North Korea threatens War!!!

North Korea threatens War!!!

>2017 Summer Draft
>major fighting along the DMZ
>artillery barrages at least 5 miles in
>Portland and San Francisco are smoking ruins


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>North Korea threatens War!!!
must be that time of the month

He's just beating his chest like usual. China is growing tired of him, so I see China cleaning house.

How would they even reach Portland and San Fran with that kind of firepower you mongoloid?

This. China's goal is to maintain global stability and we're rapidly reaching the point where a unified Korea under southern rule is best for the PRC.



I want to make a anew musical instrument like a xylophone out of them.

>trump declares war on Nork
>millions of QT breeding age refugee Koreans come in
>tfw trump gets you a government subsidized gf



Oh shit

Forgot to feed the Norks again!

Someone get the can opener

Wish we were lucky enough for thier nukes to reach Portland and San Francisco


>Portland and San Francisco are smoking ruins
i wish

I would enlist desu. If I come back, I'd smuggle back some SKS's, what ever commie pistol they use, and a waifu.

Whatever happened to that Otto Warmbier guy?

Who cares? North korea is a joke. USA could end them in 30 seconds.

More like 15 minutes.

I read somewhere they had to drop the minimum height to join the army to 1,3m (somewhere around 3-4 feet? idk, never realy cared about the pleb system)

So you'd had a really small waifu

>He thinks 1960s missile tech can get through modern missile shields

>QT breeding age refugee Koreans
North Koreans look like dog shit. Probably because of the starvation and dirt, but they're nothing to look at that isn't government-approved.

It will happen when they get a competent nuke delivery system
They will invade and US will not be able to go SK to help because of it

We should allow them to fire a few missiles into California, then nuke them off the face of the earth after they're done. Two birds one stone.

About 4'3. That is a level beyond manlet.

Fuck you

one EMP device properly deployed by the Norks and we're in the stong age. take this shit seriously, the risk is low but the cost is catastrophic. they are very clearly working toward an EMP, and once that genie is out of the bottle our govt is really goong to have to work to keep us safe, while they have spent a decade watching us jerk off, it's all they're good at now.

Do you even Tea Girl?
Stfu, nerd.
I claim her as my Teafu.

this is the same press that covered the election and the present political discourse

yesterday , korea shot a scud

yeah, no

at this point we should start worrying if they go a few months without threatening war

So you're saying I should heavily invest in South Korean plastic surgery clinics?

>where a unified Korea under southern rule is best for the PRC.


NO ONE wants a reunified Korea

>South Korea would have to pay for EVERYTHING in the reunification / rebuild process.
>Japan fears the economic power a unified korea would have, besides in the event of a war they would have a lot of damage.
>US needs the North Korean threat as the official reason to have a fuckton of bases in the area to keep the chinese in check. No NK, what excuse do they have to maintain their forces in the area? After all they have bases in Japan and in South Korea .
>China needs the 'North Korea' card to use on the US. Think of it as 'you need me to keep this asshole in chains'. Besides if it were any war they would have the most refugees and no country likes massive waves of refugees.
>Russia would recieve collateral damage, besides the refugees and the fear of a unified korea

And I'm not even mentioning the huge humanitarian crisis nor the public uproar of war... if the left is so vocal about muh rights, muh safe space and shit, imagine how they would scream in the event of a war, even a defensive one.

I could keep going but I'm too lazy to do it right now

wtf, I hate North Korea now.

Let's be real, North Korea isn't going to declare war on America.

A bigger issue is most likely China's reaction to American counter-measures (like moving the THAAD system). That could actually start a war

>Almost the entirety of North Korea took three months to conquer in 1950 with the barebones post-war army of America / allies
>Iraq took 2 months
If you enlisted on day 1 it would be over by the time you finish.

lemme cummy in ur tummy mummy

>If you enlisted on day 1 it would be over by the time you finish.

Pretty sure they can do it in 10 minutes... or whatever time it takes for the missiles to launch and hit the targets.

Anyway, I'd be pretty surprised if they decided to go that way and make SK an island

Fat asian kid is firing up is yearly empty threats again, huh?

Every 15 minutes....or earlier if a moth farts their way

>North Korea
>Doing anything other than further starving their population and edgy saber rattling

Check these digits and eat shit OP, it's not Happening

Someone is trying to get elected probably. We've been down this road again and again. Also, they aren't Rothchilde bank country.

This won't be the year. I don't think.

In truth they are still 3 years off from an ICBM. But the bad news is 3 years is a drop in the bucket. They are gonna try and stall till then with this being the annual DPRK springtime shitshow part XXIII.


Quality post

hope you like nuclear particulate in your atmosphere. trade winds might make that rough for all of us here in North America.

Yeah, but we're talking about Asians here. 4'3" is considered barely a manlet by their standards.

North Korean television airing right now. Come watch with me.


>Its the hourly north korean war thread just in time!

bring it on chinks. its about time we fucked up the fat little prince and bitch slapped him a fucking lesson

the little tubby faggot needs to learn respect

We need to shoot down that nork "communication" satellite it is a nuke set to emp us.

>North Korea declare a war the 1,000,000 time.

Hello t_D newfag

now gtf off Sup Forums

leave Sup Forums

Trump won't do shit, he is a pussy

Looks like the postgame medals screen from cowadoody or something

leave /earth/


Leave Sup Forums newkid.

they make empty threats every 3 months.

Kim Jong Un has done a good job of purging elements of his government that are pro-China and in communication with China. It's why he killed his uncle and much of the inner Kim Jong-Il circle of his father.

and king nigger would give them millions in food and money

the gibbs stop here. we got trump in power. we are not going to pay off the little fat fuck for throwing a nuclear tantrum. if he wants to win some fucking scorched rice paddies, and glassed chink fields, he can play stupid games. fuck that fat short little nigger

it's really about the thaad anti missile system the us is putting in south korea

>complaining that a country is defending itself from an unannounced missile launch

the chinese are a special case of stupid

>samefagging with a phone

Absolute reddit cancer




you're gonna need more than one set.

>Portland and San Francisco are smoking ruins

So they did the rest of the US a favor?

Maybe Kim isn't such a bad guy after all.

They sell those here you fucking mong. Also, I own a real sks.

That implies Xi Jinping can reign in Kim and unless he's willing to send a tanker truck full of Hennessy to Pyongyang, that's not going to happen.

us is trying to surround china with missile bases like they did with iran and russia


Kim is /ourguy/ confirmed?

/thread, Hahahaha, good, get em Kim, just please don't hurt us for reals. Thanks bro

Basically the Chineez are begging Trump to deal with Chimp Jong Un by talking directly and settling the problem. All Fatty Kim II wants is access to the world market so he can get money without having to give up his nukes because he knows if he did they'd invade and overthrow him in a minute.

China also likes using DPRK as their proxy against Japan whenever they want some lulz

Basically the Chineez are begging Trump to deal with Chimp Jong Un

dis gonna b gud

what the fuck.fffsffsaasdasdasf

never knew the korean peninsula was this FUBAR

Greater Korea is no joke.

Imagine the south would have access to that gigantic labor pool, overnight they would become the new Shenzen or Taiwan in terms of factory manpower with millions of low paid workers dying to get those jobs after decades of commiefuckediszm.

Not to mention the unexploited resources in the North like lumber/mining.

Please let them bomb South Korea. You have no idea how many gruges that would solve for me personally. Juat dont let them bomb anywhere else. Fuck South Korea.

the reason best korea fired 3or 4 missiles with different ranges was to show that they could overwhelm the thaad system anyway

>we are not going to pay off the little fat fuck for throwing a nuclear tantrum.

You mean like Japan paid murica.

They have very few roamin african niggers, nigger.

I'm sure this time will really be the time they actually mean it.....

trump has no one in his cabinet that knows how to deal with n korea yet.
and if he picks another crazy or dumbass china can take advantage

If we could have bestkorea as an ally, China wouldn't even begin to stand a chance.

US-Nork Alliance would be unexpected, but bro tier.

The sheer amount of rare earth metals would seem to make it well worth the cost of reunification with the south to the south. But the chinese wont ever give up there near monopoly theyd probly take over the earth metal rich parts and say fuck the rest in the case of war.

wtf she didnt go get him she left him there for a fucking day? fuck roasties.

I'm 24, can I even be drafted anymore?

So another Tuesday then?

>North Korea

Pick one

up to 39

fuck off chang


Nah it would be better to nuke some dump like Arkansas

North Korea threatens war every year.

We're not talking about imaginary scenarios, retarded leaf. Do you guys ever contribute anything of value to discussions?