I've seen a lot of people say he is the mastermind behind Putin and the recent rise of nationalism but I'm a bit skeptical of Western sources talking about Russian politics. Any Russians or anyone else have some thoughts on Dugin?
Redpill me on him, Sup Forums
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>Redpill me on him
Anti-white 3rd worldist piece of shit. Even hardcore Russian nationalists think he stinks. Fuck off JIDF.
That's all I needed to know.
He was fired from university when start to propagate war with Ukraine.
Traditionalist monarchist folks usually thinks he's based.
Normies don't know and don't care about him. Our commies think he's a freak.
Literally just another westlib's scarecrow meme.
But that's not true.
None of that is true. Idk, if you believe everything that some random user says on a cardboard recycling forum to be true then you have an IQ lower than that of a nigger.
He's behind brexit, anti globalism. Etc.
Find out for yourself, you'll only get retarded replies like this faggots that can only defend himself by saying shill.
>wants to purge the degenerate whites
Based. The wages of degeneracy is white genocide.
>But that's not true.
>None of that is true.
You're a moron. Do a little more research, Glenn Beck.
>Based. The wages of degeneracy is white genocide.
He's pro-degeneracy, you pleb.
>You're a moron.
>telling people what to think
>your opinion is oppressing me!!
why does this guy attract shills? stupid, it only makes me suspicious that dugin is more important than he seems.
or was that part of your plan?
His books on Russian philosophy are rather good, he reads a lot and knows his stuff, which differs him from white nationalists whose ration on books is scarce and limited, but as a public intellectual he simplifies everything and behaves in a puzzling way.
Domestically he's seen as a trashy dude which he's not, abroad he's seen as a powerful wizard which he's not. A good meme anyway, Alex Jones tier.
Every party in Russia is an stalking horse for Putin including Dugin and his meme party, but I wouldn't really call him influential.
He is following ideas of Julius Evola, Rene Guenon, Heidegger and Platon. Traditionalist, antiglobalist, anti civilizational racism. Was dissident in SU. Promotes ideas about Eurasian Union/Empire very similar to Genghis Khan's. Putin is influenced by some of his ideas but there is no direct connection between them. You can also check interviews with him in youtube but his english is pretty bad
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The biggest problem here was not redundant threads, it is one-line writing prompt one-posts. This format allows a spammer to quickly bombard us with brainless spam and drive good threads off the board before they can be archived. The brainlessness of the non-discussion offends the character of the board.
Imagine trying to have a substantive discussion while surrounded by robots who constantly demand to know your favorite color. /s/ has a minimum thread set-up requirement -- you cannot demand that everyone else write your thread for you -- and Sup Forums needs one too.
He's somewhere between Alex Jones and Zizek, possibly just a highly skilled troll and professional edgelord.