Why do Northern Europeans have orange skin?
Why do Northern Europeans have orange skin?
White skin for reference.
Really makes you think.
Best skin tone
Slightly tanned
Because white women are shit. Japanese women are the future.
It is some kind of joke that these Hunnic savages pass for white these days
It's fake tan.
Tanned Nordic skin looks almost golden. In general Europoors have really nice skin.
Here is a case of a white Northern European for reference (notice the white, soft skin).
If you have orange, thick skin (Northern Europe) or brown skin (Southern Europe) you have to go back.
Good question.
Scandinavians and Germans tan very, very well. They get bronze/golden.
It's Brits and often, Southern Euros, that are pasty.
>It's Brits and often, Southern Euros, that are pasty.
Yes, because of our common Eastern Farmer ancestry. White skin came from Anatolia, so naturally, steppeniggers and eskimos don't have it.
I've noticed that as well. I know a danish girl with a yellowish under tone and she turns gold in the sun. Never burns either
because continental europeans are not white.
Southern Euros aren't pasty but when they live in cold countries their skin goes kind of grey
Best bait
The Irish also have pretty white skin. Not sure what the red hair means though, but it can't be bad.
Fact: North Atlantid is the most powerful race. Handsome, aesthetic and intelligent.
Like WTF is wrong with his hair? Is he fucking 4 years old or something?
Why in the fuck do millenials swallow so fucking hard?
British girls can be ok too.
Girls should learn to embrace thrir natural skin tone instead of bronzing.
Even antifafu knows better.
>Why do Northern Europeans have orange skin?
It's not orange, it's ruddy.
We are the descendants of Adam. It is a racial characteristic that exists only on our species, which was formed by the hand of the almighty, in the image of the almighty.
By having a tan and eating vegetables
Looks like leather
Looks good
why you posting bad genes English over here
He's Scottish/reptilian
he's aging like fine wine
And then you have the "Fuck my head shape up" contest amongst between Eastern Europeans
That man is mostly phalian. A Cro-magnon.
Why do all eastern Euros have that short and wide head?
Oh, right, they're mongoloids.
Not grey, olive.
The Northern equivalent.
Could pass as Brit easily.
His hair's fresh. You're just mad and bald
Actually no. Something about him looks really Slav. His eye area I think.
Yes, but you see I didn't post the more extreme Poles because they've killed people and I'm afraid to make fun of their faces
why the fuck do you care?
>hurr women doing women things
saged. fucked off. not politics
>triggered by a very normal hair style
Go outside and get laid
I wish I looked like a nice Mediterannean
>its a "turkish rape baby shills for 'le glorious mediterannean race' episode"
What part of "I wish" don't you understand? You don't have a clue od my ancestry.
You see those blinds?
There's a sun out there.
By the way, looking like a Mediterannean is a preference, not a master race. I have seen all the races and I wish I could look like this. If I was a Mediterannean I would be out living my life, not "shilling" for Australian manbabies.
Carrots and a love for tanning.
>white as a corpse is masterrace tho
Lemme guess you can't get white girls lmao. So there for Asain's are superior because they have lower standards.
Fun fact the grill on the right is some sort of south asian
It's called a tan
It's ok, at least you look like your people. I was born in the Mediterannean, but I don't have any of the features.
reminder that masterrace has:
>light brown almost (reddish hair)
>blue eyes
>pale skin with a splash if freckles
Fuck off Meditards and Germaniggers. The eternal Anglo is superior.
I remember reading somewhere,
that orange skinned german people were a separate race of white people.
they tend to be taller,fatter(bigger), blue eyed,smarter, and more skilled at hands-on shit.
anyone else know where i can find the article about this?
>being this bluepilled
The northern European is no better then a chink, arab, or native american. You are only above niggers. The true great race of this planet is and always will be the original founders of all that is western and sacred. Sorry about the redpill irish nigger mixed merifat, you are inferior.
>reddish hair
fucking ew
A heterogeneous glob of dna from all over the middle east and africa, with faint traces of the DNA from the people they replaced.
Rome melting pot ftw
Meds and Germaniggers are both shit. Celts are masterrace.
Well Celts seem nicer
is he taking test pills or something? How do I do that, or does this just naturally happen for guys?
Alba gu Brath
Many Germans fake tan themselves in sunbathe studios.
They find dark skin color more desirable, just as people with natural dark skin color find pale skin color more desirable.
>Scandinavians and Germans tan very, very well. They get bronze/golden.
>It's Brits and often, Southern Euros, that are pasty.
Tanning well is how white skin is "supposed" to work. It's an adaptation for an environment where you get low sun and need to be pale but also the summer sun would fry you unless you tanned.
In Britain the sun was mild enough all year that mutations that compromised the ability to tan, like being ginger, were able to survive and not be weeded out through natural selection.
Niggers are adapted for a sunny environment where their skin needs to be protected all year.
So the ginger is sort of the anti-nigger.
This girl looks a lot like a local hooker I used to fap to on backpage
Thats ridiculous, the greeks {g} have been crushed...
Awful to watch them sell them selves out te the highest bidder, but that's their NEW history.
Booga booga african mixed greek phuckers with ya woollen hair... lel.
Yah its nice feelings.
HGH (Human Growth Hormone).
Larger head size due to HGH usage. It's associated with hair loss, so he got a hair transplant too.
french are liken to> kazzas> spaniards> italians arabs> and> turks...
Basically mixed muthaphukas.
>literally speaks Germanic=north european language
You aint fooling anyone Jose, you're arab tier shitskin
It's called getting tanned. Europeans do it on their vacations. You poor Greek cunts just get burnt in the sun while you beg for coins.
Whats with all the browns... in this {pic}
They don't, true scandinavians actually have red skin (sami).
Where are you getting this user? I'm intrigued
>light brown hair, almost red hair
>pale skinned
>but brown eyes
we've been flaying men in the north for thousands of years
Ex arabs...
Eyes> cheeks> nose.
warning WARNING sage hide and report all shill slide psyops threads. warning WARNING we are under siege by shills sliders. warning WARNING they are here they are shilling they are sliding warning WARNING they are sliding the wikileaks vault 7 CIA FBI NSA PG podesta investigation trump threads warning WARNING
warning WARNING
I thought he was an autistic britbong when i first saw the pic
Has Nordic features, looks persia/saudi light skinned euro featured though.
Cast system of establishment likes that stuff.
Her pale skin looks so much better.
fuck-off, Shlomo go dank up the CIA. Christ hated you kikes!
In pic two, you look like a mexican.
Pic three convict sex fiend
One wuz' best... :( se
She's not bad, looks Indian.
Could be south murican
Swedes are obsessed with the sun and tanning.
We only have sun 4 months a year.
t. Swede on vacation :^)