/saved/ general

Who here is saved?

Do you know that you're going to heaven?

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what church


independent fundamental baptist

Not posting that guy you aren't. He hates faggots and says this right on the pulpit. And then proclaims his love for foreskins

it sounds like you've got some kiked doctrine. probably a filthy sodomite yourself

Check out shepherd's chapel online. Also. Serious replies only please. Let's see. Sodom. Is this either interpreted as being "grab em"? Or "homosexual", a word that didn't even exist. Hrm.

oh another one of these "the sodomites were punished because they were rapists, not because they were faggots" queers. The 2000 year old cross-denominational, cross-religion consensus was wrong. It took a few brave faggots in the late 20th century to figure it out. give me a break.

You don't even believe that Jesus Christ is the only Son of God.

American churches are all cancer-tier
You either get the church of cuckold and universal love or some batshit insane inbred fundie
Oh, mega-church money laundering too I guess

>inb4 404
bastard mods

you don't believe that Jesus Christ is the only Son of God. I don't need to take you seriously. You know how I know? If you were Catholic you would speak with a little more humility, given how embarrassing the Roman pope is.

>Who here is saved?
>Do you know that you're going to heaven?

That decision is up to Jesus. For me it's enough to know I will see him if only for a moment when I am judged and to see our Lord will be joy and just try and accept my reward or punishment as deserved..

Josephus said they increased their numbers. How did they do that short of a bunch of Hagars. Why offer females to queers. And why bring your entire family to a public gang rape. For this matter of fact why wipe out a town of fags? Of course I believe Christ is the only begotten Son of God. I believe He was the incarnation of God in man's form and that He was with God before the foundations of the earth. And that they are both Alpha and Omega. The importance of Pentecost. And that The Word is God in written form. I study the languages. I read only Concordant Literal. Was King James a pedo? And tell me about David and Jonathan. Ruth and Naomi. The gendered virginity of the 144,000. The Centurion with the "son" whilst being forbade marriage. Rainbows and what they mean. No male nor female no marriages in Heaven. The New Creation. Blessings and not commands. Serpent Seed. Eunuchs of all kinds in many books in there. To do with D&J. They became one flesh. Jonathan uncovered the nakedness of his mother. David said his love for him was greater than that for all females. And the verb was changed by some guy whom didn't like the translation. And always meant coming forth as energy or an ejaculation. But what do we read? David cried and exceeded. Exceeded "tears"? Yeah ok

We are not pimps and shrine hookers and don't ever forget this

Are you a homosexual?

That's up to God brother, I wouldn't presume to know if I will be going to heaven, or where anyone's final destination will be.

check the flag

A word that Freud boxed us all in with? I guess I am yes. If you have a point here. I forgot to ask. Why did the Centurion not want Him in his house if that were merely his "boy"? Not only is San Fransicko doing just fine but now even HIV is a thing of the past. Because even that was a test of faith like anything might be. And was not of God. Maybe was permitted of Satan to do. But here we are, now :)

No where in the Bible does it say "live the best life you can and hope for the best". There are clear instructions in the Bible. Faith in Jesus Christ is the answer, brother.

Is steven anderson, dare i say it, /ourguy/?

of course he's pol official pastor

Everyone wants to twist Scripture to make their sin ok. There's a reason your interpretations of Scripture are less than 50 years old.

I'm a good man but I don't believe in organized religion. That sort of shit seems extremely blue pulled, although Buddhism has always intrigued me.


Serpent Seed? Yeah guy. Homosex. Gay. All new words. The concepts existed. We were blessed. All churches have become corrupted. But you say some of my other theories are too new. You didn't answer anything. Tis be but a log in eye from my very first post ITT. Men love to squawk

No one. God hates all of you. And we are all doomed and going to hell.

Yes but how often can you sin and still be allowed into heaven?
I find it hard to accept no strings attached forgiveness and if you just keep failing how can you say you're really trying?
We already know that few will make it in. It must be stricter than most people think.

Heterosexual used to mean "an abnormal desire for the opposite sex"
Golden Rule helps

faith without works is dead.

god says so
i don't what mental gymnastics you're doing to convince yourself otherwise, but it's sinful and you stop

please, repent for your own sake
i'll pray for you

Don't get too legalistic though

No, I'm possessed by evil.

Fuckers ramped it up again just in time for Lent. That's real fuckin great you god damned assholes.

Aaand commence panicking. I said huge essays there bud. Nice six. Nice larp

no one can be sure
unless you somehow have access to the book-of-life circa the 1st ressurection

I swear this guy is a kike

what? how am i panicking?
i skimmed through the paragraphs you wrote, and i get the gist, you think being gay is ok. but if you're a christian, you shouldn't think that. because it's sinful.

don't scorn my faith, especially when i only said that i'd pray for you, you should be rejoiced.

I would encourage you to read the Bible without any outside commentary. If you believe on Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will guide you. See what the Bible says about salvation. It's very clear. Start with the book of John. It was expressly written to lead others to salvation. Reread it if you've read it already. You must read a KJV if you can't read the Greek.

I gave you logical and spiritual explanations of the hypocrisies and gymnasts you pulled off. Read it better. Now. See a question mark? Don't have a coronary. Answer the questions.

>just keep failing how can you say you're really trying?
God knows. This is obvious.

Thank you.

Why do you speak for Him?

sorry, people

this answers shows all others ITT to be meaningless

Also, if the KJV is too hard to read, I recommend the NKJV. It's easier for modern English speakers like us to read. Here's a link:

>All churches have become corrupted.

you sure about that?

i could name one
bet you cant guess

Pastor Anderson is either a troll or a fucktard he is right on the jews though.

I am a Christian but his "once saved always saved" is bullshit if it was that easy everyone would do it. Eternal hell is also bullshit but it should still be feared because it's not a good place to end up even for a limited amount of time.

I don't speak for God, God is omnipotent, he knows if you're trying or not. This is theology 101.

Zzzz. Also i meant gymnastics earlier and not gymnasts. Not that you're not putting on the nicest of performances atm

You asked a question? What the fuck are you talking about?

>Eternal hell is also bullshit

this guy gets it

You are speaking out both sides of your mouth. God doesn't tempt us. He has given us the book of Job and other examples to understand all this. You said a bad and incorrect interpretation rather than merely quoting Scripture so I'll put aside any lack of division or rather additions or subtractions you're doing. Then you say theology 101

What are you even implying? That he shouldn't read the bible? Are you even a Christian?
>Don't read the bible goy! It'll make you a protestant!

I prefer Valhalla!
Heaven sounds like it's full of cucks

>implying htis isn't based.

Why are you cursing. Why do you pretend there is no ctrl+f

his word speaks for him
and it states that

I don't like how you come in here and ignore everything and are selective in your vision and then still wonder why I don't like what you say
It isn't. I don't like him anymore

I never said anything different. The guy I'm talking to; not so much

>land of love of delphi

youre liquid nitrogen cold


Is this your first time on Sup Forums? Do you know how the reply function works? You're completely incoherent in your posts

i'll walk you through it:

>don't respond to another post i made on a completely different topic to the last post i made
>instead of responding to a single post 3 times like a spastic, take the time to write out a coherent argument in one post

Go to bed

The KJV isn't hard to read. it's easier to read than Shakespeare-- both of which are written in modern english.

The nkjv isn't just the kjv with updated language. It has much more in common with them than it does with the KJV. People scoff at the thees and thous in the KJV, but they're actually very important. They provide a distinction between singular and plural 'you' that has since been lost in the English language. This distinction is vital in some verses. There are many other errors in the NKJV, but that's a significant one. Versus are left out, the word 'Hell' is avoided wherever possible.

The KJV is still the best English translation.

>Yes but how often can you sin and still be allowed into heaven?

it depends on if your heart & mind are purposefully perpetually turned to righteousness & repentance with all of your will-strength

Are you french? It would explain why you're such an incoherent spastic flaming fruitcake

John 3:16 is not in the present tense in KJV. And in CLV it says in Genesis "In a beginning" and "God hovered over the water". Gives more clarity and purpose

>It has much more in common with them

*with other modern versions

I'll sit here with my pile of unanswered demands and you can take your fanaticism and go

im waiting on more guess attempts

think: theological "march" AWAY from constantine; what is furthest? and thus closest to original?

Can you provide a verse of importance that is compromised by the NKJV compared to the KJV?

Also if I recall correctly, the replacement for "Hell" in the NKJV is more accurate to the original Greek and Aramaic, I could be mistaken, however. Seeing as the concept of "Hell" in the English language isn't the same as it is in Greek and Aramaic, and it's a mistranslation. "Damnation" is more accurate, if I remember correctly.

>Eternal hell is also bullshit

It's not though

>"And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
" - Matthew 25:46

Since it's an established fact we'll be staying with Jesus forever, the word for "eternal" and "everlasting" has the same meaning.

I don't know but I also haven't figured out what is meant by those names

>David and Jonathan
Faggots once again spin genuine brotherhood love into homosexuality. Fuck me.

If we're going to be looking into the OT I guess we can bring leviticus 20:13 in too.

Sodom was glassed not only because of homosexuality but deviancy of every sort, rape, homosexuality, public orgies etc.

You are cherry picking scripture to a fucking outrageous degree to fit your sin.

And we're supposed to believe this guy is straight?

Have any of you listened to his voice?

>unanswered demands
you're clearly a redditor, you don't make "demands" on Sup Forums you power-tripping faggot.

now if you want to provide a coherent question, I'll gladly answer it, but I'm not gonna sift through all your paragraphs desperately looking for the semblance of a question. That's not how debates or arguments work.

Outrageous lies

>sin will exist forever

this guy doesnt get it


this is not the key word
rather, the one after it

I can't convince myself to be a Christian, and every time I consider it a voice in the back of my mind shouts "it's literally a fucking SEMITIC religion!"

Sorry OP. I'll try to be traditional otherwise though.

Man in picture is a charlatan and a heretic.

I honestly kind of think this, dude
Shh. Shh. You failed. Bed time now. You dont police everything Sally

>>"And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
>" - Matthew 25:46


>my judgements are equal to or greater than those of the almighty

>Confused and Arrogant Christians General

>I don't even have a coherent question so I'll roleplay instead!

enjoy your mental gymnastics justifying to yourself why it's ok to stick a dick up your ass and a cock down your throat stupid frog

>"it's literally a fucking SEMITIC religion!"


None of that happened there. It's really sad you can't answer me on nothing. It's such basic concepts. Harder to convince of duping than just to dupe. And then you all become the sodomites in various ways

Here come the fantasies. Your theories make no sense in time or place you are wasting everybody's time



are you saying man-man physical intimacy is acceptable according to the word?

How so?

Leviticus 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."1
Leviticus 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them."
1 Corinthians 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
Romans 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

super based pastor.
hes got awesome videos on youtube

Yes. Nice six. Just no female beds. The shrine hookers I mentioned. Read the following three things and do it yesterday. Shekinah hoax. Platonic complementarity. And this. By a priest. chapelofsergeandbacchus.blogspot.ca/2009/02/what-does-bible-say-about-homosexuality.html

>insult people and get mad they insult you back
classic quebecker, just fuck off back to /lgbt/ you roleplaying faggot

>None of that happened there.

im paraphrasing only your assessments of ancient happenings, not the veracity of those tales

And another repetition that in Levitical priestly times for Israelites and in Corinth there were massive orgies inside temples for pagan gods. So the male priests would lay men as women. And vice versa. Yep. That's me alright.

I've heard about this before, particularly about the Jews in the bible not being "real Jews". Anywhere I can read up further on it?

>Leviticus 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."
Leviticus 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."
>Leviticus 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."
Leviticus 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."
>Leviticus 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."
Leviticus 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."
>Leviticus 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."
Leviticus 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."
>Leviticus 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."
Leviticus 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."
>Leviticus 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."
Leviticus 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."

its adamantine-clad

Are you Vince Li?
I dont care as that it meaningless and also no you did not

Im gone. Youre all wrong and sick