Why do you alt-right snowflakes have to ruin everything?
Why do you alt-right snowflakes have to ruin everything?
It's cute how you try to appropriate our words, cuck.
the only snowflake here is Baldwin.
Can't handle criticism?
the alt-right is more like a slime mold than snowflakes
>“Trump just overwhelmingly lacks any kind of sportsmanship. He remains bitter and angry. And you just want to look at him and go, ‘You won!’” Baldwin told Extra.
dat projection.
Good, Hammond does a 10x better impression. Baldwin was funny for like one minute, then it just became the same thing over and over again with the butthole lips, shirtless Putin, and way over the top stupidity.
Bull fucking shit
He's stopping playing him probably because he has some gripe about payment, the skit is becoming stale, or just doesn't feel like doing it. Do you really think he would just give up a high paying job because some people online huwt his widdle feewings? He's a fucking actor. Every single role he has ever or will ever play is going to get critizism. This is just an excuse to shame right-wingers.
fake drumpf BTFO
Well sweetie, getting along is primarily in the lefts best interests.
>Liberal actor runs and hides in his safe space from criticism.
>OP says alt-right are snowflakes in this scenario
I know OP is a fag, but this is some next level stuff here.
lol what a bitch
this is probably just cover for the fact that his career has become impersonating Trump and thats not how he wants to be remembered
nice bait fag
Why does your breath stink of rancid cock?
Sounds like it. SNL has barely broke using Trump or some form of his policies/cabinet for skits through several episodes and Baldwin doesn't want to get stuck being "The Trump guy" for the next four years.
Terrible impression, facial expressions are too exaggerated, that is all his comedy, since the jokes are just MSM myth propagation and DNC attack lines.
Dana Carvey: Straight White Male, 60 | Netflix does a way better job at playing fun on Trump and he is hilarious and FAIR
The DNC are roaches at this point.
Laugh all you want cucks, Islam is going to eat you from the inside out, forget gays, feminism, that is HARAM. You get thrown off roof tops for that.
The left will get their dream, all republicans leave the country adn all the Muslims move in and set up Mosks on every corner.
When they have only Sharia Law, will the left then realize maybe Western Culture created teh greatest achievements of mankind, and Islam only first century murders for a reason
The left has lost it's colletive mind.
Islam is 1000 SUNS worse than any crazy haired Christian lady trying to ban video games or shun sluts..
WTF are the left thinking?
More alike than different, WHO KNEW???
Fucking retarded Left will prostrate itself for Islam..
He probably knows eventually he will never be able to play anyone else. Because the left will endlessly demand he portray trump
This, it's hilarious when libtards use words like snowflake and triggered.
This. And just a few weeks after SNL's ratings were reported to be amazing because of the Trump skits. Even normies are catching on to the same shtick week after week, I can't imagine how fucking bored I'd be doing the same joke every week for a living.
>"Look at me i'm trump hurf derf im retarded and enybody who likes trump is redarder herrrrrp derrrp"
>"That's stupid and unfunny"
does anyone on this board even watch SNL? no, now fuck off shill
Fuckin leaf
>trump blinks
confirmed for nazi
This is excellent
Funny, but hurts right? yeah we know lad...
Its funny te watch you thinking its funny, but really feeling its not...
Snowflakes be snowing again...
Holy shit you're literally inverted libtards.
Maybe that's the point and we are trying to get them to do some introspection
I'd say it's more like pixie dust since it's completely imaginary. Stop chasing spooks faggot.
Let me tell you a s secret OP. He's not quitting, he's being taken off. I know Alec Ive met with Alec. I see him frequently since Im right downtown Toronto. The reason I say this is because frankly, he's become insufferable and I've grown to really dislike him.
Believe me or not.
The don't even use the word properly. Snowflake was to demean retards who think that their identity makes them special and untouchable. Then it got stolen by right wing pundits who called anyone who got offended snowflakes. Then left wing retards decided to warn everyone that a "blizzard" or "winter" was coming or whatever the fuck.
Fuckin normies, is my point I guess.
What if it isn't shekels the Jews care about but the (yous)?
Wow r u a famous person?
I like alec but hes got a pretty dogshit trump impersonation
But Snowflake is appropriated to begin with.
Snowflake comes from the phrase that "Every person is unique and special", which liberals used to justify giving the marginalized special treatment.
This was used mockingly by conservatives to emphasize the ephemeral and effete nature of snowflakes.
Having libtards use the co-opted version of snowflakes is bizarre because it's basically a corruption of a corruption, and a complete and total bastardization of its intended meaning.
Why do women love touting around images of other women wearing hijabs?
Because MUH REFUGEES WELCOME? It's a fucking tool of oppression.
>turn on the news: trump bashing
>turn on talk show: trump bashing
>turn on comedy show: trump bashing
After a while it gets stale and people lose interest.
"Sportsmanship" is for fucking losers who rationalize losing.
No, its called "No one cares". His little cute performances aren't bringing in the ground shattering ratings they had hoped so they're pulling the plug.
Also, does he mean that he doesnt want to be malicious, or is he playing the tired victim card and trying to say that he's on the receiving end? My money is on the latter
There are no Alt-Right on Sup Forums you stupid kike. They're on youtube pretending to be "one of us".
Baldwin never wanted a reoccurring role like this. It's too much trouble. He want's like a talk show or to be a politician.
>worse than [good thing]
he was malicious
Caught you, Ivan.
>Snowflakes be snowing again...
It's past your bedtime user.
I hope Asian Researcher continues his study of OP and his faggot ways for eternity.
I like how everybody forgot that Alec Baldwin used to say insane shit on his twitter all the time about 'faggots', which is why South Park made fun of him using Bill Hader as his voice. Now he's the hero of the left
tldr is alec baldwin ourguy
No matter how many times you try to say this, it'll never be true
This is the actual correct application of the word, though. Dressing up like a nigger is not appropriation.
We did appropriate the word 'triggered' from them first, though. Snowflakes always been one of our pejoratives for them as far as I recall, but we stole triggered first.
Baldwin can give it, even to his own daughter, but he can't take it kek.
>the next four years
Nigger, either you mean to imply that you know of some terminal illness Balwin has, or done fucked up and misspelled "eight".
>You get thrown off roof tops for that.
There own side wants to throw them off rooftops; we want to throw them out of helicopters.
I guess it's really true, they go low, we go high.
He has a kids movie coming out and most big families are red state
The end.
>the next four years
did the widdle biddy anti-fa babbbyyyy not like it when the big bad nazis make fun of the widdle biddy baby for being such a dumb fuck?
What, you can dish it out but can't take it?
what the fuck happened to this guy, he used to be cool
Digits ;;;; baldfaggot hangs himself in a closet with a vacuum cleaner handle vibrating in his anus /ala David carradine and robin Williams
>implying he's not stopping because SNL has been unwatchable shit for 30 years
Since when has been ashamed of his inherent maliciousness, even Team America noticed that shit a decade ago not to mention his fat pig daughter?
so many jews in one picture....
The sifference between right and left is how they deal with what they dislike. The left will scream and demand other people fix things, while the right will (try) to deal with it themselves, by boycotting or harassing or any number of things.
Good, his Trump impression is absolute shit, normies have horrible taste. Anthony Antamaniuk does the perfect Trump and it's fucking hilarious despite him being a total lefty
That's not even the reason why they use the world.
For them, it's a legit insult. That's why they fight back with it.
A stupid phrase like "special snowflake" really hurts them, top kek
He should kill himself to really prove a point.
Retarded post
You do realize the biggest weapon of the right was the mockery of what the Left had become right, toothpaste?
The guy they had on Red Eye was better than him.
Alec Baldwin is a fucking bitch for backing down due to "hurtful comments online" and OP is a fucking faggot