I don't want to be spied on but does anyone feel bad about the shit being said about the CIA? I feel sort of patriotic about the CIA, how powerful US intelligence has historically been, and now we just shit on it like they're incompetent traitors, applaud and laugh when our competitive advantages in cyber warfare are leaked to the world.
I don't want to be spied on but does anyone feel bad about the shit being said about the CIA...
a patriot loves his government
a nationalist loves his people
dont defend your enemies
if we don't ridicule them now then they'll never become what they were.
and make no mistake if they wanted you dead you would be in the next hour and no one would know it was them
what good has the CIA ever done?
The CIA is not working for the will of the people. They are more interested in protection of their deep state and being puppets for the liberals.
Nothing to be proud of them for.
>incompetent traitors
but they were
Someone much smarter than me and who gets quoted all the time said something like, 'there is no greater love for your country than to criticize it'.
A retard gets used by Russia
>The CIA is not working for the will of the people.
You have some proof of this?
have you not seen the vault 7 leaks you dumb faggot?
>They are more interested in protection of their deep state and being puppets for the liberals.
It's more sinister than that.
Consider a one year old child today who may grow up to be a politician, high-level businessman, civil servant, inventor, etc.
That child is going to grow up with his communications logged, messages recorded, phone conversations intercepted, and what's more all his porn interests, mistakes in teenage years, drug taking, cheating, law breaking, foolish racist or bigoted or cruel utterances, web searches, fucking everything.
Then when they're making something of themselves they get a knock at the door and someone comes in with a big file.
The end consequence of this project means that the intelligence agencies will become our permanent rulers. Not even democracy can overturn them because democracy's players, our politicians, have and do make mistakes, mistakes which are captured by the agencies. And any revolution would be thwarted before it even began.
The CIA has always been there, (since it was called the OSS), to facilitate the will of international corporations, whether US companies, or otherwise. They do some good work by overthrowing Communist uprisings because who the fuck wants communism? Idiots who live on their iPhones which they'd NEVER have without Capitalism. They big problem is when you assist a brand of pseudo Capitalism which is so entirely selfish that it literally chokes it's own host, (ie; the USA), to death. Americans pay for military contractors to over charge their governments 10x to 50x an appropriate price, to fight a war which was fabricated, (ie; Weapons of mass destruction), for oil companies which are not even technically American.
>feeling sorry for the deep state
found the faggot shill
wtf have they been doing the entire election you dumbfuck
>what good has the CIA ever done?
That's actually a good fucking question. The CIA has done a whole bunch of shady, unethical and destabilising things but I can't think of a single positive at all.
Those poor kid fuckers
No. Fuck them all.
The CIA is not patriotic. You are only remembering something in a movie that made you feel that they were.
The CIA gave all their tools to sketchy third parties.
They fucked themselves over, because they were too over confident.
They also violated everyone's rights.
And how many terrorist attacks did they prevent? Was it worth compromising security for everyone?
The only terrorists caught in the act are the honey pots the FBI creates.
You "sort of feel patriotic about the CIA."
You're really going with that?
You're spot on with that. I would like to see them all dragged out into the street and shot for what they have done. But we both know that only a handful of people give two shits about this.
Imagine what will happen when these tools become public. I wonder if you could use the UEFI hook to permanently brick every single desktop computer out there. I'm sure they could also use some of their other tools to remotely brick phones, televisions, etc.
I wouldn't even be opposed to it at this point.
>applaud and laugh when our competitive advantages in cyber warfare are leaked to the world.
None of those programs and toolkits were classified in any way, there is literally no way of knowing whether they represented any kind of competitive advantage or if every single last one had already been stolen and put to use by a foreign state.
As the Wikileaks summary pointed out, they were also "hoarding vulnerabilities", i.e. discovering backdoors and breaches in the security of major US tech companies and financial institutions, allied states and trade partners, whoever else, and instead of informing the vulnerable party they were logging the weakness in a database and finding ways to exploit it.
As a citizen of two different nations that are each supposed to be part of an especially close and historically significant alliance with the USA, it looks to me like the CIA have once again ignored all and any instructions from your statesmen and elected representatives, instead deciding to act in their own bureaucratic interests to try and get a competitive edge over the NSA, Silicon Valley, and the intelligence agencies of allied countries like mine.
This is all leaving out the very significant implication that Wikileaks have made that the CIA could easily be responsible for the "Russian" hacking of the DNC, and furthermore that since none of their programs was really being shielded from thieves by any security, the "Russian" hacking could have been carried out by anyone who was able to get their hands on UMBRAGE.
Despite being an organisation that seems to employ some of the most intelligent and competent people in the world, incompetent failure follows them around like a shadow. They should be dissolved.
PMCs are mostly recruited for trade shit if I'm being honest and pay accordingly. 200k for a hvac tech may seem like a lot until you account for the fact the guy is heavily experienced and has all his licenses and clearances while getting mortared daily. The cost to the US to recruit and train any MOS reaches in the millions so it actually works out quite well.
Security personnel are almost always well vetted dudes that in a private world demand high pay and a high rate, genuine operators with a lot of real war experience are incredibly fucking rare and demand the price that the government pays for them. The real flaw is the brand of capitalism that doesn't even occupy Iraq and take the oil.
Have the Russians won?
They've put their guy in the White House and have given the American people a reason to demand the dismantling of the most effective and ubiquitous intelligence service in the history of mankind.
Did we just lose the Cold War?
They are public. That's why Wiki released them, someone has all the information.
I would sure as fuck make sure all your shit (TV's, phones, tablets, Windows, Linux) are patched right the fuck up today.
You and your Putin shill "president" and wikileaks reading cunts are the traitors, faggot
>I don't want to be spied on
Privacy is the only true form of Freedom. Since Freedom is an inherently American value, then you should be shitting on the CIA with all your might.
I thought about that.
Have the Russians destabilized the US?
No, the war in Iraq destabilized the US. They couldn't afford to hold Iraq without committing to a total war. They went broke, destabilized the entire middle east trying to patch it up (set the example they would back anyway that would over throw a dictator), and tried to clean up again by spreading refugees everywhere.
On a small scale (last 10 years), Russia has a lot of war crimes to commit in order to catch up with the war the Iraq. The problem isn't that Russia is winning the cold war, it's that the US Government is losing credibility with it's own people.
Even if Russia DID hack the DNC and the CIA, that doesn't justify the DNC's collusion with the media or the CIA violating everyone's information.
i dont really care anymore. i hate the fact that my government spies on me, but i realize that short of an OKC event literally nothing will stop them. so i just laugh at the poor sap who is monitoring my computer and watches me fuck my asshole with a billyclub through my webcam
The CIA has been existing and operating without accountability for a dangerously long time. While that has the potential to be extremely beneficial under the right intelligence leadership. Once a bad seed takes root, it become a level of nightmare fuel you can't even begin to imagine. It needs a complete purge of ranks at this point.
> ITT a bunch of faggot laarpers
CIA is just another cog.
just look at the dweebs who come out of the CIA (or really the private contractors that outnumber the CIA by a lot and end up being the directors)
then look at all our great presidents who talked shit on the CIA after they had to deal with them (Truman, JFK said he wanted to splinter them a month before he got assassinated)
they are a rogue little shit organization
Do you know what MKUltra is? Operation Paperclip? Operation northwoods? Fucking rofl.
im all for the CIA spying on everyone. i like wikileaks for getting clinton, but dont like that they are attacking our spy agencies.
do they attack russia or china the same way ?
or are they only oriented against the US. i mean, their worst stuff is always anti-US
>I feel sort of patriotic about the CIA, how powerful US intelligence has historically been
I mean, you assume that the CIA is on your side and always does what is best for it's own citizens. You assume that when the "U.S." is powerful that means you, the citizen are also powerful, instead of the top .1% that has so much money it can influence banks, politics, and media to control what people like "you" think, see, hear and believe. To people at the top, you're just another number no different from an Iraqi or refugee. They think you're stupid, easy to lie to and control, and honestly given most of our people, they're right.
Don't forget the PA Prison experiments, Tuskegee Syphillis injections, ongoing torture experiments at Guantanamo and operation mockingbird to name a few more. Also STARGATE was taxpayer money going to research telekenesis and psychic powers.
Likely tons of shit which has saved tons of American lives and furthered American interests.
Russians? No. Jewish Communists? Yes.
What a time to be alive
The 80s called, they want their bad guy back!
Aren't the CIA a bunch of shady fucks that keep everything hidden from the people?
They don't seem like a safe bunch tbqh
the phoenix program
Have you guys forgotten about MKUltra already? CIA is pure evil
I thought I was the only one
This info is better for the people of the u.s. It doesn't hurt the spy agencies because most people aren't fuckimg terrorists.
It's literally muh Russians that are trying do destroy us from within
>I feel sort of patriotic about the CIA
I've never met anyone who shares this sentiment.
They've acted directly against the will of the people since before I was born.
>our advantages are leaked
Maybe you missed the part where we learned that the ACTUAL SOFTWARE has already been shared and is in the wild somewhere? Go cry someplace else you retard faggot
I like this current state of stability. As long as the usa wants to keep italy under their wing we can lower defence spending in exchange of a "cultural hegemony" which never happened.
I am fine with those actions as long as CIA doesn't perform industrial espionage.
>lies about WMDs
>gets thousands of US troops killed.
Honestly, Fuck the CIA. They are pussy queers who lack the guys to serve in the armed forces.
Mossad run the CIA
And it's Israel that's fucking up your country
Dumb cucked burgers
It's become corrupt and needs a reboot.
>does anyone feel bad about the shit being said about the CIA?
No. Not feeling bad for the Deep State.
You're an useful idiot, what did CIA mean with WMDs? Just sarin, no one technically lied when they talked about those weapons, despite the hints at the existence of nuclear weapons.
>Bay of Pigs
>JFK assassination
>MK Ultra
>Operation Mockingbird
>possibly 9/11, at least responsible for the intel blunder
>Iraq War
>Yellowcake papers
>""""Moderate"""" Rebels
>countless assassinations and "regime change"
Everything I just posted is only what's publicly known, who knows what else is going on under the hood. The CIA does not give a fuck about the US, and ever since WWII and Hoover, they don't even need to report to the president and are given ZERO oversight. They only respond to and push the agenda of the Council of Foreign Relations/Rothschilds.
Since the CIA is probably reading this, go fuck yourselves you treasonous leeches.
There might be some nice people in the CIA too retarded to see that they're destroying the country and have never done any good in the world but it's important to look at the situation objectively because this insane mass surveillance is disgusting.
Useful idiot? The CIA has fucking killed so many people for no reason.
I mean Laos alone. The organization are office drones making the autistic decisions where they treat innocent people as disposable. They are concerned about meaningless shit like Syria.
They are pretty much part of the kike ethno state.
They have zero honor, or concept of justice. The CIA needs disbanded.
It not the deep state that's being ripped you fkin tard.
I mean fuck, that's not securing shit. So what are our tax dollars going towards?
The CIA is running with no oversight or accountability the access of info and technology without the former is dangerous.
Also patriotic towards cia? are you serious or fucking with us?
CIA totally sucks! It's up there with the government in general.
>I feel sort of patriotic about the CIA, how powerful US intelligence has historically been...
I used to hold those sentiments until I read Tim Weiner's history of the agency. Pick up a copy and you'll be surprised how quickly your mental image of CIA is shattered. Pretty depressing really
>patriotic about an unconstitutional institution with essentially unlimited power and no checks and no morality
Not really.
The CIA can and should be utterly ruthless in conducting its espionage and black ops against foreign countries.
The CIA shouldn't be meddling in the affairs of the US government or its citizenry.
I like the CIA when they're working in foreign nations against foreign nations.
I hate the CIA and any other "Intelligence", "Investigation", or "Security" agency that works against citizens.
>I feel sort of patriotic about the CIA
You shouldn't feel any sense of attachment to the CIA, it's a very young organization in the greater American historical scheme of things and never really accomplished anything much.
Seriously think about it.
If the CIA was effective why did Castro die of old age? Fucking Castro. Some dipshit Cuban that lived in a banana republic literally 90 miles away, and they couldn't take him out.
Fuck the CIA. Useless bastards.
Literally only good at covering for pedophiles.
Patriotic about people who knocked down the twin towers and would gladly kill american civilians if it meant they got what they want?
KEK why are Americans so fucking cucked?? honestly...
I've known some spooks and if I must be honest, many of them are patriotic. They can compile good data and make great recommendations but ultimately, what is done with the data they gather...That's another matter entirely.
Four books really transformed how I saw intelligence work; The Devil's Chessboard, Confessions of a Economic Hitman, Cult of Intelligence, and Dark Alliance.I noticed a common theme throughout these books; bad actors within the agency are protected by corrupt officials, while good actors within the agency are tied up with red-tape and told "it's complicated, when you know what I know, you'll understand this is necessary."
Most see it as a right-of-passage in the community, to be told something horrifying and being able to not crack under the pressure of what you are doing. They understand that their job is to fight dirty so they embrace it with a kind of patriotic fatalism.
Combine this with the alienation of the agency and the people, and it's a recipe for disaster. They know much more about the goings on the world than the average joe, so they feel that the complaints about their methods or past are of little consequence, since the public "doesn't know".
For instance, I got into a conversation with a spook about the Ukraine conflict. I told him about the SD connections and he mocked me in regards to being a "Bilderberger". Then, like every spook I've ever met, he rubbed my shoulders and said, "You don't know everything about the situation. If you did, you'd understand."
If the gatekeepers and power brokers had a different agenda, the problem would be solved. Unfortunately, that would mean acknowledging an unsettling fact in regards to the agency...
They aren't needed anymore.
We have over a dozen more agencies in regards to intelligence. It's time to break up the CIA; fire the small cluster of seditious agents and move the others to different agencies. Call it a fucking day.
>lmao we totally killed your bishop, you're so close to checkmate
---non-CIA Sup Forums tards
CIA is not USA. CIA does not serve USA. CIA does not help USA.
These leaks show that yes, CIA are fucking traitors, they are absolutely uncontrollable lunatics with crazy ideas that they, CIA, rule the world and that everyone, including POTUS, must submit to them or be punished.
CIA is neck-deep in drugs trafficking and radical islam, CIA spying programs target politicians and dissidents instead criminals, CIA is actively subverting national cybersecurity and violating direct presidental orders while doing it.
There's nothing to be proud of.
>If the CIA was effective why did Castro die of old age?
If the CIA isn't effective why isn't Iran a democracy?
Thank you for shilling for Russia! A mini bottle of vodka had beed dispatched to your icehole.
This shit makes me need more than a little bottle of vodka
holy shit what a dumb shit. the cia should be disbanded. they are evil.
A patriot loves his nation unconditionally, and his government if it deserves it.
no, fuck off
you are defending incompetence at best, treason at worst
these guys LOST CONTROL OF THEIR WEAPONS. do you have any idea what happens to a soldier who loses his weapon?
>constant monitoring to prevent terrorism
>collapse Yugoslavia to help nationalities feel more comfortable
>installation of friendly and benevolent puppet leaders
Here I am trying to think of good they HAVEN'T done.
The CIA should have been shut down after 9/11. That was an intelligence failure of catastrophic proportions and proved the CIA is either incompetent or complicit in bad happenings to our country.
CIA are literally autistic RPing ponyfaggots.
>how powerful US intelligence has historically been
>getting completely subverted by communist jews
>powerful intelligence
chose only one, goy!
>If the CIA isn't effective why isn't Iran a democracy?
arabs can't be trusted to do anything constructive
>all the drug running
>all the gun running
>all the terrorist training and supplying
>all the spying on American citizens
>all the false flags
>all the conspiracies
>shills still defend the CIA
They kidnap kids for the elites to rape, torture, and murder.
They are basically just kike mercenaries and deserve absolutely no respect.
The only reason Podesta isn't being gang raped by a bunch of niggers in a supermax prison along with Clinton is because of the cia/nsa and the kikes who fund it.
>does anyone feel bad about the shit being said about the CIA?
No, not at all. There's no reason why I would defend the CIA or feel bad about them.
Instead, they expanded.
So, now the watchers are involved.
I feel that it's getting dangerous for america, all those leaks.
I don't see any Chinese, Russians or the Brits leaking stuff on their intelligence agencies.
Why would you care about that? The death of democracy doesn't warrant looking into, there's reality shows to watch.
what do we do user, is trump gonna really clear house? Worries me he won't
are fucking serious right now OP?
The whole fucking world should just declare war on you fat fucks and get over with it quickly.
Fuck you, fuck your secret services spying on everyone like they please and fuck your carrot of a president.
Not a single good thing came out of the U.S. ever.
>inb4 muh Silicon Valley
I've never trusted the CIA since I researched the Bay of Pigs. It isnt nothing new. Or at least it shouldnt of been to you.
>tfw I know what you are talking about bc we went over it in class
I guess school was kinda useful. Who would have thought.
And I agree the shit they found and discovered during phoenix probably saved thousands if not hundred thousands of lives but definitely ruined and fucked up some Americans in the process over the years