>mfw i took german for 3 years
>should have taken arabic
is german a dying language?
Mfw i took german for 3 years
why the fuck would you learn a language that is only spoken in one irrelevant shithole?
bad decision making user
so he could sound like the fuhrer
a junkie autist who killed 60 million whites? nice
i know, it was only 8th,9th,10th grade I actually liked it, but i was the kid who was obsessed with WW2 games and movies, wanted to be in the army...actually this was before my nat soc days too, i just wanted to take it.
the only 3 languages relevant in the future will be english, spanish and mandarin.
every other its just a meme language
>is German a dying language
It's a dying country
should have taken spanish, its more useful. from a utilitarian perspective
china has always been a house of cards, mandarin is also a meme
Ich mag Deutsch. Wenn du willst Deutsch zu lernen, lern Deutsch. Warum fragst uns?
Ich lerne nur 6 Monate. Wenn macht man Spass, weitermachen, ich glaube.
>why do americans learn other languages? DEY LIVE IN DA BEST KUNTRY USA 1 HOORAH
is russian useful?
Dying culture...
>china has always been a house of cards, mandarin is also a meme
yes, is currently a meme language but that will change in the next 10-15 years imo
was that random fisting of your keyboard suppose to mean something?
The fuck kinda keyboard has a vagina in it big enough to fist?
I'm not going to learn spainish out of principal faggot. This country will not die to the hispanic horde.
why study the language of any suicidal group?
only phrase you need to learn is 'do it'.
the country is already dead
>started out learning german when i was a normie and wanted to be multicultural
>now still continue learning because i don't want to let the culture die even if it hates itself to the point of ethnic suicide
The more things change...
>learned fluent spanish because i was in love with a mexican girl
>she dumped me