>Go to McDonalds
>See this
What to do?
Go to McDonalds
Snap a pic of it, run into the Burger King across the street, and fap furiously.
>What to do?
>Eat McDonalds
>Live healthy/happy life
At least tell the manager you appreciate their movement.
WTF is that?
80 McNuggets and a large fanta please.
Obviously legit...
fake and gay, you printed it, put it there, took the pic, took it down.
>Reparations for the abuse mcdonalds has suffered under the black man
>Eat McDonalds
>Live healthy/happy life
nice one my guy
At least it wasn't tree fiddy.
hey rabbi, etc etc
fucking lol'd
this was going around b 6+ years ago
Laugh at the thought of angry niggers confronting confused nigger employees about the sign since it's obviously fake.
Love the idea though.
Get the fuck out of there before the nogs show up, see that they hafta pay es'tra fo' dey' mc'chikyun, and burn the motherfucker down.
Seriously, do you know how pissed they'd be? You think they got man when cops shot gangbangers? They'd all go full on Oozaru if Mickey D's did some shit like that.
Patron the store
That picture is about 10 years old now, newfag
Go there more often.
False-flag bullshit. Blatantly illegal, expensive from lawsuits, and ultimately pointless.
Besides, almost nobody who works at McDonald's is white unless your town is all-white. In which case there would be no niggers to charge.
So anybody who believes this can eat shit.
Holly shit BK hit a new low with this. Nogs just got their EBT and this will sway them to their establishment. Lets see Mcdonald's rebuttal to this
10/10 post that sign in every mcdonalda
>> Eat a cheeseburger.
JK - McDonalds is not food.
I would never go to a McDonald's where negro frequent anyways
It's old as hell bro.
Thank moonman
I bet a beaner did this. Beaners hate niggers more than anyone.
Good but not enough. We need to bring back segregation and stop serving the negroes entirely.
huh, no way you thinks so!!?
It's not a competition, we all hate em.
newfag detected
show your respect for the establishment by eating there every day.
>serving blacks