I would love a big asian penis inside of my mouth , i will lick it and suck it and play with it all day...

i would love a big asian penis inside of my mouth , i will lick it and suck it and play with it all day , i want an asian penis inside me , i will

drink the cum like a good little bitch , please fuck me in the ass , i want to suck a dick so much I WANT DICKS

see ya

Quality post

Go back to Sup Forums faggot

/lgbt/ is THATAWAY, degenerate trap ----------->

i am a girl from the midwest

Tits or GTFO


And do you have any Y chromosomes, per chance?

You've been making these threads for years. It seems like a waste

>>soc is that way, fag.

Enjoy your ban

So this...is the power...of American shitposting...whoa.

Back at it again I see chink bro. Won't be seeing you for awhile after this one though.

I prefer dog knot in my arsehole. The barking when he gets stuck makes me leak precum like a faucet

ok, now what?

big asian penises don't exist, maybe you mean average?

remember kids, sage goes in options!

Why are us Asian men the smartest and sexiest men alive? It's kind of a burden.

go back to Sup Forums


>big asian penis


Asian men are so manly.

she can barely fit half of his cock in her mouth

Im sure glad the mods can instantly remove vault 7 threads but this one can stay up for nearly an hour.
Thanks mods!

>asian penis

I had sex with a Chinese guy once.
When I messaged him and we talked about fucking, he said he would top me.
I was intrigued and went for it, but when I got there and we began, it was a pitiful 3-incher and I felt so bad for him.
I ended up fucking him instead and then getting the fuck outta there.

Also, his house was a fucking pig sty and looked like nobody had cleaned it for several months.