Why do whites obsessively think about blacks? Is it fueled by jealousy?
Black obsession?
ideological subversion on youths to implement a guilt complex
Keep telling yourself that, it's the only relevancy you will ever achieve.
I'd rather not have to see them at all DESU.
Who thinks about subhumans?
A quarter of all threads are about blacks.
Subhumans talking about subhumans.
It's fueled by me wanting my god damn bike back.
But in all seriousness it's because the kikes use black and brown people to wage class warfare. Seriously they want to turn the masses into slaves and exterminate my people. They use the inevitable racial tension to drive a wedge in white countries. I actually feel kinda bad for most black people. I just also understand how dangerous and costly they can be.
I don't even want to leave my home anymore because of all the niggers outside.
I only think about blacks when they're within 50 feet of my belongings.
>that wristband
Example of a proud German, peeps
Those racist blacks at it again.
>German flag on her left wrist
>Wew lad
>Why do whites obsessively think about blacks?
If only we could get 13% of the population to commit just 25% of the murders instead of 50% too!
Why do blacks flock to every place whites may be hiding out, as if they have a magnet/radar that pulls them to white placid communities?
Probably fueled by hatred
Most inner-earthists...
>Why do whites obsessively think about blacks? Is it fueled by jealousy?
They don't unless you're out trying to enjoy a meal and there's a group of them "ayy bruh"-ing so loud you can hear them from across the restaurant.
this bullshit thread again
gtfo faggot
>saged and hidden
for the love of God, yes.
Jealousy often masquerades as hatred. I hate mosquitoes, but I rarely ever think about or talk about them, because it's not a jealous hatred.
>I hate mosquitoes, but I rarely ever think about or talk about them, because it's not a jealous hatred.
Or you don't live in the south.
You'll be thinking about mosquitos a lot, if they were constantly buzzing around and leeching off your blood.
Some people might like other people
A god damn shock innit
If your house was infested with bedbugs, would you just "put it on the back burner," and slap a sticky- note reminder on your fridge to deal with it later?
When you have a tiny demographic that literally does half of all the crime in your country, it's hard to ignore.
Because they're stupid dumb animals who shouldn't be with real humans. Niggers belong in the zoo or Apefrica.
>live in the PNW
>can easily go a week without seeing a black person
It's /comfy/ as fuck out here
their inferiority is amusing.
Most whites don't. They're mildly wary of them when they see them, which is rarely, and then they treat like normal people once they get used to them. Sup Forums is exception. Most people aren't this neurotic about it.
>live in the PNW my entire life
>see nignogs all the fucking time because I havent just moved here from Colorado or Commiefornia
Literally never happens.
Stop posting this fucking thread. Or at least pick a different cute black chick each time. Seriously.
slave morality
Since I moved into bumfuck nowhere Wyoming I haven't seen any blacks so out of sight out of mind.
more like the other way around
What do lions care about what gazelle think?
>more like disgust.
>mfw irrelevent black person interjects about about the thoughts of white people