>Take WWII veteran grandfather out to eat on his birthday
>He's wearing a Make America Great Again hat
>Typical fishlipped feminist bitch with autistic bangs and huge glasses comes up and pours his drink down his shirt and calls him a fucking Nazi
>This man has literally killed actual Nazis
>Granddad backhands her and she starts bawling
>Claims he assaulted her for no reason
>Granddad and I get kicked out of Red Lobster
>Hear the waiter tell the skank her meal is on the house
>Pic related, she resembled it pretty well
I wish I was making this up Sup Forums
Is there any hope?
Take WWII veteran grandfather out to eat on his birthday
Other urls found in this thread:
That happened
You two shouldve raped her.
Dude, how the fuck did you let that happen? You should lawyer up and fuck those guys over, what bullshit.
>is there any hope
does he still think he fought for the right (((side)))?!
In his mind, yes.
b-b-but Opa she had Delish looking tendies
I bet you don't even have a grandfather
red lobster is nasty as hell anyways my dude, based gramps tho
she falls in the category of "wouldn't even rape"
subtle redpill
This is a shill thread. Sage and kys.
>be me
>grandpa fought in ww2
>staunch trump supporter
>i take him out grocery shopping and he wears full MAGA gear along with his navy cap
>pushing him in his wheelchair when i get surrounded by 4 dindus
>they're wearing black lives matters shirts
>"hey crackuh, yooza fukin rayciss wid dat trump sheit. yo cracka ass betta tak dat sheit off befoe we beat yo old mans ass"
>my grandpa starts laughing and looks at me as I grin
>we both show our .45s we concel carry
>"oh sheit nigguh we sawy"
>consider unloading a clip into their nigger asses
>tell them to fuck off
>later on manager comes up to us and explains they were shoplifting and for us to give a police statement
>happily give statement when police show up
>wheeling my grandpa out of the grocery store while the 4 dindus are getting loaded into the police car
>he smiles and flips them off, all the cops start laughing while nigs chimp out
If you were gonna get kicked out any way you should have done some serious damage.
>things that most definitely certainly totally happened
Your grandfather would have to be nearly 100 years old for to have had happened.
Kek says you lie.
There are still living WWII Vets and they have grandchildren you stupid fuck. OP is a faggot for not knocking her out for the disrespect for both Veteran, and respected family member.
Plenty of WWII veterans still alive. George Bush Sr and Carter served in WWII, you idiot.
>eating at Red lobster.
Dear redditors, nobody green texts anymore unless it's to quote. And if you start a post with "be me" you need to die.
Actually, they would be 91 if they were 18 in 1945, it's been known for big 14-16 year old boys to have joined the Military to fight Nazis in WWII, so, MATHS explains why my almost 88-year-old Father in Law is a 3 War Veteran today. So, Blow it out your pipe. That being said, If someone disrespected my Father-in-law was disrespected like that, I would be on the 11 O'clock news with film clips.
He got what he deserved
Karma for fighting on the wrong side
You failed as a man for not defending your grandfather and telling her to cut her kike nonsense before she even got near him. Waste of goddamn space
>ww2 vet
If by some miracle the old cunt is still alive, he's not gonna be in condition to slap anyone.
what happens when you live in a white red state.
Did you grab any biscuits on your way out?
my 89 year old grandpa still beats my grandma so I dunno about that. Remember, these are 20th century men, not 90s kids.
>American education
Kill yourself my man
Being a world war vet doesn't to great things for your lifespan m8. I guess mericunts didn't actually do any fighting so it might be different for their boys
Chuck Yeager shit posts on Twitter.
>denmark doubts burger tier stories from burgerland
>Mericunts didn't do any actual fighting
>When you fucking bogans were right beside us the whole way in the pacific.
Don't ruin the jap-slappin bromance you bogan fuck.
That's part of the meme/joke, you dip.
You forgot the ending:
>wait 5 years until they get out of jail
>find your house
>kill you and your granpus
i would have done the backhanding for him
to answer your question, gen z is our only hope. sounds lame but i mean it. i literally only know one redpilled girl out of the 800 friends i used to have on facebook (when i had one)
its youtube, memes and social media in general that is giving any resemblance of hope to the future. millenial generation is even more cucked than their parents. its a disgrace. sorry bout your experience op but it sounds pretty funny and least you have a based gramps
Nope, it was just ridiculous enough to be "30000 confirmed kills" ridiculous until that bullshit. Might as well say it was belt fed.
that's when i reach for my revolver...
>Be mericunts
>do fuck all for 4 years
>set up bombing raid on own naval fleet to claim victim status
>station some rapists in Queensland while aussie fight in new Guinea.
>assist frogs and Poms with a naval invasion in German occupied France, bravely going up against 12yo conscripts, the disabled and elderly
>allow Russians which you armed in the first place to hold the lands which triggered the war in the beginning
>kill 10 million Germans in post war prisoner of war camps
>steal German science to make a large bomb
>drop 2 on Japan, targeting civilians
Did you spit in your grandfather's face afterwards for creating this wonderful Communist dystopia?
The best men fought and died in '45
There was a Wisconsin division on Burma.
Maybe he was using a revolver. He reloads using a moon clip, idiot.
OP, there IS hope. But we have a lot of fucking work to do to wake up these fucking liberal fucking pieces of shit.
God damn I hate feminists.
Did you get to eat before you got kicked out? Sounds like xir got you a free meal
Damn I would have curb stomped a bitch if they harmed my grandfather
>Granddad and I get kicked out of Red Lobster
And nothing of value was lost.
Americans are so dramatic and open mouthed. I love it.
If it was Denmark, you could walk in wearing a literal nazi suit and people would just be staring at you while trying not to have others notice it, judging you silently.
and then the whole train applauded
>people would just be staring at you while trying not to have others notice it, judging you silently.
its only women.
There is hope, OP. We're winning the Culture War, i hope you're not living in a libshit-infested part of America... but then again I'm not surprised, considering it's a woman pulling the victim card and everyone falls for that.
Just be glad the dirty bitch got what she deserved; a nice back-hand to the face.
Hang in there OP, and I salute your grandfather.
>life in prison.
You're proving his point you know.
>take US civil war veteran great great grandpa out to eat for his birthday.
>he's wearing his Confederate States of America stetson.
>typical she-dindu fishlipped bitch with nappy weave and huge earrings comes up and pours his drink down his shirt and calls him a fucking klansman.
>this guy is actually a fucking klansman.
>Pop Pop beats her with his riding crop and she starts bawling.
>Claims he lashed her for no reason.
>Pop Pop and I get kicked out of Long John Silvers.
>couldn't take hush puppies to-go.
You forgot the part where you become range buddies with the police officer
Hmm... Is there any good evidence that Pearl Harbor was an inside job, and not just the govt conveniently letting it happen while their carriers are away, so they have an excuse to curbstomp some nips and krauts?
You got me user
Only if we supplied Japan and Germany as counters to communist expansion while telling the royal family and rothchilds to sit the fuck down. We would be on mars.
Whoa your grandpa is 100 and still so active?
When my Father told me stories of him, his friends, and their niggers beaters, it really reminds me why I love being American. Seeing this culture washed away by Jews is rather heartbreaking.
kek confirms
>tfw when all going to be the cool uncles and grandpas in a sea full of aging cucks
>not a faggot
lawyers are for jews
Your Nana should know to shut her yap if doesn't want to get slapped.
Aussie girls are still sluts for servicemen.
Things that didnt happen
Goddammit, I only came here to observe how hard this place was getting shilled and just how faggy it has become....not to laugh user, not to laugh.
I'm 27 and my grandpa is 94. He flew during the war, P38's. Not everyone's mother was a whore who got knocked up at 17, dumbass
>This man has literally killed actual Nazis
Sounds like he's having regrets and trying to make up for that by supporting King Cheeto, tbqh famalam.
>Just leaves out Guadalcanal, Bougainville, Cape Gloucester, Peleliu, Iwo Jima, Okinawa
Say what you want about the war in Europe but we fought and bled the most of the allies in the Pacific, bar none. Read a book for fucks sake
Also u mad that granny slurped superior yank cocks?
90 year olds can be perfectly active and healthy one day, and then a week later get sick and die.
so if the police are "blue" & represent law and order then suddenly our flags colour schemes seem so much more worthy of being fought for. only problem with my flag is that it represents the decrepit old nofuns whore whilst yours appears more as the reckless teen who drinks and smokes, has a motorcycle and a huge pron collection
red conservative values
white racially homogenous ethnostate
blue law and order enforced but not really neede after a while because after a couple of centuries all the defective criminal scum genes will have been removed (death penalty for all crimes)
That's absurd. Non-Jews need to get into law so that we can oust the fuckers and claim the field.
If he was going to hire a lawyer, he should have hired a non-Jew.
fuckin' sick cunt
love you son
t. dad
Serves the old war criminal right.
Tell me when he passes so I can come spit on his grave.
if your grandfather killed nazis doesn't that make him a bad guy?
also if a WW2 veteran is still alive, isn't he around 100 years old now? How the fuck is he backhanding people?
Another divide and conquer thread, with painfully obvious lies
The war ended in 1945, bruh.
If someone was 18 or 19 back then he would be in his early 90s now.
>2 posts by ID
Thank you,have a nice Day
how the fuck is a 90 year old backhanding people
wouldnt a person who drops a drink on a 90 year old be mentally ill, with no need to specify which type of mental illness it is
and you didn't respond to the nazi question, ww2 veterans may be heroes and patriots, but we know now that they were wrong to fight other white people, especially to "rescue" a kike
>woman is such a little bitch that a 90 year old man can beat the shit out of her
Look at my previous post in this topic to see what I think of that old war criminal.
Some people in their 90s are still very mobile and active. They're the lucky ones.
Most people in their early 90s are in a wheelchair and need help wiping their asses. Some can still walk unassisted though.
You're 18 years old now. When these veterans were your age they were shooting guys, getting drunk and smashing french pussy. At 18 you're on Sup Forums whining about how they were lead by kikes. Check yourself.
Chuck is based. Some weebs tweeted him long ago about a character in strike witches that is his female anime counterpart and he liked it
There were highi ranking military officers that were trying to ward of their vulnerability. No one thinks that its a inside job, but there is a pretty good case that FDR let it happen/ provoked it. He wanted in the war and the American people didn't.
Americans fight wars on the couch with the remote.
I don't know what my grandfather did during the war but he never talked about it
lost his 4 brothers too
Implying a nigger could find his own asshole without the white man guiding him.
>shooting guys, getting drunk and smashing french pussy
So they were basically modern muslims?
Does your grandfather like the biscuits
my story
>be me
>grandpa fought in ww2
>staunch trump supporter
>i take him out grocery shopping and he wears full MAGA gear along with his navy cap
>pushing him in his wheelchair when i get surrounded by 4 dindus
>they're wearing black lives matters shirts
>"hey crackuh, yooza fukin rayciss wid dat trump sheit. yo cracka ass betta tak dat sheit off befoe we beat yo old mans ass"
>my grandpa starts laughing and looks at me as I grin
>we both show our .45s we concel carry
>"oh sheit nigguh we sawy"
>consider unloading a clip into their nigger asses
>I scream "get on the floor evrybody do the dinosaur"
>grandpa unloads bullets into one of the dindus
>hits illegal alien behind him too
>They run
>God lets us enter heaven early since we are too cool
>God kills the other 3 as a solid
>cops come and ask what I'm shooting
>kek and have a beer with them
>god lets me have virgins
>shit was cash
You can't control the brainwashed masses.
Your grandad is a champ for not taking shit from an uppity bitch.
Day of the rake when?
what website is this i need to know
Shut the fuck up cunt.
>Things that never happened for 500 Alex.