What are Sup Forums's thought on this Toronto tourism video?

What are Sup Forums's thought on this Toronto tourism video?


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There's literally nothing to see in Toronto. I've been there 2 or 3 times in my life and only live an hour away.

toronto is not even majority white
it is an occupied city

All the nice parts are though.

The fact that they willingly chose to Showcase that abomination of an art museum was all I needed to see the fact that they willingly chose to Showcase that abomination of an art museum was all I needed see the fact that they willingly chose to Showcase that abomination of an art museum was all I needed sea the fact that they willingly chose to show case that abomination of an art museum was all I needed to see the fact that they willingly chose to Showcase that abomination of Art Museum was all I needed to see.

The Cleveland tourism video is far superiorAre the Cleveland tourism video is far superior on the Cleveland tourism video is far superior the Cleveland tourism video was far superior how the Cleveland tourism video is far superior


That's the saddest thing I've heard all day.

>come see toronto
>it's like a big city in the USA
>but shittier and smaller
>with worse public transit
>and it's all condos
Love that they couldn't even show the Leafs in the video though.

really makes you think...
here in ottawa i think you can guess who is responsible for most of the murders

What is there to see in other cities that Toronto doesn't have though? Do you enjoy nothing?

Really thinking of moving out to Québec at this point.
Is it? Most of my family lives in Europe and they come here for vacations and say there's basically nothing to do in Toronto.

>moving out to Québec
do you speak french?
Ottawa is nice as long as you stay in the white suburbs

There's nothing in my town, but there's not much out in Toronto either. I can go to a bigger mall in Toronto, or go to the CN tower, also a wider range of restaurants. But beyond that, what is there that's different?

Nothing to do here, nothing to do there in terms of attractions

No not yet, but I am taking classes in it

They showed nothing you couldn't find in any city of that size
Just pushed how progressive it is AKA devoid of actual culture

Live here. Nothing special, decent night life but shitty people so not worth it, also the fact it's expensive I believe one of the most in the world if you were too live here.

desu i want the small town experience, but instead we have to live in these cosmopolitan consumerist shitholes


>barely any culture

toronto is full of nigs, gooks, and pajeets.

it's filled with lifeless condos. not much culture.

dont come to toronto imo.

This relationship is untenable.
Look at the back and forth comments between whites and non whites.

You're either underage or a fucking loser. Get out of the house more.

yeah I grew up in a rural area so I guess I had that experience. It is quite cozy getting to know everyone and more or less minding your own business.

toronto is mississauga with more condos.

that's about it. there is NOTHING special about toronto.

oh, theres nathan phillips square, where people get shot and stabbed. it's the ghetto times square.

no need to speak french in Montreal, there are English schools, large Anglo community
you're greeted in English in almost all the stores downtown

Is Toronto Canada's California?

Where am I?


quebec is full of french supremacists

but montreal is okay

it's san francisco without the tech or industry

overpriced, shit

had to close teh video when the lesbos started kissing


Not even gonna watch it.

>This City is Ours


What did they mean by this?

Well, 8 seconds in and I want to anthrax the city.

>6 seconds in

What did he mean by this?


>Canadian city

International women's day.

toronto's not bad but honestly it's kind of boring. Not much character, just kind of a bland metropolitan with, in its defense, reasonably little crime and ghettos. Food has good variety but isn't a great food city either.

>t. leaf who lived in toronto for 5 years

as if australia is any better

The Architect who made that was a jew

what do you mean, you don't like (((progress))) ?

Hey mate, I'm sympathising with you. Cities are liberal degenerate shit holes who hate everything about the country there in and we should nuke them all.

What do you mean 'nothing to do'? There's tons of things to do assuming you have a social life.


Funny how none of the shots is on winter. Winter here lasts 7 months and is fucking miserable.

i agree 100% with the addition that is younge
is fagville and the city is now fucked up
gone are the nice white prudish canadians.

I don't like big cities but regardless people who do like big cities often call Toronto boring as fuck. Also way too many shitskins and feminists. Toronto sucks and I live in the GTA. Can't wait to get the fuck out of here and move to Port hope or something. This was a happy place when I was a kid but it's garbage now.

>its different here!

>dont you love DIVERSITY?

funny thing is...it's mostly indians and gooks. europeans are basically gone now.

>tons to do

>lots of shitty condos

>shitty hipster bars on king

>the best clubs have been closed in favor of condo developments

everything in this fucking shithole is a condo

Not true. Winter is late November to late March (plus 1 extra week in April, not necessarily the first one, and sometimes 1 week in October, not necessarily the last one).

Well the only reason to go to Toronto is sports or an event of some kind and that's mostly in the summer minus the Leafs and they didn't even show them. The most interesting thing to me in the city is Fort York and it's sandwiched near a bunch of condos.

silversteins, a 100 year old polish bakery that made my whole neighborhood smell like bread and sold super fresh and delicious loaves of bread for $3.50 was closed 6 months ago, almost certain its gonna become a condo :(

>largest and most iconic city associated with Canada
>an exact clone of a generic American city, with American culture

Feels good to have won a Cultural Victory.

Fuck off you're the worst allies

God I hate this fucking city. Leaving soon

Your entire country would be Vancouver if we weren't here, maplenigger.

The built environment is actually pretty different from American cities. There are nodes of condos and city centres with tall buildings far out into the suburbs and exurbs. It's growing into more of a cross between an American and Asian city.

Don't mislead me with Calgary Canadians. I won't fall for the syrup jew.

toronto in a nutshell:

take anything interesting, replace it with a generic condo building

>big city
>lots of jobs
>everything is turning into a condo

its a fucking travesty. toronto's major landmarks just get bought and sold and turned into a condo.

I live not far from honest ed's and that shit is gone and the whole block is going condo up. looks like a zombie set.

east end is all being knocked down to make more condo's.

I don't know where all the white people are. mainly the rich area. or at basketball, baseball or hockey games.

I moved here for work. the more I stay in the core the more I realize its getting super fuckign congested and super expensive.

The video is not showing the truth which is that it has one of the highest foreign born populations on earth is majority non-white. Toronto is no longer a Canadian city.

Sometimes the condos are interesting before the designs are changed.


Toronto sucks.

Toronto boasts about having no unique culture and being 'post-national identity'.

There's really nothing there you can't get a more authentic version of somewhere else instead of going to the Wal-Mart to New York's Target.

toronto needs anything but condos.

it lacks culture.

also this whole city sucks drake's dick. everyone from scarbs thinks they are the next drake.

fuck off. I hate that jew's music.

started from the bottom ? nah more like the more rich neighborhood of Canada.

But I'll always be a leafs fan
Unfortunately desu

International grab 'em by the pussy day

Also, is it just me, or is the idea of an international holiday completely retarded?

Culture requires a steady population first. The more condos are built and the more people call the city home, the more a burgeoning culture can take place and become an organic one. But first the city needs to completely develop.

build the loo and they will poo

okay Canadabros, this is the real question;
What is worst - Vancouver or Toronto?

My vote is Vancouver because it's Toronto but with shittier weather and shittier sports teams.

Toronto. At least if you live in Vancouver you are in BC.

It's a shame. I've always thought both Vancouver and Toronto are beautiful cities but god I could never live there. You're either overrun by asians, or overrun by faggots. Out of the stir fry, into the flamers

>post-national identity
The most cultural Marxist thing I've ever heard. It makes me want to punch Weedman in the mouth

I just went through it and it appears to be nothing substantial sadly.

Vancouver is worse because it's even more soulless, cliquey and pretentious. Strangers literally ask how much money you make as an icebreaker. There is also less socializing between cultures there whereas in Toronto it's fairly organic. Vancouver has scenery but lacks a healthy urban life for non-yuppie 1%ers.

>Not utter shit

Pick one

Toronto tourism? Things to do? Here you go...


Toronto is windy as fuck. How could anyone live there being blown around all day. Seriously, it's like gale force winds off the lake all day and night.

Anyone into the Toronto metal scene?

Too many niggers

What does Sup Forums think of stockholm's tourism video?



>Toronto metal scene
Start at 3;50 to kek

Lets face it (((Toronto))) if it wasn't for your amusement park nobody would give a shit about your shitty ass city, fags. Your hockey team sucks, and your monument is a testament to your male insecurity.


and what population is growing?

pajeets and cantonese gooks.

toronto is becoming vancouver 2.0. in 10 years, we'll be a part of mainland china.

the bat an the behemoth are the best rides and flight deck is still called Top Gun by true fans.


>implying there is anything wrong with this
go to to stockholm ;^)

>no need to speak french in Montreal, there are English schools, large Anglo community
>you're greeted in English in almost all the stores downtown
Fucking disgusting. I didn't come here to feel

This. I am English but I would respect French culture in Québec. I would be pissed if they didn't do the same here

Take a wild guess who the most vocal portion of the anglo-montrealer (((community))) is. Just guess.


when I worked in canada one time, there were three saftey guys we worked with, two younger guys and one older guy. the two younger guys spoke french but did speak some english, and spoke english with us.

the older fat fuck guy only spoke french and would constantly mock us and not even try to speak english.

idk what his problem was.

Some are pretty bitter bit the vast majority are fine. I stopped at some random farm with my dad once and this guy gave us a tour of his farm in his broken English and tried to explain as best he could.

Some people just hate anglos, though for the life of m i can't imagine why ;)
Seriously thought, the generation that grew up in the 60s really fucking hate anglos - you had to speak english at work or you'd be fired, for example.

I can understand why some are pissed at Anglos but I've never met any that were. Most are pretty cool people and I think I prefer the people of Quebec to the morons we have here in the GTHA

Yeah those that are salty about it are usually mature enough to not blame it on individual anglos like a bitch. People's memories are selective, obviously. You tend to associate a whole group of people with its most degenerate element - something we do here all the time ofc and it's perfectly natural. Literally half my family is from Ontario and out west so I usually just hate on the ROC for the bantz

guys i'm still want to talk with this lady. i'm only interested in her story. nothing unproper. she must have lived in toronto at some point if not still.


It's toronto, Sven. She probably has 3 kids with Jamal at this point, sry mayne.

Toronto needs to get nuked

The most accurate thing I've read all day. Fukkin' blows, mister. Layers. Layers or stay home.

And they keep slapping down the condos so they just funnel in the wind and focus it on the sidewalks.

toronto is a shit hole never go there


>this is the #2 video trending in Canada
>the #1 video is some punjabi movie trailer not even dubbed in english