>tfw you always have a guardian angel watching over you
Let's thank the CIA for keeping us safe
>tfw you always have a guardian angel watching over you
Let's thank the CIA for keeping us safe
NSA/CSI/FBI are our creators.
there is a penality for deleting this post or the video
I love our government overloads
Stop spreading lies about our saviors
post a picture of your face and apologize for being a fat pedophile
I used to think nobody cared about me or paid any attention to anything I did. That was a sad and lonely time in my life. But that was before I discovered the CIA is monitoring everything I do. Now I know I'll never be alone and there will always be someone listening to me.
It's good to know there is someone out there who cares. Thanks CIA!
My problem with the so-called Deep State is Trump is the legally elected President. Every employee of the executive branch is there to help him achieve the goals he outlines and pursues as efficiently and proficiently as possible. Thats their JOBS. It is not their job to decide they dont like the presidents goals, such as trying a different approach in dealing with the head of another state, Vladimer Putin. The President has that legal authority. To actively undermine and sabotage the President tells me some people have been there too long and have gotten too big for their britches. I hope each of you that are working against the President are weeded out of your jobs and, if deemed appropriate, charged with whatever crimes investigators believe will stick. No matter what your opinion is what you are doing is wrong, likely illegal and definitely non-helpful to the course the President has chosen.
I was so pleased to be informed of this that I ran twenty redlights in the CIA's honor. Thank you Jesus, thank you Lord.
I wonder if the CIA feels alone
>who watches cia?
The CIA knows how I look and that's good enough for me
We are so lucky
Fuck off tony
>he's a central intelligence agent
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it as a career
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is closest he will ever get to real field work in his pathetic life
>he ruins threads everyone else likes because he does not know how to win a meme war
>he wastes the time of everyone at the CIA because he gets in the way of the backlog of real intelligence data that real agents must go through
>he will never be a real CIA spy
>he will never be promoted to doing real intelligence work
>he will never be able to say he proudly served his country
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a microwave pizza
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
Who watches the watchmen?
Who guards the guards themselves?
Who rapes the rapists
Just how far does the rabbit hole go?
The fact there is some dude with a very serious suit on in a very serious office in a very serious building carefully monitoring the activities of this website will never not be funny.
Who's gonna bodyguard ya mr bodyguard
Imagine all the noodz they have..
assange pls free the noodz
>Baneposting is now relevant again
Thank you, CIA!
>tfw you find the cyber division of the CIA are reddit bronies who share shit tier reddit normie memes with each other.
No fucking wonder I keep hearing about cyber setbacks in the intelligence community. What the fuck happened, CIA?
I hope they acknowledge my top tier taste in porn.
we need a cia-tan. any drawfags have any ideas on what cia tan should look like.
>Who rapes the rapists
The CIA niggers
Nice try Deep State.
I will too have a girlfriend you alt right meanie...
>there is a penality for deleting this post or the video
This shit is out of hand. I have been hiding on onions for like 2 years.
>tfw some poor souls have to read my garbage because I visit Mongolian tapestry forum and tinfoil center for lels
Thank you CIA
Makes ya feel all fuzzy inside!
Thanks CIA for keeping us safe. You have a hard job, and you do it well. As does all federal LEO. I'm proud of the job these men and women do to make sure that America has eyes and ears in the world. I'm not saying their execution has always been perfect, but their failures are known, while their successes are not. So because people don't know what the fuck they are doing, paranoid people will project their own hatred of others onto what is really a neutral stimulus, and try to vilify what they don't fully understand, as human beings often do. That's called prejudice, and that's why being a racist is fucking stupid.
Quite frankly I wouldn't be surprised to see a subject with clinical paranoia to be paranoid of most anything different, including race, authority figures, etc... And that's precisely the type of ill-informed person that actually unironically believes most of the shit I see on Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is valuable in two ways:
1. it's a modern day Areopagus, where people can be honest because of perceived anonymity.
2. Real-time discussion of current events.
Honestly the rest of the bullshit is quite tiresome.
But there have been some really good discussions here.
Yeah, I ran over a CIA nigger with my car back in 1999. Score one for the good guys.
>Let's thank the CIA for keeping us safe
The only thing that the CIA keeps safe is Rothschilds bank accounts.
>guardian angle
Fucking stateists reeeeeeeeee
>To actively undermine and sabotage the President tells me some people have been there too long and have gotten too big for their britches.
Nobody has to undermine him, he's doing a good enough job of that by himself at the moment with the false accusation that ended up bringing attention to the fact that he, himself, is being investigated. And Sessions can't be involved either.
Anybody appreciate MKUltra?
>>he's a central intelligence agent
>>on the internet
>>on an anime imageboard
>>he does it as a career
>>he takes his "job" very seriously
>>he does it because it is closest he will ever get to real field work in his pathetic life
>>he ruins threads everyone else likes because he does not know how to win a meme war
>>he wastes the time of everyone at the CIA because he gets in the way of the backlog of real intelligence data that real agents must go through
>>he will never be a real CIA spy
>>he will never be promoted to doing real intelligence work
>>he will never be able to say he proudly served his country
>>he will never be at a healthy weight
>>he will never know how to cook anything besides a microwave pizza
>>he will never have a girlfriend
>>he will never have any friends
Never Say Never Again
CIA are so through, they're the kind of people to shoot a man before throwing them from a plane.
I've been at work all day. Can someone fill me in on the whole "CIA spying on us through our televisions" story
> lazy fucks, ponyfags, creeps, push-up challenges, CIA BOSS talking stupid things
pretty close to the serial
bump for truth
You're being sarcastic, right?
NSA. Wistfully.
What annoys me about this whole mess is that no one, and I mean NO ONE is calling for the gutting, or at least new 'transparent' leadership for the CIA.
Are there secrets that should remain private out of concern for muh national security? Sure, stuff like agent names, nuke placement etc and our own spying on foreign governments, but spying on FELLOW AMERICANS?
It's clearly illegal, even at the CIA/NSA level. Snowden knew and appreciated this.
I mean, I can't even fap to big titted bimbos now, without some fucking CIA skinnyfat asshole watching me or listening to my girlfriend moan in ecstacy, for what reason again? Because I'm on a watchlist as a natsoc patriot and I hate niggers / muslims?
I don't believe ANY agency has the right to spy on citizens unless there is a legit concern to public safety made apparent.
Just spying on everyone because we can is no excuse. Unlimited power without control is bound to be abused, be it for blackmail or simply framing people / coercion strongarming etc.
Fuck you CIA niggers. Your job is to keep us safe, not watch / listen to me drill my girlfriend's butthole.
>thinks he can sage here
What are you worried about, pedophile?
>he doesnt troll 4chinz at work
>doesnt have youtube redpill bro nat playing all day
>only shitposts at night before returning to his wageslave job the next morning
>thinks he can just plant pedo shot on someone and try to frame think
Fuck off Brock, your time is coming.
Hey guys. I just finished watching Talladega Nights for the 20th time. Anyone want to play hearthstone with me? ...Jamol?
hey CIA, I forgot my gmail password
can you text it to me please? thanks.
kill yourself
Thanks Big brother for keeping watchful eye over the chemical filled night sky.
Stop invading my thoughts leafnigger.
based cia
fuck foreigners trying to undermine our national security
get fucked assholes
can someone at the CIA blow up one of my devices and kill me please
You don't need the CIA for that dummy. Sleep with your Samsung under your pillow tonight while charging it.
Oy vey goy, the CIA aren't doing anything wrong.
A spy agency, spying? Ridiculous.
its funny how trumpanzes seem to like that wikileaks is making the US weaker and weaker while they leak nothing over from Russia.
>tfw you have always been a CIA fanboy :(
Why is that site called usatoday.com when cia.gov is writing the articles?
b but assange is the good guy right?
Fuck those bastards, I still have the hole in my shoulder from when they pulled me after TAG classes.
Tbh though im suprised the general populous didn't think that the CIA Was able to do all this stuff.
Ok butters
Nobody is the good guy senpai ;)
>What did he mean by this Sup Forums?
The best of the best.
after the nsa leaks it should have been clear, but russian concered shills seem to want to frame russia-trump connection was a falseflag.
bashing intel after the snowden leaks was ok, but this is going to hurt western interest in the longrun. While I dont like goverments and curroption involved, im far more ok with the system we have right now compared to places like china or russia.
And its really fishy that wikileaks has allmost nothing done to make those places more transparent.
How's Frankfurt? Make it out of customs ok dumbshit?
the world isn't isolated groups. you'd be surprised at the crossover.
>tfw cia bumps your thread
please dont tell me that the internet will ever be a safe place to be. There will allways be weakspots for people to hack computer, mobile etc.
That's a weak counter. I was expecting better.
And you have countered shit that i wrote, do you think the russians or chinese care about your fear for cyber"weapons" atleast the cia is doing it in our interest and not for a absolut corrupt country like Saudi-arabia.
Do you think you made a point? All you did was offer idle speculation. I have the documents. And you?
got a bit dirty lurking for a minute in plebbit territory... there is still some hope left in some of them (please don't make me go back)
Do they know anything or are they upvoting?
Show me the FSB or MSS leaks? Hmm, there is none why is wikileaks only posting stuff that hurt US and Western interests?
its weird how there was so much anxiety about this leak yesterday and now the CIA is just a fucking joke
awe sweety
I miss grooveshark :(
>The cat was released nearby, but was hit and allegedly killed by a taxi almost immediately
>cost about $20 million
None of this makes any sense.
Something is just not right.
I think everyone is getting played.
Their street cred is probably ruined.
shoutout to all da alphabet agencies, you da best
(please don't arrest me)
Even though the foot soldiers are retarded, those running the show are highly competent and dangerous.
Hey CIA, who is best pony?
>shill sucking cia cock
pic related is on you, you uneducated fucking nigger-tier shit-for-brains.
Does anyone else feel like they could be part of the antithesis to the CIA? Like, you share the same skill set and see yourself doing the work they do but would only use it for good?
I like the tone of this post. I consider it appropriate. I like to think in times past we would've hung people over this stuff. We should go back to that.
Yes, The DIA seems like a nice place.
This forever. B8 since 08