How many oldfags are left

>stormfags fuck off
>rbernie posters gas yourself
>donald dick suckers sling your hook
>Shills i hope your family die of a skin eating disease for breakfast.

How many of us oldfag/semi normies posters are left?

there were always a large amount of us on certian boards.

Level headed yet redpilled. Browse Sup Forums yet able to to have political discussion where we dont call each others shills and nazis.

wtf happened?

Trump and brexit are best choice for western countrys. yet you discredit it at every turn with the shitest trolling ive seen.

anyway im fed up of shillls and autism from both sides of the extreme on this board can we actually have real political discoussion without fucking dribblers posting some extree white nationalist sentimet or a sweedish cuckold troll hiding behing 2layers of irony exactly about his wife being pleasured by idris elba a 16 y/o somali refuge.

lets setvup some base rules for newfgs (

I remember the days of the JIDF and RIDF

ive been on this website loing enough to know that most semi oldfags/ part time normies are obvously diffrent from angry virgin stormfags and obviously diffrent from white nationalist good looking europeans.

the narative that the alt right is full of frogposters is bullshit.

im what you call an sociopathaci extrovert, just like the rest ofmy sicilian/english/scottish family.

another girl i dated. (theres a dump online i wasnt the only one to cum oinside that.

Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump. Hillary won literally every single city.

Tell us more stories grandpa!

seen this before, sage.

im nt even bothered y that if your not a fucking idiot yopu can filter shill threads. I just think Sup Forums needs a wake up. dont blindly follow the reich into the ground. Use what trump has gacve us to our full potential we can change some of generation nevermind gen Z, i have some pretty cool evidence about how red pilled the younger gen is .

p.s. a muslim girl i fucked acting like a normie.

inb4 RACEMIXING. im fucking her im not having chiuldren with her. unless youve never fucked a foreing girl you shouldnt comment


>Hello fellow oldfags. I've been here since 2014. I am a real oldfag. I'm sick of all of these white nationalists on here. Can we go back to when Sup Forums was a civic nationalist board?

It really puzzles me that in an earlier thread people considered brit-posters to be somewhat decent
You morons are literally all on the spectrum, and manage only to be annoying or plain embarassing like right now.. keep your LARPing to yourself dipshit, sageing your retarded thread