North Korea threatens War!!!

>North Korea threatens War!!!

Who else ready for the Draft?

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Can I help out? I want to bag some gooks.

lol... just... lol.

What are they going to do? Launch a nuke on par with what we had in the 1940's on a rocket no better than what we had in the 1950's?

Scenario 1 : we shoot it down with ease and do nothing and they realize they're severely outdated.

Scenario 2 : we shoot it down and bomb the living shit out of North Korea and apologize to the world for it later... "we're such terrible people, won't do it again...wee pwomise!"


>North Korea threatens war for the 5 millionth time

They have been lunching missiles and making threats since 60 years ago.

Put anti-missile systems in South Korea and Japan that are the places they can reach out with their missiles. Make China stop helping them. And OTAN erased that fucking hell from earth.

We've always been at war with East-Asia, you prole.

They will never be able to fight us.
Their jackets are weighted down with too many heavy medals.

They aren't gonna do shit.

If I were Kim I would just keep my Kingdom and enjoying my life up there since no one is taking him down from inside.

I thought the enemy was Eurasia.

why do you need so many buttons when you're going to use only a row of them?

North Korea dosn't even have the resources and logistics to pull of a war with South Korea, let alone the USA. They are 100% dependant on the chinese. If the country actully had to fight a war by itself it would collapse in weeks.

Nope, we've always been at war with Oceania

The UAE paid for their THAAD system. The South Koreans want a free handout. This is the kind of crap Trump should stop.

>we're super duper serious this time

Oceania are the fathers.

Pretty sure Trump will just send the navy to glare at them and Kim will back down. As always.
Or China will give him a wrist slap.

We need to remove this chubby manlet and install a western puppet.

I think it's more so with us involved in deploying it China won't fuck with them. China is already fucking with them over the system with us involved, would likely be much worse without us.

What in the holy fuck are all those medals for? hahaha

N. Kekreia has only ever been in 1 war.

>needing to draft to fight North Korea


I really hope they do at this point. Wipe them out of existence and split up what remains between SK and China

I have arguably killed enough for the U.S., and enjoyed every minute of it.

Now living permanently in Japan, unrelated to any previous military service, with a wife and second kid on the way, I say, FUCKING TEST ME CHONBO.

Having set foot in Kita Chosen multiple times, I will say the country is beautiful in its own right, but Koreans, Kek bless them, are subhuman, and the 3rd generation great leader would have long since been toppled if not for the fact that China does not want a massive influx of refugees (are western states listening?).

On the topic of refugees, those smart enough to realize N.Korea is not to the best interests of their well being and try to escape, China turns them away and sends them back only to be imprisoned and or executed for their efforts. On the other hand, the S.Korean government actually is quite welcoming to defectors.

I'll be honest, I don't really have a point in this rant. It's 12:45 and I'm drunk.

For all the Kim Jong-Dong they have sucked.

They have the largest standing military force in the world if I'm not mistaken.
I don't think the world would be too happy if we just bombed the shit out of them.

Even though the chance of them attacking offensively is virtually zero unless a coup occurs and they entirely destabilize, I do hope they keep doing insane shit so we can have comfy shortwave threads again.

You'll never be American

You sound like a fag

>yfw Trump actually declares war on them this time

What the fuck is "sending the navy"?
Oh yeah send a couple of only 12 nuclear carriers in existence each with large percentage of our navy personelle and billions worth of jets and cruise missles in the range of their nuclear bombs

Honestly do you fuckwads even go to school?

>NK threatens war

In other news water is wet.

Yes war! We can send all of the white bois over and import some nice moslem to keep their girls safe.

that pic is so photo-shopped

jusy stop lying about people Jesus christ

Do we even need a draft to take them down?

South Korea would be on the line with the entire United Nations behind it

Worst case I can see is China going full subhuman and attacking as well but even then they would get stomped and a ton of civilians would probably die

>What is NATO

North Korea makes these kinds of threats all the time.

Watch developments concerning China, then you will know when war is imminent.

What a bunch of brown nosers! Who is signing their awards? Fucking shame because awrds dont mean what they used to to! SAD!

the u.s. has been at war with north korea already, we just in a cease fire, the war never ended.

who said you could namefag

Your waifu is shit mate.

its nto photo shopped, thats jsut how dumb norht korena medals look.



Kim Jong-nam is a big brother of Kim Jong-un.
Jong-nam's son says that his father was killed. R.I.P.

>I don't think the world would be too happy if we just bombed the shit out of them.
Nah, since North Korea is a nuclear power, we don't have to hold back against them like we have with our other enemies.

Have Dennis Rodman give KJU a Tesla as a gift. Get CIA to hack it and drive it off a cliff