Law Student Sent To Ex-Gay Therapy, Puts Counselor to Shame

This civilized, well-spoken homosexual has singlehandedly BTFO this entire website. I honestly don't know how you can possibly justify your views these days. You're all delusional.

But of course, none of you will confront this and will just continue to repost Mike Pence memes.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Law student

Aka future unemployed lawyer.

>implying lawyers that come out of Harvard don't get jobs


gays deserve death

Gay means happy. This is a fag or homo.

No fag acceptance.

I used to say, "I don't care if you're gay, just don't be a faggot," but I'm beginning to see the error of my ways. These pervy fucks are all obsessed with changing societal norms to accommodate their degenerate behaviors. DAY OF THE ROPE SOON

What problem do you have with this man? He can't change what is he is, he just wants to be treated with dignity.



I think he has the right to smirk when remembering soneone that retarded.

He's probably smarter than you too

doubles of truth

Why does he look like Boris Karloff jr?

His assumption is that homosexuality is genetic exclusively, but the science is now clearly suggesting it's environmental and genetic, which means it CAN be changed with the proper context.

Science btfos the gay fag.

he has an obsession with shaming others for not accepting his degenerate sexual fetish. A fetish which has become a life style and culture.

Nothing is more pathetic then watching homosexuals Larp as a married couple. Gay marriage is not possible.

>the science is now clearly suggesting it's environmental and genetic
That's literally what he said. Listen to it again. The counselor just jumped on him for saying it was probably partly hereditary, and he defended that assertion as he rightfully should have.

No, he shamed a man who tried to force him to give up an attraction which he can't change.

This guy is probably less degenerate than you. Look at him. Does he look like he faps to tentacle hentai like you?

Therapist should have countered with pictures of anal prolapse and aids victims saying "this is your future, if you continue putting your benis in sewer tunnels."

It is what he said. It is not, however, what his argument is actually predicated on. If enviornment is partly to blame, then therapy objectively will help at least some gays (if no, then all therapy would be useless, since with virtually no exceptions, all reasons for therapy are at least partially genetic).

I hear his words, but his argument belies his actual opinion.

You should read this OP (pic related)....its what most sophisticated right winger think about homosexuality..

Nice shitpost

>implying he's promiscuous and unsafe about sex

lol your in denial. might as well study art in community college

no one cares faggot.
you're going to die sad. alone and full of aids while the world cheers your suffering

completely unsourced screencap

lol ok

You can now mark down if you are mentally ill on university applications. Wtf does being lgbt have to do with education.

its opinion my dude...

Actually, he's currently an associate at a large law firm, easily making over 200k per year by this point.

"no one had a problem with homosexuality"
"sodomy laws were just supposed to be for rape"
"raids on gay bars were to stop prostitution"

All of those require citation as they are the basis for the opinion.

I'm a married devout catholic.

Like that's supposed to mean anything, your priests diddle little boys on the daily.

So have you fapped to tentacle hentai or not?

That queer needs to be gassed.

So why is he wasting his time on this shit?

Because otherwise it'll be just degenerates representing gays.

You'd like that wouldn't you. But then, I guess you'd be even angrier. There's no pleasing you people.