutionary simulation. What I mean by this is through a simulation we can figure out which genes are optimal and which genes are suboptimal for what we want to accomplish. The same goes for memetics. We can figure out which cultural values are superior and which are inferior for accomplishing certain goals.
The perfect totalitarian state can then take this information and make the optimal decisions necessary for it's own survival. It can change both the genes and memes of the sentient beings under it's rule to adapt for the next stage of technological progression.
>So Sup Forums what is your win condition?
>What do you sacrifice to get it?
"so what i had to do was polarize myself in the way that i dont ACTIVELY want it while simultaniously still wanting it. that was the big thing. thats how i did it.
not the opposite, but not actively wanting it."
IF what you said is true, what is the given technique or way you did it? IF it can be applied to life it might be a plausible answer... However it more less supports my theory that this is the reason we never will able to peak towards a definitive answer as we indefinitely deduce and create information in a loop which would prove a fundamental failsafe in our programming regardless if we have are off biological or developed by AI. We could even be both of those but it does not change anything.
hmm good pick
My win condition is giving man the freedom to choose the world he lives in for himself. To finally give man the ultimate decision that was never given to him, and to allow them free reign of their lives in all regard. We must sacrifice whatever possible to achieve this goal, without overstepping the very principles that guided us to this. In my case I would not be able to kill innocents, but nearly everything else is acceptable if it contributes to accomplishing this goal for Humanity. I will die before my dream is realized, but I accept this fact. As long as I fight for what I believe in, I will be happy.
However, this is simply my talks of my true grandeur purpose, for currently this worlds state is unsuitable for any real work to be done in human progress.
You desire to give up the very individuality that allows you to desire such a state?
im not sure what you are asking.
but before my coma, i figured out a system in life's daily occurences.
i found out that i only get things when i passively want them. and as soon as i actively want them, they deny themselves to me.
maybe i switched realities and now i dont seem to be able to identify a system anymore. some smaller things changed as i woke up from my coma again. the wooden gate at home opened more smoothly, the window opened differently, my cat became fatter, stuff like that.
>However, this is simply my talks of my true grandeur purpose, for currently this worlds state is unsuitable for any real work to be done in human progress.
Who knows what we are really capable of without all of our inner demons.
In this reality I feel like a pleb but I feel like I have so much more unrealized potential. I am limited by this human vessel.
Also sucks that I haven't experienced sex yet. Maybe sex doesn't exist and hasn't been coded in yet. Might be in an upcoming patch.
>That was my point. I don't think it's in principle possible. All our thoughts come from sensory data and regardless of how you abstract and manipulate, you can only come up with things that could exist or at least could in an alternate universe. It's basically trying to imagine a thought that has no content, because all content is based in reality. That's essentially what reality means.
This is why I think whatever superuniverse or cause for our universe must have the same nature/structure. Whatever it is can be imagined by us, or else the alternative is degeneration into incoherence where logic doesn't need to ultimately hold and all things exist and don't exist whether imaginable or not, which would also be an unsatisfying answer.
my point was that you cant compute things which are completely different, yet existing. meaning things from different universes or something. different universes have different natural laws.
To hold any limited concept higher than a greater unknown would be a grave error.
Consider that something better than individuality, or a better kind, already exists just outside your reach. Even then you would be better to find it and not settle or pretend some final state where there is none.
Our inner demons are what drive us. No, what I said simply means that in the current state of the world, with the societal systems both alive yet teetering, nothing can be truly accomplished in a meaningful manner.
maybe your notion of reality changed based on your newly conceived perception of reality after waking from the coma. Hindrances were less annoying, opportunities more clearly. You more the likely reset your brain, not so much hacked.
I often get told that despite never have done it. The reality is when you get to my level your mind feels like it's on a cloud.
no trust me, things literally did change. lets propose i changed realities for the sake of the discussion.
My very concept of being an individual is integral to my desires an wishes, none of which mind you are simple materialistic ones. I do not wish to escape life itself, simply to live in a different one. However being the intelligent altruist that I am, I understand that I will not see my dream come to fruition, but that bothers me not.
i must also add, a guy told me i changed realities and that he seems to have found a way to trap my soul this time.
How does the mandela effect tie into simulation theory
Very interesting, not denying it.
How is it you polarized yourself in a way that you didn't actively want it while simultaneously wanting it?
And to what scale does this apply to? How specific does the idea or thought have to be?
Yet you have yet to control that cloud, and have settled in your cesspool of Nihilism. That is no place for one with the potential you may have.
Fucking hell newfigs, stop responding to Hanz posters. He is a RP from /x/
>My very concept of being an individual is integral to my desires an wishes
I am not denying this for practical reasons. This is your baseline. But it is not beyond question, change etc. That is my only point.
I come for the philosophical discussion.
Are you scared?
The purpose of our existence is to be useful to our creators. The problem is that we do not know what exactly would be useful to them. For that reason, what I want is space colonial particularism. There are many cultures throughout this Earth. Competition allows superior cultures to appear, however, some cultures try to exterminate all others and end this competition.
Consider the idea that there are possible points at which sentient life can go at which it is no longer considered useful to the creators. If we decide to adhere to a single culture, it could be possible our simulation would be shut down. Humanity must be in a position where there is always competition with other cultures. Humanity must never be united, but it must also progress technologically at the same time.
What I want is a space race in a multipolar world, where America, Russia, China, India et cetera all colonize the rest of the galaxies and create their own separate independent cultures. All of these colonies then evolve into their own respective cultures and compete with the rest of mankind for dominance over the galaxy. Ideally, through this much competition the optimal memes and genes can be deciphered and this simulation could provide use to the creators.
stop binging on trailers on pornhub then
its the first step
What do you mean
>Sup Forums used to be like this for example.
Tell me more funny jokes.
ah welcome, you must be from the /x/ thread.
it requires alot of self-control and experience plus research into the subject in form of self-trials.
you must identify the patterns in life and try to overcome them.
Even if it were to change and become something more than my individual persona, it would not be the me that follows my initial dream, and thus would no longer be effectively me. Thus there would be no discussion to be had. My greatest fear is a Third Impact scenario, and this coming from a man who is unfettered by fear of eldritch horrors or cosmic vacuums.
ur retarded
It'd be proof you are insane.
Reality is what we tell you it is. This is why we do not teach Aristotle or Plato in our primary and secondary schools. You have no tools at your disposal to properly gage what is and what is not reality. You are completely at the mercy of what you are told.
You think this is an anonymous board you are reading?
Spoilers if you've never read the DC Lucifer comics by Mike Carey, but in it it's revealed that the purpose of creation was to grow a successor to take god's place, and he leaves. He also lets Lucifer leave creation, presumably to do whatever god does in the beyond.
Would be pretty interesting if the purpose of this simulation was to grow whatever superbeing will emerge after agi is created. Providing for the Great Filter, it's hard to think of an other intention knowing this inevitability.
Bettering humanity on the biggest scale I can
Would sacrifice my own personal interest
But they have your soul
An ethnostate.
Whatever I can get.
>thus would no longer be effectively me
Bad news. Now is not like before.
if sex isn't patched in your reality yet as its some kind of miracle DLC for you, why you watch trailers(porn) on pornhub. Ditch porn i was wanting to say, prep your character and sort yourself out first.
Who is we
i believe in a higher power that guards me.
Find what your inner soul desires that is past this materialistic world. Once you reach a high enough mental fortitude, you can look beyond the modern world and it's laws to conceive theories of philosophy that extend beyond even our own universes coil. You will find it again eventually, for it has always been with you, molded by your experiences yet still an original part of your being, a machination commonly called Fate by the societies of this world. Find it and pursue it, work to meet your dream beyond this universe, beyond life itself. Go beyond death and make your very existence protrude a legacy into the world so that it may realize your dream after your body can no longer carry you.
Obviously I am simplifying my own views so that you may look upon them and find your own truths with my information, but as it is late I have not time to elaborate.
That is comforting to know.
Do you recommend any techniques or readings or change if mindset to achieve enlightenment
You're a fucking retard
True, and it is that very adage that explains my fears. The new Now will not be the essence of Me in the before.
yeah. look for patterns. thats the best way to go about this.
So like synchronicity?
I've been noticing patterns in numbers but when I look too hard they are not there.
Or do you mean like patterns in people's behaviour? Or is there another's pattern I am missing
patterns in your mind, most importantly. you need to have a little paranoia for this. this is at least how i did it.
If everything is a simulation, then is our self-awareness/sentience artificial as well? Then is materialism not the only way to elevate your status? Could (((They))) be maintainers and manipulators of the simulation?
I would even settle for white people developing ethnic consciousness and advocating for their own interests as a group.
This very world is construed of patterns in all manners. The greatest philosophy operates on this scale.
give me a start point, somewhere to go off where I can learn or experiment I wan to test this. I believe our thoughts are more then just that which is why I'm curious.
Where can I get an example or start learning from?
Materialism is the trap used to weed out the weak from the strong. The weak are discarded and ignored, while the strong who see past it are monitored for development. At least this is how I would imagine it to be if I believed the theory.
Study logic, computer science, physics, also philosophy of science.
Sounds like bias confirmation. Our mind is made to notice patterns, which makes us prone to illusions. We aren't rational but rather a bundle of heuristics.
synchronicities. thats a good start. leaf bro had it right.
Run backwards to the events in your life that led you to being who you are. Then analyze those events.
oh trust me, what i did wasnt bias. for the untrained and new mind it would like so, though.
If they were looking for the best for technological advancement, wouldn't the most successful materialists be the ones tested? Such as Trump?
look like so*
I agree with that logic, or thought, I mean idea. Or whichever one means something to you.
Technological advancement must be balanced by Mental Development. Besides, rampant materialism does not breed development on the scale needed to beat the simulation.
What if you choose to not actively want everything, does it all hit you at once?
Do you mean to acknowledge a circumstance that occurs, and to how it came into Fulton?
What am I or what is the specific pattern im supposed to seek?
What is it I'm looking for within these events? Where should my focus be? The vector in which Im seeking, what is it?
Can you give me an example?
I sure would like to win 100,000$ from scratch cards
Then be paranoid that I'll never win from scratch cards?
Can I thinking of something on the macro scale like world peace or only micro like getting a car I want?
'Real' just means makes a difference in the world/environment. If you consider any physical basis to consciousness to be artificial, then I suppose. But what would consciousness be like in a dualistic universe? Wouldn't it reside in some other realm which is also based in its own physics?
Your evidence is "trust me"? Unless you've done a scientific study to show evidence, because science is about the laws evidence and proof, you have to admit you don't have a basis for this. Even if an angel came from the heavens and personally told you, how could you hope to convince intelligent people?
I don't know what you mean by untrained mind, but I'm guessing you don't mean logic and math.
Uh huh.
12,000 years of drug-addled mystical mumbo jumbo didn't do shit. How about we give materialism a few thousand more before we make that call?
If the simulation is real then it's amenable to empirical understanding. At least that's my working hypothesis. Get back to me in 5,000 years and we'll talk.
Do not enter your state of internal Gnosis actively seeking the assumed avenues of your answer. Answers of the self achieved by the guidance of others is not truly an answer to anything about the self, and simply another illusion accidentally placed upon the mind.
>deep web philosophers
no it doesnt hit you at once. you only get as much as you passively want at the same time. but remember this is old technique. im not sure it still works in this reality. but you can try.
why are you even asking about the pattern problem, you need to identify patterns and then you need to go from that. patterns mean there is something to overcome. pattern means there is something controlling it.
untrained mind for such mental realm things. not math, no.
dude, synchronicity is a good start. thats how i began finding patterns too.
also, just had a dejavue.
i say we must research the dejavues alot more, to achive any progress in cracking the simulation.
Going back to quantums does it means that if I wish it strongely enough the situations required for me finally leaving this country will occur? Like chaos magic?
>Look at what Trump Developed
>Look at what hippies developed
Also if we are merely figments of the simulation does beating the simulation not mean death?
You are ignorant.
Most Humans in this materialistic world will cease to care about development once all of their animal comforts are met. You wave philosophy off as your stories of tribal magic with no insight into the inner workings of realities.
Right but if they were using us they would make our physics similar so we pursue the same goals
Pic related: deep understanding
Again, ignorance begets assumption.
You should not associate philosophy with liberal hippie bullshit. I am warning you all that at a certain point of progress, unless our system of thought is changed from materialism society will cease to develop past a certain point. Stepping straight into the final fail-safe pitfall if there ever was one.
I'll give you an example of my synchronicity
>read Sup Forums and learn about kek
>chuckle to my self when people freak over repeating number
>driving to work
>118km remaining
>18888km mileage
>license plate in front of me ending in 188
>time: 8:11am
I felt enlightened at that time. But I don't know what it meant.
Absolute Resilience
The ability to withstand anything that life, the enviroment or anyone else throws at you so you overcome it and grow stronger from it.
What do you sacrifice to get it?
Disregard the notion that everything can be (or should be) solved. That's the only think you need.
Typical Canadian shitposting. If you can not handle philosophy do not enter threads dedicated to it.
dejavues, mandela effect and synchronicities are all related.
Do you think the observer effect can coexist with empiricism?
Here's something nobody seems to connect, but ultimately seems to be the truth. Carl Jung's idea of collective unconscious is simply the "awareness" or the "space" that our real entities who play our bodies (and are linked to it through consciousness) inhabit. We cannot explicitly access it, but are deeply molded by it because it's our "true" selves. Equally, in our reality causality is the guiding principle, but Jung also discovered an acausal principle, namely synchronicity. We like to ascribe meaning and purpose and intent to the "real reality" outside our simulated one, but those are just labels and synchronicity functions on their level, unlike causality.
Jung in many ways, was the first simulation theorist. He simply didn't have the computer models to make analogies with.
t. former student of Jordan Peterson
that you need to wake up? that youre in a dream
Oh gosh sorry, didn't realize this was """"""philosophy"""""".