I don't know what to do anymore Sup Forums

I don't know what to do anymore Sup Forums

I just found out I'm .1% east asian (mongolian and japanese to be specific though idk how they isolated those specific countries but couldn't do it in the european ones)

I guess... at least I'm not african/sand flea...

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Stop judging yourself and others by their place of birth. You'll feel a lot better and you won't end up like stickman.

Stickman is a goddamn hero and possibly saved that other dude's life who the group was trying to drag away

BRUH you probably have genghis in you. I'd be happy.

I have another question, the mongolian kind of makes sense what with the 1 in 100 chance of being his descendant but where the fuck would the japanese come from? those niggers were isolationists for like their entire history

Shut the fuck up faggot.
We'll do what we want and none of your little riots are going to stop us.
You know damn well if you actually got anywhere near making a difference we'd just start shooting your worthless asses.
You'll never stop us. If you tried to start a coup we'd hunt you all down and that would be the end of your stupid resistance.

I want to see what you faggots are really capable of because I'm not impressed at all. If you're going to make us really feel threatened then you're going to have to do better.

All Europeans have at least 0.1% mongoloid genes Im sure. Especially those east of the Netherlands

Its not like you were doing anything before you knew

>saved that other dudes life!
>by hitting someone in the head with a stick that could potentially kill them

the people here really are braindead

You're not.

Thats just some shit the jews throw in there.

Portugese sex slaves

>group trying to beat another dude to death
>not justified in coarsely shooing them away with a stick


not true, I was just failing at what I was trying, now I can at least blame my sub human genetics

This is what happens if you met a true right winger.

Yeah he saved a man from being dragged away by leftist filth. He did what he had to do. Fuck off low born leaf scum.

they had japanese?

The blood of the Khans flow in you.

But seriously the info they give you is a combined mix including other users.

You might not be a Asian rape descendant, but a distant cousin of yours might be and that person has gotten a DNA test. Their DNA mostly matched with yours so you end up on that statistic.


Your great great great grandparent fucked a slave and had a kid. That kid goes off into the world and does whatever. Your great great great grandparent fucked his white wife. That line goes down to you.

Years later you get a DNA test, the nigger descendant has already had it. Your DNA matches with this person and you get black included in your mix.

is that really how they do it?

I mean from everything else I'm reading about the genes for things like eye color and blood type is spot on.

>After the Portuguese first made contact with Japan in 1543, a large scale slave trade developed in which Portuguese purchased Japanese as slaves in Japan and sold them to various locations overseas, including Portugal itself, throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.[3][4] Many documents mention the large slave trade along with protests against the enslavement of Japanese. Japanese slaves are believed to be the first of their nation to end up in Europe, and the Portuguese purchased large numbers of Japanese slave girls to bring to Portugal for sexual purposes, as noted by the Church[citation needed]in 1555. Sebastian of Portugal feared that this was having a negative effect on Catholic proselytization since the slave trade in Japanese was growing to massive proportions, so he commanded that it be banned in 1571.[5][6]


well goddamn, I imagine the portugese weren't selling exclusively to the portugese either.

Well, if you have Dutch ancestry, the Netherlands did have some Japanese slaves in Southeast Asia (Dutch East Indies, modern Indonesia). A number of these Japanese slaves had children by Dutch fathers and were brought to Europe at various times during the Tokugawa period. I've done genealogical research in the Netherlands and found a couple references to these half-Japanese/Dutch people in notarial records from the 1600s. The one I remember in detail was about a merchant who bequeathed his estate to his two children, both born of a Japanese mother. I tracked the children through the parish and notarial records and found they were both born in the Dutch East Indies and that they left descendants in Amsterdam at least through the mid 1700s (I stopped looking after that). So I think at least a few Dutch people today have Japanese ancestry, but don't know about it since it's so far back in time.

colloquially there isn't dutch in my ancestry, swedish, irish and lithuanian are the storied ones

but I guess sneaking some dutch in there isn't even remotely unreasonable