Lets show our hate for Tyrant Nigger King Barack Hussein Obama.
Obama hate thread
Bump for interest.
I can't believe I lived to see a nigger president
if if if if if if if if if if
Okey doke
Get some others in here. This is the Shareblue's God. They get real pissy if you make fun of him.
Thanks for the bumb
>hurr durr drumpf's finished t-this time! It's over for him
Isn't it amazing watching nu-males defend him like he's some sort of nigger god? I remember back in '08 the college kikes were getting 'O" tattoos on their fucking ankles. Jesus.
omg yes. That is why we found new ammunition is to make them scream and foam from their fucking mouths. Simply by spreading shit about nigger god Obama.
Nice another right wing paranoia thread. I love it
Thanks for the thread. King Nigger is such an arrogant, anti-American cocksucker. We can't forget that he and his cronies deserve prison cells.
>YFW Obama will always be a nigger.
My collection is embarrassingly small, but I'm trying to build it up. The really good meme vets make stuff loaded with facts and usually have multiple links for reference. I think that's important when sharing outside of the board. Many people not on board with us are decent people, they just need to be fed the facts the (((MSM))) refuses to share with them.
God this brings back good old tea party days.
That's what is best about memes.
What did he mean by this?
>Trump is crashing and burning
>Quick, we need a damage control thread
I don't have it anymore, but a pic taken at a local protest and used in our daily paper showed two nigger women. The first sign: "JUSTICE FOR TRAYON"
The second sign: "KNOW JUSTICE KNOW PEACE"
Niggers, ladies and gentlemen.
uh uh uh uh AND ISIL is not ISLAMIC.ANNND uh uh uh uh.
>pretending no one knows King Nigger's job creation was low-wage horseshit
Do leftist scum count employed people like they do voters? Does the bricklayer who died in 1950s Chicago and voted for Hillary last fall also count as being employed?
>crashing and burning
While you were typing ICE just detained another busload of illegals
>samefagging this whole thread
And Trump's still a laughing stock. Weird.
Tower gate? You mean 9/11 was an inside job.
Mah nigga
>still believes and cites polls without irony after they told him 3% chance of winning for 2 yrs.
>Still fucking believing the bullshit polls.
ITT this triggers Obama and his cucked supporters.
>6 weeks of incompetence, scandals, failure, and embarrassment.
>"T-t-the media is dishonest! He's gonna MAGA!"
>citing libcuck polls
>hurr durr 98.1% chance Hillary wins, guys
Try harder, nigger.
Obama was a fucking disgrace to this country.
I see some shareblue shills rolling around into here.
He was not born in the US. Thats why the CIA love him. They could have him thrown in jail so they can blackmail him which means they own him.
They have nothing on trump and thats why they hate him
Yup. He was born in Chicago. That's a village in Africa. All they had to eat was dog shit with paprika.
Well I think that shareblue is trying to show restraint.
Lets keep this hate thread going. Give it some high energy.