>Look around
>Everything is bad
>Movies progressively getting more jewish
>Niggers everywhere
>Go to shitty community college that is infested with minorities who will likely quit before they finish
>The few white people try to emulate the blacks
>Negro behavior and mannerisms are romanticized
>Happenings that seem huge but nothing comes of them
>Nothing makes me truly happy anymore
How do you cope with post redpill depression Sup Forums? I just want the shit to hit the fan already, good or bad at least its not this hell.
Look around
Other urls found in this thread:
Trump is you leader instead of Trudeau, you should be grateful
>How do you cope with post redpill depression Sup Forums?
Hobbies, usually involving some form of trade.
Nothing on earth makes me feel better than a light carpentry project.
politics is for fags
Be a man, grow up, mature, and stop being a bitch.
We're doing this for the good of the nation and the white race.
White power.
Things are getting better now
This. Americans have no idea how hopeless things are in Canada, just turn on our parliament and think about the contents of their words, how intelligent they look and sound, and how serious they are about real issues.
It is so far gone here it's beyond saving. Our electorate will never vote for a reasonable, conservative candidate that will do good for our economy. The plague of socialism will grow and grow until we are milked dry.
>tfw my community college is 95% white, mostly working class nice kids
>the nearest actual university is full of affirmative action nigs and spics and SJWs
Easiest choice I ever made.
Try working for one of these institutions... as I do. In most areas I feel like I'm in India.
What are we doing exactly? I believe in Trump but he can't do everything.
Are they though? It seems the deep state/CIA wont let things get better. We are hopelessly at odds with a shadow of an enemy without the means to fight back.
I drink a lot
You dont cope, the ball of degeneracy has rolled and is too fast to stop
Just be ready for shit to hit the fan because it will eventually
>get married to a decent woman who you redpill
>get a decent job
>have many kids
>redpill them
Illinois, near the WI border.
>decent woman
In my entire life I've found one and I have never gotten over letting that one go. At least where I live there is no marriage material women and I refuse to settle.
just try and be happy, make good choices, connect with people, spread the truth about MSM/social media when you can.
ultimately, take a step back and watch the world burn knowing that something a little more honest will rise from the ashes.
>>How do you cope with post redpill depression Sup Forums?
I became a stoic
trump is a kike tool DONT WAIT FOR SAVIORS only thing you need is yourself. discover your true self, there's no peace after you stop being a normie if you don't do this. the sword can't bend once it's forged
it's darkest before dawn, a new world will born out of the ashes of this one so it has to BURN first
desu i wish erdogan was my leader
hero of ahlus sunnah wal jamaah
he will purge all (((secularists))), liberals and godless pkk mountain K*rds
weed. and god. and promises to god. thats all i have user.
Money is the key to end all your woes your ups your downs highs and lows, will you tell me the last time love bought your clothes?
I wish i was a millionaire and i could just do me and not worry about how shit everything is.
Desu, senpai
Why don't you move to turkey then you dirty fucking roach
fuck off kurd
you would kys if you live here for 1 year and take it all seriously. only positive thing about turkey is good weather, everything else is designed to torment your soul BUT it doesn't matter
ancients spoke of this age, age of corruption, lies and decadence. this is all perfectly natural, you can't ruin God's plans and there is no good or evil from his perspective. all is well
>fuck off kurd
My Commonwealth ancestors slaughtered yours at the gates of Vienna, dirty fucking roach. If you want a fundamentalist leader so bad then please fuck off back to your smelly desert hovel and stop shitting up the first world with your backwards stone age ways.
the joke writes itself
i'm not even a turk
Are you me?
>i'm not even a turk
Yet you want edrogan as a leader?
What's lower than a roach?
Oh I know, you're a fucking KEK.
Could've fooled me, chink.
join the fight, put your life on the line for something you believe in; nothing will make you feel more alive.
Nearest University is therefore...Northwestern?
Mdma, mda and cocaine help from what ive heard
there is no difference between erdogan and treadau, they both serve the same hidden hand. only roles are different. one is playing the role of a cuck, the other an islamist
It's called stop being a racist, that way everything doesn't upset like a triggered sjw. That's it, just stop being racist sweetie.
Rediscover yourself! ((They)) want you to have low self esteem! People respect confidence.
I wish we could have more alcoholic threads without them getting pruned..
I got a lot more money than the average person my age and Im not that happy with my life. Having a lot of money is stressful in itself because you need to grow your wealth but at the same time can lose it all.
Can't be confident without beinh a lil' nigrish.
I understand this, but anyone who wants a leader such as either trudeau/edrogan is a massive faggot, so I was explaining that to that turk loving faggot earlier in the thread.
>finally find nice cute german girlfriend
>family from berlin, blond hair blue eyes
>she shows slight signs of bluepill, nothing I can't fix
>go out on dates, she offers to pay, things going great
>very conservative values with family and sex, think the bluepills are only for show
>walking one day
>she randomly brings up politics
>she, pure Aryan, says
>I hate white people
>starts ranting about how white people are terrible
>mfw im jewish
>what sort of reverse trickery is this
>15 layers of merchant irony
>turns out she has transgender friends
>reveals more and more levels of blue pills every day
>eventually break up with her
>mfw my people ruined my chances with a decent girl
>merchants not even once
gas the kikes race war now
Black people, browns, people of colour, who are not acting devils, do not want the white race to ultimately fail...
Truth be told.
>Have 20 yo gf
>Go to a friends party and spent the night talking to my friend assuming she was with her friends
>Walk upstairs into my friends bedroom and find 3 black guys fucking her
>Run away from the party crying.
>I text her over and over again and didn't get a reply
>Never speak to her again
Do normie things.
>talk to strangers
>have friends
It's okay to be a little bit of a normie just remember that you can't ever be a real normie. It will bring you a little more happiness.
If it makes you feel any better I fucked a Jewess with my uncut cock the other day.
Does the rabbi advise against your women fucking uncut cocks or do they just confiscate you poor shlomos?
>fucked a Jewess
I feel sorry for you mate
There are demons behind those giant milky tits
>community college
hahahaha, you were worthless trash from day 1. No wonder you live in a gutter neighbourhood
Thats the 3rd image swap today in pol.
>This is a war brother
>We are comrades in arms
Workout; train in MMA; take your guns to the range
Study hard; read books; challenge your mind
Work long hours; make money and strive to make more
Everything you do should be to the aim of securing a future for our people
Never ever back down
My neighborhood is fine. Its a nice neighborhood that is nearby multiple nigger neighborhoods and I go to community college because I have elderly grandparents to take care of and unlike you Im not a fucking leaf
>Look around
>Everything is getting better
>Bulgarian movies are progressively getting more nationalistic
>Gypos are fucking off to Germany and France
>University is subsidised and full of hot chicks
>The few black people try to emulate the whites
>Negro behavior and mannerisms are laughed at and mocked
>No happenings because irrelevant country
>Every day is better than the previous
East Europe sure is cozy.
You have hope man... Meme for Le Pen. That's how we got Trump and Brexit.
Ours is the culture war.
>canada not even listed
Too far gone?
we will always have e-each other
Redpilling should motivate you to establish a goal and fight for it.
It seems that you want the world to improve by itself for your sake.
Won't happen.
Praise kek
Read redpill literature. Currently reading Death of the West. Prepare for the day of reckoning. Find a redpilled church and community. We will bathe in the blood of the heathens soon enough.
>>Look around
Find a bitch that makes your dick hard and grab her by the pussy. Problem half-way to being solved.
In a way.
Things are set into motion in time.
Time can be annoying but, its cumming OP. An when it cums. It will cum hard
idk man
I just want deep intimacy with someone
Yet I have fucked social anxiety and self esteem
Yet very talented, good looking
I feel like a lost cause drifting in the wind
Not sure what to think about the fact that I'm wasting my youth being alone and sulking about it
Pic related, I want to return to an escape from my endless thinking I'm a failure cuz no deep relationships with grill
Start meditating for one hour everyday, set a goal that you consider important for yourself and society and start working towards it.
take harder classes, i went to community college and now im a doctor.
Here's a redpill for you
>everything going to shit
>government lets more rapefugees in
>immigrants can rape as many children as they want, get no punishment, only a year in prison
>us white people cant do anything unless they want to end up in jail
So we have to let children get raped and there is nothing we can do about it. Fuck doing anything im not going to prison, (((swedish democrats))) are only chance and they are part of the hegalian dialect
Idiot typical leaf who wants daddy big-man to fix everything instead of putting in the effort to stick to a movement and do the actual important job of altering the culture in white countries
>Women are attracted to men who take charge. Practice now! Many errors will be made till you get it right. That's ok cause good leaders know how to get up for a fall.
Also, nothing will fix this world short of the literal return of Jesus Christ to rule with a rod of iron. If you don't get on board before then...who might be getting beaten with said rod?
Time is short. Man up. Quit fucking around Sup Forums (well...obviously not completely...I don't want to be a hypocrite). Actually study the Bible. Be who God meant you to be. You sound intelligent, check out Chuck Missler...prophet to the nerds.
As a note to all who bitch, "muh Scientism!" Please consider how many times you've heard about science being proven wrong by some new right thing...that is later proven wrong.
they have them on /ck/
I was praying to God today about how thankful I was to be born in the time I was and with the opportunities I've been given, feeling spoiled compared to the hardships older generations have had to suffer. Then while reading Death of the West I've been put here to contribute and rebuild society as it goes through this downward swing. The degenerates are dying, they're spreading their sickness, and they will make society sick to the point of collapse. It is coming. We must be prepared to take back the land for righteousness. It may not be until my twilight years that I get to make my grandparents and great grandparents smile down on me from heaven, but it will be done. Rejoice!! You are going to be blessed with a great struggle and the blessing of God to overcome evil. Have faith my brother!
I'll give it a shot. I have so much stuff in my head that I think is unrealistic and damaging, I'm afraid I don't see my life in the right lense. But I'll give ur advice a shot, Brazil.
are you really gonna inject two whole marijuanas?
Good luck, user.
you have a really shitty attitude. If you think your life is shit now, go move to another country for a while and I think your perspective will change.
>only thing hue hue can do is to accept his shit country
>fighting to make it better it's impossible
sounds about right.
I know your pain. Join the military.
It's in your hands
>happenings not happening daily on pol
Um like try again sweetie ;)
You are trying too hard to find someone. The less it's on your mind the more likely it is to happen
I've never been happier. I'm pretty straight forward with people when they engage in degenerate behaviour and I really don't care if anyone thinks less of me for calling out such behaviour.
Stop worrying about social consequences. More people than you'd know probably agree with you.
facebook commentor pls go
Thanks for speaking out, Hans. This is more powerful (and pleasant) than most people imagine.
Segregate yourself from society. Get a job where you don't have to interact much with people, many trades are good for that.
I know. I just feel such a strong concoction of bitterness, shame, and failure, as I'm turning 23 and never had a gf, and never seized the options that were in front of me. I feel like a failure. I'm a loser who couldn't even bite at what was in front of me. I just fucking feel like a failure of a young man, how I never had a relationship in HS, college. I guess I'm going to start meditating. Idk what else to do as I'm a thinker/feeler.
Stay positive. Even if you have to lie to yourself.
That's what I did last few years.
"The one that got away"
Fucking kill yourself you toxic shitbag
There is no such thing as depression resulting from the red pill. This post is shilling. It is an example of suggested depression, which is a very low attack by Share Blue based on the idea that we are suggestible, emotional teenagers. It is literally trying to mess with kids' minds.
You seem upset user. Tell me about her.
best way to handle it is to go YOLO
dump your gf, divorce your wife, go out and get handjobs from perfect 10 chicks every day
start smoking cigarettes, just generally say FUCK IT with every waking breath
I just tore my acl at work so I am upset, but moping around about some girl who got away is pathetic there are millions of other girls you could have
There is hope. Mad Max.
23 years old is very young, thank God you're not married with kids yet to your high-school sweetheart. Give yourself a full year with no pressure on yourself to find your dream girl and focus on having fun and being friends with more people
Im not moping. Its been a good while. Im just generally not looking for a girlfriend in this hellhole and dont really want to date girls I wouldnt marry.
will do. Thanks. I'll try to focus more on just enjoying life. That is what I need rn.
Is this a CTR tatic or some shit
We asked kek for chaos, and he delivered.
Every for the last few months has been pure ecstasy for me.
Move away from your shitty college and you will feel better.
You gotta take an ok woman and make her great. Odds are you wont come across a girl that has the same interests/ideas/mindset as you, but women change to fit their container. If she admires you she'll pick up everything you do and think.
Canada is, and always will be, irrelevant.