
When's Trump going to send in the military?

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If that shit ever went down in Texas I can promise you there would be a line of rowdy mother fuckers kicking the shit out of everything moving. There would be ANTIFA teeth and vape pens sprawled out everywhere. Fuck those fucks. MAGA

>polenta, polenta
>el enta machisma?

What are they saying?

Also that yelling guy about niggers and jews is clearly a plant sent to fuck shit up. He isn't with a group and is just randomly flying off the handle. Any details on him?

fedoras are expensive to replace

We have to form the gold shirts user
Alerta Antifascista

>no kkk no facist usa no trump no trump
Fuck man I can't wait until it goes down for real. It's going to be like watching UFC x 1 million.

I know its only joke because they are stupid. Thanks though.

Not in Austin


Oh lol, sorry didn't pick that up


commies aren't people though.

>police do absolutely nothing
Why are cops in liberal shitholes the worst?

In all likelihood, you're right. It wouldn't shock me one bit if they started posing as us in order to stir shit up and make us look bad. That's where we've fallen short. People should be dressing in black bloc and causing infighting amongst the commieshits.

There are Antifa in every state inbred

What happened to his helmet?
I'm unclear on that.

Hey look its the guy in the video. What a bunch of right scum

What's it like to be powerless pol?



There was a vid of some liberal plant woman that went to conservative events and did this. Shit was funny. Shed just scream niggers.

>"Hey, that's illegal"

Right wingers so pathetic


Should have brought one of these

playing whack-a-mole on a commies head = priceless.


antifa manlets.

>get the fuck off my comrade!


Antifa are literal children

It's like seeing a bunch of twigs go up against trees

I can't wait until we are legally allowed to crush Antifa into the ground, it's going to be so much fun

Lmao seriously...

You won't do anything.

Nor do you have the ability to.

Please tho show up.

>Get that diaper off your face, baby
>It's not a diaper :'(

Austin doesn't count. That's a containment zone.

Nobody cares about the rest of Texas outside of Houston and Austin.

Proofs :V

Photos of an antifa from every state, go!

u guys are too cute

Wake up. Go to work. Come home play zelda for a few hours. Go on Sup Forums. Watch the pot get stirred by a group of LARPing revolutionaries who like to play political ghost hunters except with nazis. Laugh for a while. Go to bed. Wake up and repeat. It's alright. You guys realize that none of the people you pick fights with are gonna change their votes, right? And our democracy isn't weighted toward stick violence.

Antifags stole it when they dragged him into the crowd to beat him. Our Hero was trying to help him.

More posts meant to draw attention away from the real story. I don't even believe these shills are antifa...

Dunno. We've been winning so much, we have nothing to lash out about :^)

What's it feel like being the bad guy?
Feel good beating on innocent people?

>le texas is so bad ass meme

Racists aren't innocent people nor were those who were attacked at Berkeley. Each and every one of them was starting fights.

Yes even the old man

You're God damn right about that. If any of these antifa assholes tried to pull something where me and my guys are from, they would be in the hospital for a week.

That's where you're wrong, Kiddo. Why don't you worry about graduating High School before you get involved with things you don't understand?

Berkeley antifa henry rollins took it. after the guy was dragged into the libtard mod. there's a pic and video out there

Fuck that, put them in the ground. The only good Antifa is a DEAD Antifa.

I have a job, unlike you. I'm just going to sit on my ass and wait for you to be arrested and live the rest of your life in jail.



27 educated have a Masters and a career.

Still would risk it to punch a rightist in the teeth.

Shame you guys won't ever visit Chicago tho since the media has you scared of our city.

Pretty nice camera

Commie scumbags go away!

Threadly reminder to report all Antifa activity as terrorist activity to police

Go be a jew somewhere else.

You're as blind as you are biased. If you had watched the livestreams, you'd know how much bullshit that is. Every event Antifa has gone to, it's been Antifa that has instigated and started the altercations.

Tell me, what's the purpose of dropping in on a rally other than to antagonize and cause it to become a riot? That is the point, correct?

Would it be fine if the KKK dropped in on a gay pride parade and assaulted random citizens and fags? Pretty sure that'd get some negative media attention and be referred to as a "mob".

So that's what you are. You're an angry mob, unable to properly protest, so assblasted, that all you can do is lash out with violence. How does it feel to be the biggest loser in the country? You are the villains and you are on the wrong side of history. If you truly believed what you said, you'd have no issue with killing people outright. The fact that you hold back and at least ATTEMPT to appear morally right is proof that you know you're not fighting literal nazis.

You are only trying to convince yourself that this country needs saving. You are the chaos that is dividing us. So if you want to fix it, stop assaulting people. Stay calm and talk it out. Or else you'll be one of the commies thrown from a helicopter or hung in front of the state building - guaranteed.

This coming from a former liberal, you need to check yourself. It's not gaslighting, it's introspection.


Nigger, I've lived in Chicago. Your city doesn't scare me. It's a damn shame you won't ever visit Texas, or any other southern state for that matter. Your head would probably look lovely on my wall.

this, srsly, it couldn't be that hard

Oh snap, an internet tough guy!

Antifa are just children looking for attention.

is he, dear I say it, /ourguy/?

Awww snap, it's an internet tough guy!

I'm not against giving them attention. They're upset and need to be calmed down. I'd rather talk with them and settle this than resort to violence. I am very much against hurting my fellow Americans, even if they do hate this country.

I suggest they move and they scoff. I try talking with them and they ignore it because they think they're right. That's fine. So long as I can say I tried.

No you're not, and no you don't.

You're a early-twenties schizophrenic, you've been in psychiatric therapy, probably institutionalized more than once, have a criminal record, you're jobless & likely a squatter.

Antifa profile.

Wrong. We have listened to what you have to say. We have heard the message you want to spread and we believe you. We believe ever word of what you say. And the root of it comes from low IQ degenerates taking already retarded statements by the lead cheeto and twisting them to further your toxic world view.

We have listened and we are done listening that's why we protest and shut down your shit because we have heard your message and feel it constitutes a threat on our very existence.

Conjecture and anecdotal evidence will get you no where especially after it has been documented that trump supporters started throwing punches first at Berkeley.

But that's just one time. Let's review the last year of events in which trump supporters have attacked people.

Protester attacked at Trump rally

Police issue warrant for Trump supporter who appeared to punch protester at a rally

Trump rally protester: I was beaten for a 'Republicans against Trump' sign

He was assaulted and called un-American at a Trump rally. Can he forgive the man who did it?

Trump supporters charged with assault for rally attacks

>Trump supporters are nazis
>everyone is a racist who disagrees

Keep it up silly boy
You only make us stronger

really 30
>Masters in Feminist theory
100k debt
CVS clerk.

They want power. They don't want to talk, they don't want to debate. They're weak and stupid and want to be on top without deserving it.

Sorry but the only answer for people like that is helicopter rides.

why don't they ever do stuff like this in pro-gun states?

really makes you think

Have fun getting shot at your next riot,

Please continue on your downward spiral into extreme domestic terrorism. I'm thinking of you every time I do an armory count.

No one carries guns to protests. Unless you are a wannabe 3% operator militia fuckboy.

You are nothing more than domestic terrorists. Even this fucking leaf looks down at you. Not even with anger, just pity and disgust.

>mob shows up to "protest" a rally
>they get punched
>omg they wuz heroes and shit!!!
you faggots always find some way to play the victim. pretty soon you won't be acting.

ANTIFA thinks non-lethal political violence accomplishes literally anything at all in a democracy, shit's hilarious

We have done nothing worse than the right has done on many occasions.

We have done nothing worse than what happens after a sporting event riot.

We have done nothing worse than what the police subject people to on a daily basis.

Enjoy the boot lad.

How's your boy in Oregon recovering?

The one who got a bullet.

We already shot an Antifa at one of your protests

Our guy served no time because it was self defense, your guy will be permanently disabled

Have fun, it will keep happening

eww, kill yourself

I do, m8.

Shit happens and we all know the dangers of what we do.

Still get to put nazis in hospitals tho.

>antifa getting arrested
unfortunately these guys have the government on their side

You're confused, we aren't nazis.

You are nazis and we will keep shooting you to protect America.


I thought that as soon as I saw him, as well. No one there knows him. We have to keep an eye out for people like that. They are there to start a fire and have it blamed on a bunch of people who were simply trying to mind their own business.

Be smart, everyone.

Still get to put bitches in the hospital

You really let that proud poc down by not putting your white body in front

We don't consider the average trump supporters nazis.

Which is why when we actually confront people outside of protests its actually neo nazis and other ethno nationalist.

The only time we give normie conservatives the time of day is at these protests.

I'm gearing up lads.

I'll be the one on a horse.

>low IQ
Funny how low IQ doesn't matter when it has anything to do with minorities.
Funny how liberals can say it but no body else can.
But making fun of Obama is racist and childish
Because wanting people to chill out is a terrible thing. Feminists are never happy, friendo. Besides the castration or death of every male on the planet, what could satisfy them? Moral outrage is self-serving.
>we are done listening
Then you admit you are the ones starting the violence. Once you stop listening to the other side, you begin dismissing them all as something less than human. Once you convince yourself they're no longer human because of their ideals, you justify killing them. You know this is true - "commies aren't people" is said on the right just as "nazis aren't people" is said on your side. Mental gymnastics to justify violence.
>threatens our very existence
>overstating your importance and the impact of others on your lives
Sorry but you're full of shit here. There are people that are killed every day. You claim the people on your side are more important than ours.
>Millions of eyewitness accounts watching a live broadcast are conjecture
>It was documented that Trump supporters started it
K. Proofs. You said it's documented.
>All liberal media sources
Fake news. You need to find something on NPR or something less biased than "reasons why white people are cancer" narrative pushing libshits like that. I'm not going to provide any articles from ALEX FUCKING JONES, so the least you can do is meet me half way and not post shit from those "Trump isn't going to win the election" idiots.

Also, most of the "nazi" attacks were fabricated, as cited by the police. No hospitals or police stations had any such reports and many of the "victims" came out and admitted to fabricating the attacks. Explain.

I appreciate your thoughtful and thorough response.

Why are you people feeding this shitty troll? Jesus Christ.
Antifa is only a big deal in Europe and they get the shit kicked out of them by Nationalists whenever they meet. So much so that they need police protection.

My bad homie I'll try harder next time


Sack of shit

The irony.

"They strike you then cry out in pain"

checked. I agree it came out of nowhere. Also no one there is black.

Instead of calling them antifa can we just call them communists because that's what they really are. Leninist communist foot soldiers for the bourgeois. If their revolution for utopia ever succeeded they would be some of the first to be shot by the bourgeois. They're too fucking dumb to realise that. They are fighting the working class aka the prolitariat.

kek, that's actually pretty funny

Sorry but I have seen you in real life, that is 100% wrong.

You call everyone a nazi, and then attack them wildly like children.

and once you see utopia and dystopia around each and every corner, what a blank moral cheque you write.
don't you know yours is the type atrocity only ever comes from?

Been considering doing this
