o no

>Hawaii still has the British flag


Lets be real, we only care about hawaii for naval purposes, time to just evacuate them all to phillipines


Why should they be pissed? Hawaiians are way to fat to pull off a beaner look

how many refugees did Hawaii take?

We're waging war against the deep state and all these fags can do is cry about a TEMPORARY travel restriction.


should send every damn refugee straight to hawaii

Anyone have the Dolce memeball about annexing hawaii for lower Pineapple tariffs?


Thats just about as important as you, CTR Serbshill.

Good, they can fucking be contained on a chain of volcanic islands. Fuck Barry and fuck Hawaii.

>deporting all trash to hawaii

why not?

Does Hawaii have any Muslim immigrants in the first place? Honest question.

We already have Micronesians because we nuked their islands, fuck off were full.

If true, I take it as a sign Obama is feeling desperate. I believe they would act on his behalf. If he made this move that means his legacy is going down.using this move now hurts his chances of calling it in to save Obamacare. The CIA leaks and Trumps tweet have him feeling shaken up.

TL/DR its almost over, boys. Its almost over.

Dude, wtf topic are you talking about? Is your tin-foil hat too tight?

So does the State of Hawaii refer to the natives and majority of the population who are in deep poverty?

Or the wealthy minority that live at resorts and private islands in luxury?

thats perfect, lets even pay with our taxes so that refugess can go live in hawai,

Everything will be fine - just bend over and take it up the ass.

>115713349 (You)

Hawaii shall devolve back to it's Polynesian roots and literally start spearing sandniggers.

>It targets immigrants and refugees

No fucking duh. It's a temporary ban. If you don't have the intelligence to at least review our processes what kind of no boarders fucking traitor are you?