In Hong Kong, I always see the white guys date with some ugly trash southeast asian monkey. Never see a white guy successfully get a really beautiful woman.
In Hong Kong, I always see the white guys date with some ugly trash southeast asian monkey. Never see a white guy successfully get a really beautiful woman.
I dunno. Confirmation bias? I've never been there.
Oh I got the joke LOL its because chinks are fucking ugly.
Chungchung030 is a cute. A CUTE!
I can't speak for all western guys, but personally I like "cute" and am turned off by "sexy". Asian girls are really good at portraying "cute". South Koreans all want to be "sexy" and I find them disgusting.
gyarus are okay
>beautiful chinks would stay in hong kong when they can move to their whiteboy's white country
Good taste bro
But is she underage
Although your english is pretty good it should be "why do westerners always have shit taste?"
Because only ultra beta whites date Asians. And only Asian girls who got rejected by other Asian boys date whites.
>Says a monkey
Asian girrs here have shit taste. They're arways with big fat downy rooking jackie chans
t. skinny chink
because all of you yellow gook monkeys are ugly betas, the only white man dating asians are old men rejected/divorced from white women
I find that most of Asian in America or other western countries always have piss-like skin and ugly facial features with some shit dressing style. It really disgusts me
Cute is gay. Sexiness is the best.
t. Chink
To be honest I dont see any attraction on white women. Their skin is rough and hairy. Their facial features sometimes look like a beast.
Only white people who travel to Asia are chav white trash degenerates who couldn't get any back home so they decide to inflict their genes on the only continent that could possibly look at them.
i dont see any whities
Why do Asians keep on insisting racemixing? FFS, have some self-respect.
stay angry shill.
t. met my asian gf in america master race
What cute little monkeys in this thread~
Probably a bit of different cultures having different ideas of what looks good and it also has something to do with a lot of these guys just take whatever chick throws themselves at them first.
>tfw no underage gfwiend
>Their facial features sometimes look like a beast.
You mean, they have defined facial features. Unlike chinks/gooks who look like pic related. Flat face, or moon face as Koreans like to call it.
oh look another racemixing waifu bait shitpost thread
Probably because the 10/10 asian chicks only want super rich guys
And white guys like that can get any race of woman he wants
Because only southeast asians can take the BWC
Are you that guy who always posts in the memeball threads
10 year olds usually are
die degenerate paedofag scum
> Expecting the triple omega beta beta cucks of our culture to do any better in another
Hmm, you're a cuck too OP!
Nah, I'm the guy who always posts in yellow fever threads.
I don't even care about racemixing anymore
I just want someone who genuinely cares about me