How do we convince people like Sargon and others in the "Skeptic" community of our cause?
How would we convince Sargon?
they are to egotistical to risk their fanbase by taking about race.
Fuck Kraut and Honest Opinions; "Outrage Warriors" is the perfect definition of them and their followers.
Sargoy was hacked today
Off Twitter permanently
Sargon does talk about race. However, he's more a moderate. as in "not all in a race are bad".
This. He made a video on black crime but attributed it more to black gang culture rather than race.
Racial tension was invented by masonic societies to divide the population and make them easier to conquer:
there wouldn't be a racial divide in an ethnic society
Read the link and try again.
They invent "races" in any society.
Have you ever seen the "is such and such white" threads? Mazzini (freemasons) invented that a long time ago.
If you give into meaningless metrics, they can be refined infinitely. Is your blonde hair blonde enough? Light blue eyes instead of deep blue? You can see how this is all pointless activity, exactly as freemasons designed it to be.
yea masons invented evolution lmao, fuck off nut
Stop being cucked by hate.
Which is what exactly? So far I've only seen this one.
>advocating for your own interests is cuckoldry!!
>but muh morality
stop being cucked for the bidding of others
...what is your cause and why are you using "we" in "I" statements?
Dubs, Kek wills it.
Who exactly is this guy anyway? Suddenly everyone is talking about him
Youtube centrist skeptic.
One day, Sargon of Akkad, known classical liberal and Youtube psudo-intellectual, was filming a video about how feminism and the regressive left are ruining post-modern liberalism.
"Before I begin, you must all get down on your knees and accept that Western culture is only preferable to other cultures because it created and encourages liberal values, such as egalitarianism and the acceptance of homosexuals!"
At this moment, a brave, virile Son of Evropa who had studied the works of Evola, Heidegger, and other wise torchbearers of the spirit of European Man, and who had dedicated his life to the restoration of his blood, soil, and nation, strode into the room and held up an American flag.
"Hey egghead, what sort of country is this?"
The arrogant Sargon smirked quite quadroonishly while chewing his cigar, and smugly replied "Why, it's a proposition nation based on the principles of freedom and individual rights, you stupid Fascist."
"Wrong. It's been over 200 years since the white man created it. If it was a proposition nation open for everybody as you say... then it should be a post-national collective of mixed-race individuals by now!"
Sargon was visibly shaken, and he dropped his cigar and his anthology of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's most famous works. He stormed out of his own house crying those classical liberal tears, the same tears liberals cry for the third-world hordes (who today are given classes on how to attract young white girls by the Gerrman government) when they imigrate to rightfully European lands to "do the jobs no one else will do" and "pay the pensions of the ageing population". There is no doubt that at this point our Sargon wished he had gotten in touch with his (mostly) European soul and become more than a sophist anti-feminist youtube personality. He wished so much that he had a gun to shoot himself from embarrassment, but he himself had petitioned for "common sense" ownership reforms!
The viewers applauded and all took the red-pill that day, and accepted the restoration of European man to his rightful place to be the highest moral imperative. An eagle named "ethno-nationalism" flew into the room and shed a tear on Sargon's cigar case. Rudyard Kipling's "The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon" was read several times, and Adolf Hitler himself showed up and enacted racially concious immigration reforms across the White nations of the world.
Sargon of Akkad lost all of his Youtube subscribers and deleted his channel the next day. He later died of lung cancer, and his body was thrown into an ancient Assyrian crypt for all eternity.
Sargon is a level-headed individual. I personally dont agree with everything he has to say, but he speaks mostly sense, from the vids I've seen. Perhaps he is a bit afraid of getting kicked off YouTube for more controversial pieces and opinions? Then again, I'm not sure what your "cause" is
Who the fuck cares? Do something yourself and stop caring about some fat cuckold
Yeah right, Sargon while smart is pretty left. He knows bullshit when he sees it but he is still slight progressive.
not gunna lie I burst out laughing at the very last word 9/11 would read again
If you don't understand the cause you probably shouldn't be on Sup Forums. Go to v faggot.
Hint: Bring back the kkk; kill all joos; send those Aravi to their virgins.
Progressivism is the future so long as non-whites are guaranteed a majority in Western countries. That's all I would say to them.
The whole "skeptic community" thing serves a purpose - babby's first red pill. Let them do their thing.
He's a useful idiot passing out baby's first redpill, just let him wallow in his delusions.
call him a faggot endlessly seeing as be likes trolling this place with gay/interracial/interracial gay porn
suddenly? fuck off newfag
like seriously, leave or lurk more ffs
>our cause?
And what is that, exactly? I've been here for years and this is the first I hear of Sup Forums having a cause other than shitposting.
And if we're trying to convince them to shitpost, I'm pretty sure they already do.
As long as he and his ilk have their regular subscribers giving them views he would have no real incentive to be more like Sup Forums
Mods are gods and I am grateful that they made explicit the already attaining forbidding of redundant threads BUT
The biggest problem here was not redundant threads, it is one-line writing prompt one-posts. This format allows a spammer to quickly bombard us with brainless spam and drive good threads off the board before they can be archived. The brainlessness of the non-discussion offends the character of the board.
Imagine trying to have a substantive discussion while surrounded by robots who constantly demand to know your favorite color. /s/ has a minimum thread set-up requirement -- you cannot demand that everyone else write your thread for you -- and Sup Forums needs one too.
Some wigger at username @FuckTyrone has been black twitter posting on Sargon's Twitter. More importantly though he's going to share his DMs with @PewDiePie if he gets 1,500 followers. It could be interesting seeing as the last message is Sargon calling PewDiePie a "nazi cunt". I and others have double archived his twitter page.
Hacker's Face & Username:
Maybe this is just a ruse to gain more followers but then again I'm pretty sure he'd lose a ton when they find out he let everyone on.
Tell sargon he shouldn't do something and he'll do it like a moth drawn to a fucking flame. All you have to do is convince him there's drama somewhere here and the 12-year-olds will line up to suck the memes out of his dick.
>he would have no real incentive to be more like Sup Forums
Why would he ever be "more like Sup Forums" instead of being like himself? What the hell does being like Sup Forums even mean? This place values individuality over communalism, I believed.
Shut the fuck up. Sargon's twitter is hacked right now. I want to see this wigger post his convo with @PewDiePie where he calls him a nazi cunt
Fuck off, wimp. I was asking a question about whatever neckbearded faggot who's cock your looking to suck
I know he isn't 4th Reich enough for you faggots but you can't stuff the reddest of red pills down a bluepilled neck adn expect results. He's a good starting point for normies.
you are all fucking idiots
he is /ourguy/
this is his alt youtube account
This, it the """""""Skeptic Community"""""""""" really is baby first red pill.
The normies will find these youtubers and it might start opening their eyes to the state of the world around them, not just accepting the the bullshit spoon fed to them by the ((Media))
He is part of the essential "pink pill" community, the kind of content you introduce to your girlfriend in order to slowly ease her out of her bluepilled beliefs.
This lady. She is with us.
Actually ArmouredSkeptic just did a video about "redpill the movie" and raises various points.
So this guys are right, let them do their job.
There is no cause.These fucks are kids larping.
First, stop paying attention to shill YouTubers
Second, you will never know what he truly believes; everything he expresses is marketing
by gassing him
I enjoy Kraut somewhat, he makes good analysis type videos, but he's surrounded by people who are to the left of Mao Zedong
most "skeptics" are puppets of (((The Chosen Ones)))