How do we fix native Americans?

How do we fix native Americans?

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they still exist?

apply more firewater until they are but a memory

There aren't many of them (pure at least) except for those in the jungle

1.4 million in Canada alone, but no they dont exist...

Yes... Ask the 200000+ Navajo speakers here in the US.

I'm including all native Americans in Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean.

What autonomy they do have is negated by the fact their leaders are horribly corrupt.

>"We'll give you land, even allow you to have your own laws.... but we'll bribe your leaders and get away with more than if you were 100% part of our country."

There are a lot of 1/8th Elizabeth Warren-tier natives here who go to college to become SJW's and whine about frivolous bullshit.

The real ones usually just throw their lives away drinking and smoking in casinos they can barely operate

It must be a real catch-22 for many intelligent ones in that situation. You can improve yourself, but you'd have to cuck yourself to the people that destroyed your civilization

finish them off

Basically an excuse to have lands that don't adhere to domestic laws on gambling, tobacco, drilling, etc.

sterilization obviously

They usually keep to themselves. They're slowly drinking themselves to death anyway.

Deport them back to Mexico where they belong.

>Muh superiority!
You have a lot to learn from these monkeys.

They know a world you are barely familiar with.

Except the ones who breed in their tall buildings.

These ones are worse than Jews.

Worst than a leaf.

make them build arcologies to bring their native beliefs and modern technology into union

once they level up enough they can into space

They will eventually be bred out of existence.

Not really... The native American population in Mexico and Central America is booming.

Give them moar blankets.

smallpox laced blankets

Just ignore them and hopefully they will soon go away.

We don't 'fix' them, there was never anything to fix. Instead Western civilization should just leave them alone and leave them to their own devices, instead of genociding them. The Native cultures saw Europeans for exactly what we are, materialistic and egocentric trash who will destroy every last ecosystem on Earth if there is a dollar to be made. It's been happening for centuries and it's still happening now, debate me, faggots.

Already tried that:

We are peaceful. Our ancestors managed a vast empire based on religion, public infrastructure and taxes.

South American natives especially from Peru have nothing to do with un-contacted people or your beheading thirty Aztec descendent- Whole different races.


and dont forget to build the wall behind you.


You should do what Uruguay did.
They were invited to a party, and they never came back.
The unsung hero of Uruguay Fructuoso Rivera.


I was in Peru a while back. Seems like you guys would be more developed if you kept the indians in their mountains instead of letting them flood the city.

What did I ever do to you Peru. Why are you talking to me like that.?

>South American natives especially from Peru have nothing to do with un-contacted people or your beheading thirty Aztec descendent- Whole different races.

They have one thing in common: they're native Americans. They speak native languages, i.e. neither Spanish, English, or Portuguese.

That was Jews, not us. Europeans under paganism were a peaceful people connected to nature [1], and the Germanic tribes who invaded Rome were converts to Arianism, a form of Christianity [1].


1 - Vikernes, Varg. Thulean Perspective, YouTube.

More blankets.

Black powder.

Spears and muskets.

Canadians!!! Answer this.

In Alaska we have different tribes and almost all of them love their handouts and vote for Democrats except for the Aleuts. Do you have tribes like that?


Says the fucking retard on a computer right now. You hypocritical dumbass.

>tfw when you wipe out migratory bovines only to import migratory bovines from another continent

as a fellow burger our muh bloodlines shit is trite, our ancestors left shit-hole serfdom for a better life, and with all of the geo-paganism circulating on Sup Forums you think more autists would put it together.

You must be some white guilt faggot who lives nowhere near real natives. They are just as materialist as whites now, they buy the latest i-phone, drive cars and trucks, eat fast food etc. Also many of them seem to have voluntarily replaced their own culture with negroid culture now, listening to hip hop and dressing like a hood rat.

Fuck off they are nice ppl

The Aztec Empire will rise again
The Jaguar warriors will have all your white women and all your childrens heads will roll down the pyramid steps as the sun god desires

Incas are actually cool, they wuz empire an sheit

femanon here XDDDDDDDD from le 9gag

Here in Detroit, which borders Canada, I have not seen any Native Americans [1], so I am unqualified to answer that question.


1 - Ass, My. Published Today.

1 - Vikernes, Varg. Thulean Perspective, YouTube.
>using youtuber as a source

Come back after earning an associates degree

negro you took my blanket joke. i was going to say. macy's is having a sale.....on blankets!!

all while dumb faggots on Sup Forums are debating eachother how to "save Europe"

HINT: You have to go back

Oh yeah? Well ur a nigger faggot[1]. Le 9gag will crush you!


1 - user, user, user, et al: Thread 115720602, Sup Forums, Sup Forums. Published today.

Atahualpa was dope; didn't bat an eye when the conquistadors rode around him on horseback.

Made a major tactical oversight, that was all it took.


> Implying you're not controlled and ruled by (((them)))

>Not genociding Native cultures means that we never would have invented the computer
Yeah nah, that's not an argument.

Normally I would make a joke about how the cyber cops were already back-tracing your call, but it looks like our TVs are fucked.

Like I was implying all along, Xshianity is just another form of Judaism [1].


1 - Vikernes, Varg. Thulean Perspective, YouTube.




Put a little piece of lead in their left ear

>not an argument
actually being used in a proper manner

Das tru, but still were americans tho. (You don't need to quote, it's all mere logic if you study most of "sacred books".)

Your people accepted the blue pill gladly, same as us do nowadays thanks to being your little bitch.

>you're already dead

Why are natives such raging alcoholics that can't hold their liquor ?

I know, someone actually using logic on /pol is quite astounding. I'm really not even that smart, but seriously, most people on this board debate and argue at a middle school level on intelligence. Logical fallacies and emotional tantrums are the rule, not the exception unfortunately

Why don't you try fixing yourself? Stop worrying about other people and concentrate on what you need to improve. If you want any hope of saving the world then you must make your own self your first priority

*multiple nations with different customs and beliefs


Part genetics, part culture.
Genetics: It has to do with alcohol and glucose metabolism.
Culture: is pretty depressing to grow up in a reservation and be a minority group that no one cares about.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that for the majority of tribes their culture and way of life has been all but eradicated, and what they feel most spiritually connected (Nature) is being systematically eradicated by the white man, and has been for many centuries. Put yourself in their shoes, Leaf. You would probably drink, too, or use worse drugs to escape the pain. Rampant substance abuse is common in the non native general population as well, because there is no spiritual guidance in a culture of mass egoism and greed.



And books to for Christ sake.

I'm Navajo.

End their suffering with right wing death squads and mine all these delicious natural resources.
Sudaca aboriginals are sitting in billions worth of oil, lithium, rare earth and gold worth of resources, most of that land is protected because Muh ancestral land.

Don't forget the silent, perpetual genocide being waged against the natives.

Native women get raped by people off the reservation and there is no way to prosecute as the perpetrators are outside the jurisdiction of Reservation PD.

I'm not familiar with how you did it down under, but here in Burgerstan the natives were coralled into reservations that have no natural resources.

It's kind of the problem Dundee, if you're going to pull yourself up by the boot straps, you need to have boots.

By colonizing their wombs with aryan seed.

>The noble savage myth makes them behave like self destructive retards

This is me but without the sjw aspect. It does suck. Especially learning how hard we got fucked. My mothers' ancestral ties go all the way back to the haudenosaunee. Some fucking savages I'll tell you what. They had horrible politics but they really did strive for a symbiotic relationship with nature. Our agriculture never failed us mainly because we never fucking destroyed the soil like the Europeans. Men formed lifelong bonds from childhood and used dreams to guide them throughout their lives. It would involve fasting and tobacco (not the chemical ridden shit today, this shit would give you hallucinations) Also, our women weren't sluts and played a pivotal role in social hierarchies, as nature intended. Too bad we focused on warfare so much that the all the eurofags had to do was hand us guns and create internal conflict to destroy us from within. That and you guys were disease ridden rodents lmao. Literally nothing as dirty as the Europeans resided in Pre-colonial America. We did give you syphilis but it was well-deserved desu.

I'm not salty the Europeans wanted land from us, I'm salty that they erased our culture and history (which was mainly passed down through oral tradition) as so we could not learn from it and grow as humans in general.

>How do we fix native Americans?

Leave. We were just fine before.

ily native bro :)

Deport them to Mexico. If those fuckers can sneak into the US and thrive without any documentation then maybe they can teach a few lessons to a bunch of drunk faggots who are set up on reservations, given money, and waste their lives drinking listerine and eating fry bread.

I meant sudaca as in South American aboriginals, here in straya we mine it if it's worth it.

T. Geodude

*chimps out in spanish*

kekus maximus

they have to go back

That was the nicest thing about reservations. Had one in the middle of my hometown, gas and tobacco was fucking cheap.

>all the eurofags had to do was hand us guns and create internal conflict to destroy us from within.

Yeah no. More like they bought guns from the Europeans and used them to subjugate a good chunk of the Ohio River Valley - then (narrowly) picked the wrong nation to back during the American Revolution.

Trail of Tears 2: Electric Boogaloo

Legalize peyote

We should thank the Iriquois for inspiring the founding fathers in their drafting of the constitution. Also lacrosse.

>Men formed lifelong bonds from childhood and used dreams to guide them throughout their lives
>proto Sup Forums

Your culture, myths, and legends still exists; albeit hard to find. If you can, find the old timers, the ones who remember the stories their great grandparents told them. They are dying all around us, and with them those stories. I count myself as lucky to have heard Abenaki stories growing up in New England, definitely fostered an appreciation for my community and environment more than "go to church and get fucked by a priest" could.

Outside of the christcucks on this board there does seem to be a yearning for spirituality, particularly from the burgers. We have been cut off from the gods and deities of our ancestors' lands, but fail to learn the spirits of our home.

Like they knew the value of European currency you retard.
I don't use propaganda terms, including nazi. Sorry boss.
They didn't pick a side as a whole you retard. The fact that they had to choose sides forced them to split as a nation.

I don't know why but that bear makes me sad when I look at it.

Go back to where exactly?

Have to make that memeball of Sup Forums complaining about Europe becoming cucked by niggers while refusing to anti-diaspora back to it's homeland in the most ebin alt-knight move ever.

Yup, the shitty part was that the tribes who sided with the Americans ended up getting genocided anyways, just like the allies of Spain during the war against the Mayans.

Live in AZ - can confirm

Grew up in Detroit - live in Arizona now. The blacks and the reds are pretty much the same. Eat like shit, get diabetes, drink shitty liquor, do shit drugs and lie about it, hate the white man. Let them burn.

Yes the spiritual side is the side I yearn to connect with most. It's interesting how I feel much more of a spiritual connection with that side of my family.

I would love to hear some stories but the only person who knew any by heart was my grandfather who died of bone cancer when I was young.

Are you a warrior?

She ain't Aryan
Still totally would though

A time machine, smallpox vaccine, and a shitload of guns

projecting much you inferior bitch?

I just find your lack of knowledge frustrating.
Even whites didn't want warfare with us because they knew we would fucking destroy them. They had to resort to pussy tactics. You guys were s'cute. :^)

oh and dismissal, the favorite tactic of a shallow intellect ;)