Do some poor people really have iPhones but don't have health insurance?? The American Healthcare Plan is great because its a reality check to the lower class that lives outside their means while taking the current healthcare subsidies for granted. The US isn't Europe. The working lower class have to pay what is due to the job creators.
Do some poor people really have iPhones but don't have health insurance?...
The job creators who only create jobs for China?
Yeah, fuck those niggers.
Dude, the AARP just came out against it. The plan is fucking dead.
One of my uncles doesn't even buy food for his kids. But they all have iPhones.
Lmao AARP? Trump supports it, the steamroller is coming for the freeloading working class, they've gotten lazy from 8 years of Obama.
Insurance costs $900/month man. And that's with an insane deductible.
I payed $0.00 for my anchant ass andrioid and pay $17/month for service.
You do know that the AARP represents basically the largest population of people that voted for Trump, and are also the largest that comes out during mid-term election, right? This shit isn't going to pass.
>freeloading working class
>working class
>WORKING class
You don't see how that doesn't make sense?
I think you are confusing the working class with the underclass.
Old fucks need to just shut the fuck up. Constantly trying to suck the country dry even with their last dying gasps.
Fucking hate the aspect of republicans that doesn't wanna have health care for all, even the working class. I am mostly right on issues except this.
Those old fucks are how Trump got elected, not some dumb memes. If the Republicans lose their support, they're done for in 2018.
That's only IF the poor fag working freeloaders can vote in 2018. With 2/3 of the stats legislators being republican owned its not hard to pass an amendment instituting a one party state.
Dude they just get sick, end up in the hospital and can't pay and the gov picks up the bill which comes out of your tax dollars.
Might as well just make it free and not have people sick as fuck making other people sick.
Hospital won't leave someone for dead if they can't pay. They won't get great treatment and because they can't afford the drugs they end up in the hospital again.
America's healthcare system is broken. It's not free market libertarian bullshit until you actually leave folks for dead and even then you gotta take the bodies and someone has to pay for that shit and it's usually the gov.
Go one way or the other, and it seems like most folks would prefer a socialized system. Cut 0.001% of the military budget to pay for it.
Having a phone is one of the best investments a poor person can have. It enables them to apply for jobs and participate in phone interviews.
Having a phone when you can't have insurance is common. It isn't as if a phone is a luxury item. Even African Tribes have cell phones.
No, what is interesting about this comment is that it means one of two things.
A. Chaffetz is so disconnected from reality that he believes a smart phone is too much for the commoners
B. He said this to distract from the Russia shit
>reddit spacing
>Might as well just make it free
REEE you retarded fucking leaf. Free isn't free you idiot.
>American capitalism is great because poor people can buy iPhones
>American healthcare is bad because Americans spend too much on iPhones
Clearly iPhones are the problem here.
>Cut 0.001% of the military budget to pay for it.
SHUT UP you retard.
Medicare and Medicaid already make up 27% of our multi trillion dollar budget. Military spending is 16%
You have no clue what you're talking about.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
not him but i've spaced like that since the early 2000s at least, was a holdover from forums long before reddit existed
A holdover from the days of having to double space for your college essays or so gram could read your emails, maybe. Otherwise it just takes up an unnecessary amount of space.
Wtf is reddit spacing?
Whatever tax dollars, I don't get sick much but I have already got my monies worth for the tax dollars I pay.
You guys fucking suck at doing public healthcare and your population is fat as fuck, have never free healthcare so tons of fat unhealthy people are actually being seen.
Stop fucking sucking with your healthcare system.
Also tripcode lol gtfo with that shit
idk man, all i know is that i've been on this site since 2008 and i did that way back then. i didn't even know reddit was a thing until people started bitching about it and i never went there until t_d started having stuff i actually cared to look at it.
Again, the spacing is not exclusive to reddit, but due to the large influx of reddit rapefugees lately it is mostly attributed (and rightly so) to being part of their ilk
I don't think it's a thing. It's just easier to read what people write. Also easier for online quoting.
What service is that? I want it. Mine is double and thought that was cheap.
>$600 once
>$1,000 a month
that was pretty dumb of chaffetz to say
don't get me wrong you shouldn't be buying expensive phones if you can't afford to but the cost of healthcare is so much higher than a single purchase.
>healthcare isn't too high you're just bad with money
terrible stance.
Using OP's logic, if we started living like we were in Somalia we would save 1 gazzillion worth of dollars.
>1,000 a month compared to 50,000 a month surprise cancer
Obamacare was a centrist policy. He should have gone all left and did single payer and get rid of all insurance company so that all the money you pay goes into actual healthcare. Instead we get this "socialized" healthcare where you pay middle men to haggle with doctors for a fair price. Shit is bad and still bad.
>Fucking retard thinks Ryan's plan repeals obamacare
>Ryan's plan keeps all the same regulations, cuts thr mandate which makes program more insolvent
>Ryan's plan creates a new entitlement of tax subsidies to buy insurance
>hurr-durr we're kicking off freeloaders
This is you. Read the bill, then kys big gov shill.
i hope you're not misunderstanding me
i totally agree i'm just saying chaffetz shouldn't have said that
yes there are, health care costs about the same as an iphone, every month.
The problem is not with insurance companies, it is something that nobody is talking about. There are not enough doctors in this country.
If we had 5x doctors prices would drop by 20%. Make it 10x and prices would start to look like they do in europe, where they can afford socialized care for less than what our government is paying for almost no coverage
We pay 6x more for worse care than europe, only more doctors will solve this problem
10/10 pasta
>Freeloading working class
Literally kill yourself, the fucking rich have robbed this countries hardworking middle class for decades, but the rampant unchecked material wealth of Gods still isn't enough for the elite. The pitchforks are coming, and no amount of gates of security will help you or your family. Remeber that as times get more tough for the average American.
Get over yourself
>thinking iPhones cost as much as health insurance
Are Mormons this fucking retarded?
Liberalizing professions like doctors and lawyers would quickly cheapen their services. Currently they benefit enormously from protectionist policies that prevent foreigners from practicing in the country. With any luck that will change.
Kill yourself newfag
I always see welfare niggers and "broke college kids" playing with iPhones wherever they gather. These people piss and moan about being poor while simultaneously being too good for anything less than top of the line smartphones. That's just one of many things. My friend's wife owns a hair salon in a shit part of town. She pulls in most of her sales on the first week of the month when all the welfare queens and sheboons blow all their EBT cash allowance on "gettin their hair done". She even put in an ATM so niggresses can cash out and pay right there, which resulted in an instant boost of sales.
By the end of the first week of the month most niggers are flat broke after blowing their wad, so it's back to stealing everything that isn't bolted down and blaming whites for everything bad in life.
You need to lurk moar newfag holy fucking shit
It is not only policies that prevent foreigners from practicing. The number of doctors that can be trained each year is restricted by the residency program.
the doctors union, American Medical Association controls the number of residents through congress. Nobody even talks about allowing more doctors, even though everybody knows we need more.
>The working lower class have to pay what is due to the job creators.
Or die, amiright?
> triggered