Is healthcare a right?

Is healthcare a right?

yes, but insurance should not exist except as a government backed entity that works in a socialist fashion

other than that I'm a libertarian

Depends on how much the big pharma lobby pays me.

Yeah, sounds super libertarian to me

No, I would say that death care should be though. I would rather die knowing that I would get a proper burial and ceremony rather than being forced to give up my freedom and what I have worked for.

Yes. Healthcare is a right. You have a right to pursue any healthcare you deem fit for yourself and your children

Free healthcare provided at taxpayer expense is not a right.

just to correct people before they say anything stupid. There's a difference between Healthcare and health insurance. They're not the same thing

NO, there are no "rights" - it's all a social contract that is either renewed at each election or it isn't.

No, you do not have a right to someone else's services just because you were born. If you think otherwise, you're a parasite that should be exterminated along with your dead-end asinine philosophy.

No. Rights are given by god. No one has a right to a product or service created by someone else.

At one point we called that slavery. Socialism is slavery. Everyone is enslaved to everyone else in a suicide pact, with politicians running the plantation.

It's a privilege just like everything else. Rights cannot exist under a government, it's a conflict of terms.

Healthcare requires the labor of someone else.

You do not have the right to someone else's labor.

Healthcare is not a right.

that's a red herring. it's not about whether it's a right or not. it's about whether you think the gov has an obligation to provide it. your government absolutely has the ability to provide healthcare to every citizen. the question is whether it had the moral obligation to do so

*spoilers: yes it does and you are a literal retard if you think otherwise*

100,000 this. A right affects you alone, if it affects someone else, it is not a right.

If it is or isn't, doesn't mean it's free. Otherwise the government needs to reimburse me for my guns, since that is a right.

No, because it's a business.

I think it should be, but it won't, and can't be, as long as it's a for-profit business.

A government that is powerful enough to provide healthcare is powerful enough to take it away

Is healthcare one of these three?
>freedom to own property
Ok then no it's not a right

The thing is, I would be fine for some sort of lite socialized healthcare if America was a homogeneous white country, but I can't support it when it's going to be going to pay for drug addict nigs and illegal beaners

ITT : sociopathic losers who have no idea how to actually run a country

>permanent 10% unemployment
>stupid high taxes
>Paris is commonly mistaken for Mogadishu
>can't go to a concert or beach without getting shot or run over by a truck
I envy you France

No, you are not automatically entitled to other people's labor, slavery was abolished.
You want a service, you have to pay for it.

do you not understand the term "moral obligation"? the fact that they can theoretically take it away from you has nothing to do with that argument.

besides which this is a retarded argument anyway as your democratic government runs on incentives like any business. a private physician also has the power to refuse treating you but you take it in good faith that he won't because he has incentive to treat you (getting fucking paid, getting referrals, keeping a good reputation in the community).

a healthy society = more productive work force = more tax payers

that would be access to healthcare, as in government cannot make it illegal for you to get treatment

>mfw government can make it illegal to get treatment id they dont approve the treatment

>deriding any country for their murder rate
4 of your fucking cities are in the top 50 most dangerous in the world you fucking faggot. St. Louis is like 15. FIFTEEN.

Your country is a shithole that's been running on fumes for the past 30 years.

stupid thai nigger doesnt realize that blacks are 13 year olds in the body of adults and kill each other en masse

without blacks killing blacks the murder rate would be european level

go fuck some boi pussi you kike worshipping piece of gook shit

start menu > shut down

Some men...

Seriously though, the bigger and relevant question is, is our healthcare system not fucked up? Is Trump care or whatever not going to make it worse?

>Bigger tax breaks on the rich
>At the expense to services and affordability to the middle class and lower
>Still no talk ever of a tax break on the middle class ANYWHERE REGARDING ANYTHING

Let's be fucking clear here for everyone just trying to use your "opinion" as justification for Trump care. You are fucked in the head and there is no way to even see Trump care as a good or better solution.

Honestly do any of you who break your back trying to justify everything actually have family? I mean, everyone here talks like they make 500k and will never be affected by anything. Do you not give a shit about your families having access to proper healthcare? You can charge without raking everyone over the fucking back every step, that's the bigger issue. Not whether it's fucking free or not.

As long as Americans continue this trend of blindly following a very charismatic politician rather than making the country great, this shit will continue.

So healthcare, not a right, got it. Trumpcare, not fucking right at all. Indefensible propped up by a year long lie about its existence.

The medical system is fucked. The insurance system is fucked. Doctors are fucked. Hospitals are fucked. The system is a total failure that is failing. We spend more on medical care than anyone and we get the worst quality.

Imagine you order something through Amazon and you get a bill from every step of the way. The designers that created you're widget. The warehouse that stores it. The electrical company. The gas company. The delivery company. The driver. The box maker. Then the credit card company pays for it but your get forty thousand bills anyway and your not sure wtf is going on. That's a hospital stay in a nutshell.

The insurance companies started as a bunch of regional companies that merged to become nationwide companies. They basically were stuck together with spit, gum and hope. I know, I've consulted at the largest ones. Disorganized fucking messes that get sued every which way.

If you own a business, your most expensive and most out of control bill are your healthcare costs. I had a small company of 15 people, white collar work. 15-20% increases a year??? This was decades before Obamacare. It's fucked. Starbucks spends more on employee healthcare than they spend on coffee beans. That is completely fucked.

The US system is fucking beyond hope. I'm a capitalist. It is the best method of allocating resources. People can be lazy fucking assholes But it ain't perfect and the medical system is a perfect case where capitalism completely fails.

The whole fucking thing needs to be burned down and built anew. Medical system... Fuck you.

how is this even a fucking question

no, healthcare isn't a right

a right is something innate, healthcare is a fucking societal apparatus

jesus christ kill yourself

Obamacare was failing. The young people didn't sign up and without them there is not enough money to keep the system going. Trumpcare is going to fail even more spectacularly and quickly if they could ever get it approved which they won't because the tea party+dems are enough to stop it. The reason trumpcare won't work is that there is no way there will be enough money to pay for it. There aren't enough rich to support the people that need the care most. Removing requirements for young people to sign up means they won't and they're the ones the system needs to pay in under any scenario.

Seriously tweaking Obamacare is the best hope but all these politicians were railing against Obama and anything he did more than the healthcare act so of course they can't go back just because. We are all fucked.

>t-t-his will k-keep them from t-talkin bout the l-leaks....... r-right?
It's bait and anons such as yourself keep bumping them like idiots

Implying Sup Forums wouldn't make a better congress and senate than the current one.

>Everything is bait
Dude it's a simple thread honestly. People are touting healthcare as a right today so i was happy to pop open the thread. Fuck I swear some of you look under your bed for Shareblue, CTR, or whatever made up boogeyman it is this quarter of the year.

Well yeah, i'm sure once they started digging in to what actually keeps Obama care pumping, they realized "ohhhh, that's where the money comes from. Guess we can't create funds magically like we planned!"

I truly believe Trump had a plan for his care act, but when he started talking to people about it, they all realized it was unrealistic as hell. Didn't he say "who knew healthcare was such complicated stuff" last week or something?

Anyways, yes we need to overhaul our medical care in general. I think a lot of us were hoping for a huge change when Trump got in, but i'm not seeing it man. It's a get money world and the rich are going to keep getting theirs. All of the issues are monetary. The problem arises now, when people want to actively jump to Trump's feet no matter what decision is being made.

I was like 99% joking and usually so are most people who cry WAAAAHHHH SHHIIILLLL upon confrontation with any alternative opinion. It doesn't necessarily have to be a political organization making these pointless threads, it could just be another idiot just like you and me having a laff. Regardless, it's fucking dumb to ask if healthcare is a right.
On that note: sage

>Free healthcare provided at taxpayer expense

It's not free healthcare then, is it?

Fair enough