Autistic Flags
there is nothing more autistic than uniquely shaped flags
If you find the Triskelion ridiculous why not post the more autistic version?
Sicily what the FUCK is up with that flag...
Nothing wrong with the flag of Mann.
>hating on ancient symbolism
Yeah why don't they have yet another fucking tricolor
>not knowing that The Isle of Mann is a haven for:
>(((English Bankers))) with a "special dispensation" from the Crown
>a haven for PEDOS
>has more Freemasons per capita than any other jurisdiction in the UK
>that the flag is based off the original 3 legged version of the Demon BUER because that isle is full of demon worshiping kikes.
>pic related
imblying ancient can't be autist
Imagine that flag kicking your arse. It would never end.
Can someone shoop this into a legstika?
Gf is from Canton, fuck Ohio.
Provo wins everytime
>this is an actual flag
It's a fucking leaf.
Michigander here.
FPBP, as always
hahaha they know about it in sri lanka
More creativity than your snorefest of a flag. At least ours has history behind it.
February 15, 1965
Your flag is younger than my dad
Your flag as it currently exists has only been flying since July, 1960. Congratulations. Your flag is younger than my dad.
>Make fun of leaflets gay leaf flag
>Leaflet get mad
>Tries to insinuate shit flag has history while ours doesn't
>Gets owned
>Leaflet cries
Dont Worry i'd be upset too if i lived in Canadiastan.
>three fucking legs
>stars going over the edge
Does any other flag do this? It looks retarded
delete this
We are statistically much whiter than you are, with a dose of FUNCTIONAL multiculturalism
>Hating on one of the most based lands on the planet
OP is a faggot. May blistering high speed motorcycle races cover this planet.
Must forget the biggest part were our shitskins come here illegally while your cuck president lets them in and then worships their goat fucker prophet with them.
Ok leaflet
Shut the FUCK UP. Literally fucking EVERYONE hates americans because you're just fat lard fucks that pride yourselves around shooting yourselves and burgers. Fuck you. Go back to praising lord burnt cheeto.
>Crying Leafag
Whats new amiright guys.
I mean if you're that sensitive maybe you should leave Sup Forums. Maybe reddit is more of your place leaflet.
Tell that to Nepal
Do go on, sweetie.
that's a reddit joke
>Ordem e progresso
makes me laugh everytime
Honesty don't know why flag experts think it's good, it's a fucking leaf and the flag overall has a shitty meaning.
>Canada more white than USA
fuck i did not know Walmart has deals on bundles up litres of mountain dew
Now i can game at l33t efficiency
Thanks leaflet
Me too!
Black, red and yellow. Are the colors of the typical germans guys nowadays?
These are legit flags of counties in Liberia
Flag of the Netherlands Antilles
>Liberian Artists
You aren't much better Canada.
Liberian counties most autistic thread closed everyone go home
>tfw canadias shitty flag
Was this made before or after base god trump was elected?
I thought it was decent
Wait there's more.
>Libera, the country of former US slaves that were returned to Africa and subjugated the people living there already into slavery
thank god they changed it, holy shit
>the trees are in the sky
This is what happens when you give people who still use cave art MS Paint
Oh fuck i'm bleeding
Wee woo wee woo switzerland coming in
shit looks like a first aid kit, this is truly autistic
We are all born with 3 feet.
one foot in life
one foot in prison
and one foot in the grave.
That's what it means
and this flag is called Trinacria
False medics everywhere
nice, bump
>You chose a fucking leaf
digits confirm irony
Why do I even fucking browse this shitty board anymore.
>Australian insulting
>Canada makes insult of similar high quality
Wow shitty post bro fucking leaf
Fuck Sup Forums, especially the americunts shitting it up
You have to go back, you snowbacked, milk-bagging, Pajeet, Canuckistani cuck.
>Canadian get wrecked by true Anglo Bros
>Upset cause not true Anglo Bro
>Cries more
Please keep it up
Leaflets on suicide Watch after getting BTFO
The flag you replaced with the leaf had history behind it.
Ohio a shit
>Canada makes insult of similar high quality
>of similar high quality
This has to be fucking bate. No way you honestly believe the average Canadian post is even near Australia.
>new drumpf campaign
hi shareblue
The Red Ensign had more history than the leaf you have today.
Fuck off you stupid fucking leaf cunt.
actually kill yourself leaf
whatever you say, australia
>at least our flag has history
Shit insult from a shit poster in a shit country with shit anti-Trump troll memes ACTUALLY saved to xer pc.
Nice trips though, leaf.
A fucking swastika. How autistic can you get?!
Travancore flag.
>ywn live in canadian Nazi Germany
dude why the fuck would they use a swastika? what kind of fucking rock would you have to live under to not know how offensive that is
Aww. That's kind of cute. *toot* t. elephant
You are a whiny bitch.
its just an ancient celtic symbol thats been anglicised.
Dont worry, yours will go 60% or lower to after a decade
You MexicanAsian if you ever need a quick fuck im sure leaflet will let you use his wife.
You guys are brown enough.
We're all just fat fucks. Who had the most medals at the last olympics?
3 penaises
this fucking flag
where did you hear that?