So the FBI are the good guys on Trump's side and the CIA are the bad guys on the side on the side of Soros/Deep state?
So the FBI are the good guys on Trump's side and the CIA are the bad guys on the side on the side of Soros/Deep state?
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Needs more dimensions.
Rule of thumb: The gov't is against the people's side
Comey is working with Trump right now, it is obvious he was trying to out the DoJ (Lynchs people) Also, Tom Cotton guy was on Oriely tonight speaking about the public intel hearings on the 20th. He said Trump gave him evidence today on the hacks and leaks.
Im pretty sure Comey was ordered by Obama and Lynch to spy on Trump during the campaign, Comey did not like having to do it. Also, Cotton hinted at it being Lynch or her people that leaked the transcripts and other things regarding wiretaps. The guy that supposedly reviewed the DNC server is going to be at the hearing too. Russia did not hack anything,.
Trump, Comey, and Rogers are going to bring down the entire house of cards on the 20th. Obama should go ahead and
pack up his bags and leave the country.
Those digits don't lie
I think there are some in the FBI that are based.
but people like Comey are cucked.
Obongo is going to throw everybody under the bus (Jarrett, Clinton, Lynch, Brennan, Holder) in order to stay out of prison or for an exchange of a pardon.
Higher ups in all power structures run by kikes are pedophiles and dark occult indigo pill larps.
The lower level guys are just regular dudes doing their job.
Even cia niggers largely don't know about the rampant sadism and pedophilia going on in the "elite" among them, and among other fields.
When the fire rises fully, full investigations into the knowledge every intel agent had about this stuff will be taken, but for now we shouldn't make enemies of potential friends who had no idea their bosses were raping children and torturing them.
Comey is not cucked. You have no reason to think that. FBI does not prosecute, and he was noticeably pissed and upset at the Hillary situation. He hates Clinton and Obama. He is also the one that was ordered to by Obama->Lynch to spy on Trump after he won the nomination.
Essentially. But there is also the Dark Circle that permeates both and all government entities.
That may be the case, leaving the country to never return may be included in his deal.
I bet most of them are patriots.
so what would be stopping some of these regular dudes spying on their uppers?
inb4 the regular guys have somebody spying on them.
Watch his testimonies. Also, he called out the DOJ 2 days ago to admit that no wiretaps warrants existed. He had a reason for that. There is also a reason the DOJ said nothing. And when I said DOJ, I do not mean Sessions directly, I mean Lynch/Obama left overs, as Sessions recused himself.
Everyone will have the complete truth on the 20th. Screencap my earlier post, as it is 100% true.
>I hope someday when this political craziness is over you will look back again on this. Because this is the FBI you know and love.
FBI user said the e-mails are a distraction. He didn't recommend prosecuting then because there are bigger things coming.
This is not true. Only a hand full of people within the intel communities are corrupt. Clapper is even a decent person. He has no control over people threatening him or his family, neither does Comey.
People like Clinton and the people that control her kill people just for putting to much creamer in their coffee. They would easily threaten someone to wiretap someone, or leaking information. You would do the same thing, if threatened in some way, and that does not make you a terrible person.
They are all shit
And the ATF are on the side of dog murder.
>(((conveniently omitting mi5 and mossad)))
yeah, sure, it's that simple
Go on...
Correct, this is one reason people should have a bit of faith in Comey. That statement he made. He was threatened. It is pretty obvious. Even Gowdy stood up for Comey a few days ago.
Also, bigger things are on the way, and this time we have real law and order.
We should get them to attack each other desu itd be pretty fun and wed get happenings
That's why they're putting up such a fight
The government agencies are like tight twink assholes. There's no way they haven't all been penetrated.
I dont have anything else, I said everything I can think of. The 20th will approach us quickly. In the mean time, lets enjoy the new WikiLeaks and contact your congressmen to help Trump / Rand Paul tweak this Healthcare Bill until it goes from "better than Obamacare" to the best we can get for now. We will have single payer that does not cost the tax payers a dime before the end of Trump's 2nd term, so this will just be a place holder.
Once we lease our energy to other countries, via our free energy tech, we will be able to switch to single payer, and it not cost the tax payers a dime. Just be patient.
At minimum it needs to include "stay out of anything vaguely resembling politics or activism for the rest of your life".
How do I profit off this?
Trump bump
>Once we lease our energy to other countries, via our free energy tech
Comey can't be a good guy. The way he handled Hillary's e-mails, from the base illegality all the way to Podesta and pizzagate proves that he is one of (((THEM))).