Why are Republicans such crooks?


How terrible for Republicans to make health insurance affordable

>"lowering cost" = affordable
Dumb faggot found

left wingers are so stupid and evil. all they want is power and they will destroy our economy to get it. They really don't give a fuck about anything.

>10 million gibsmedats lose healthcare
>50 million more can afford it

"it's free when you're dead" - Paul Ryan

This is what Drumpftards actually believe

Meanwhile the Democrats are selling off the country to China and Russia and conspiring to destroy the southern border and law and order so they can have more votes.

low cost should equal more availability, but healthcare is pretty fucked in general.

The funnier part of this whole thing is people forgetting about how much of a disaster Obamacare was, and all the people that Obamacare dropped, with no thought to any of it at all.
Change is bound to, stay with me here, change things.

>I wonder if on a tax return it asked "do you want your refund to pay for some lazy fucks healthcare" Would liberals check YES?

>implying ACA is affordable
>implying it didnt nearly destroy the entire healthcare industry
>implying letting the Federal government have total control of 13.5% of the economy is smart
Even you should be able to agree with the last point. Do you want the Trump admin to have sole dominion over the entire healthcare industry or would you rather that power be diffused to the states?

The left is the ideology right now that is promoting "by any means necessary" to get the faggy things they want, so he's not far off.

The GOP needs to grow a spin and be okay with saying that some people may lose health care coverage.

They had no business affording it before because it was their fellow citizen footing the bill before.

Then as health insurance market gets fixed and the cost goes down, people can buy it again.

Just be a fucking man and say "yeah, less people will be covered when you give them a choice compared to if you force it on them"

>people forgetting about how much of a disaster Obamacare was
Nope, everyone who is currently suffering under it (like me and my small business and my employees) feel the effects daily.

Sure, 15-20 million people benefit, but 100-200 million people have to suffer as a cost. Not only is that immoral, it's unconstitutional.



>let me keep what i earn

>pay for me

all of politics in a nutshell

if you believed liberals' hysterical bullshit, people were dying left and right until obamacare existed

>be canadian leaf with nigger aides
>wait 16 hours for medical treatment
>die in waiting room

Fuck Ryancare. I want Paulcare aka Fuckthemfreeloaderscare

Oh I agree. My mom is in the same boat as you, and tells me about it all the time.
I meant the media perception, even though they were never against it.

inb4 organized shill thread

How does it feel knowing what you fear is grass roots?

I am glad they are removing the "tax" for not having insurance. I have private insurance, but I think it is bullshit that a healthy youth working a shit-tier minimum wage job is billed for not having insurance that he never uses.

Healthcare and health insurance are not the same thing. It is like global warming and man made global warming.....Totally different.

Everyone in America already has healthcare. They just don't realize it. You go to a hospital with a real issue, no doctor will turn you away. Insurance is a private company gambling that you pay more than you spend....Our system was fucked when you see the disproportionate use of the insurance.

This was all a scam to make money for doctors and hospitals.....at the cost of the middle class. Upper class can afford private health care....hell, they can afford to not have it, and pay cash for everything.

The system is fucked, no matter how you slice it. The insurance system will always cost more than most people use in the USA just due to the amount of unhealthy fucks (Boogie8899). Diabetes and other health issues will eat up most of the insurance. I don't even need to tell you how many obese people there are in the US.....we all know, and they are just one of the demographics that are sucking the system dry.

Really glad for employer insurance. It is part of my pay.

>be Amerifat
>get disease or in an accident that is no fault fo your own
>die because you can't pay medical bills
>insurance companies reject people because they once has strep throat in 8th grade.

>10 million out of 315 million Americans


>10 million lazy poorfags will lose insurance

Kek this is social Darwinism at its finest. I hope they all die.


Hey. I am poor and a good person. But Funny people like you are my targets. Welcome to my life

I know that feel. Abusive families are the pits.