Why are millennials driving less?
Why are millennials driving less?
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Because ((((((((they)))))))) are making it more expensive
No where to go when you have the internet and browse 3chan all fucking day
4, 8, what does it matter
because we can't afford fucking cars, gas and insurance due to (((capitalism)))
The gasoline jew is the ultimate bluepill and boomer meme
Gas too expensive
Cars too expensive
you're either buying a piece of shit that you'll only drive when you need to due to the chance of it breaking down at any second, or you'll go into debt getting a decent car.
i don't have a driver's license
driving terrifies me, probably because of my autism
i love you pool. because milinenius are the laziest generation that rely on their parents for everything. and baby boomers are most entitled generation that feel taking care of their kids is the only true way to help them because they are burned out generation who did everything known to man.
Live in the city
>tfw you'll never be that crazy asshole on the road with no regard for his life or others
Souce: Soe Gschwynd-Penske
Okay I need to know OP - and don't fuck with me on this one - ... is that a guy or a girl?
> cars too expensive
>gas too much
>can't find a job
You're all degenerates.
Get off your ass, neet.
Because all millenials care about is going off to college and keep holding off viable things like driving and working/developing people skills. It's cool to have a degree, but it's useless if you're a shitty person.
Because it's expensive as fuck, I have a bicycle and it does me fine
Maybe it wouldn't be so expensive if you weren't getting taxed for everything.
>get off your ass
>drives a car
Does not compute. People who have to have a car to get a few miles are sacks of garbage waiting to die out in the next plague
Cars aren't as fun anymore
>tfw maybe 6 or 8
>friend's dad drives me home in this big oldass V8
why do you drive this?
>inclines slightly into the throttle
>dad but you can't peel out in this, can you?
>son, check this out
>come to almost a full stop (right next to the chuch lol)
>son, you put it into L
>and then you put your foot down
hory shet rollercoaster
Ever since I got a BMW I've been driving a lot more (joyriding, which is how it should be)
ITT: fucking retarded millennials that think you need to go to mr. shekelburg's (((dealership))) to get a car, and idiots that need apple carplay, heated steering wheels, backup cameras and anti collision sensors to drive
Just get a 2k civic and call it a day
These fucking slide threads with that market-tested bait girl.
Fuck off.
For me it's because they fear mongered the idea of driving when I was in highschool
I hope in MAGA we continue to see the trend of cheap takumi funcars.
Just bought my first cheap RWD funbox (has heated seats and stupid computers in the dashboard and ricer lights in the foowells and everything) and so far it's been a riot.
People who sit in the left lane going the speed limit or five under.
Truckers who stay in the left lane despite not passing anyone.
People who miss a turn and immediately swerve across three lanes to try and save themselves some time.
People who get in the wrong lane and must immediately get into the right lane, blocking two lanes in their genius.
People who double stop at a right on red during a green light.
People who wait in the left lane because they wanted to turn but the turn lane was full.
I don't drive because I'd commit wanton vehicular manslaughter on purpose. I fucking hate other drivers. It's gotten to the point where you wonder loudly who they sucked off or took it up the ass from to get their drivers license.
Since the media has been bitching about millennials for the past few years I decided to Google who millennials are to see if I was one of "them".
The top result was this rather wonky-looking definition. Whoever made this chart must be a 40 year old who wants to look young so he can bang 22 year olds.
I have no reason to drive.
I'm gonna wait for the white electric vehicles.
Not even going to consider the gasoline jew.
i drive a lot and i refuse to spend over 5k for a car, they're a complete scam. i make $70,000 per year
>literally bought a truck maybe an hour ago
>gonna fix that shit up so i can drive it for two or so years and then sell it for ~$1000 more than i paid for it
Get an ATV or something. It's even more fun than driving a car and you don't even have to deal with traffic or the rules of the road or a license.
>not allowed to burn jewish dinosaur bones in our rolling ovens anymore for prices that we used to.
Even if we could what's there to see that we can't from behind a screen?
i can afford a new car doing house cleaning once a week, wtf are you talking about
Millenial here. It's super fucking scary is why. How you psycho's manage to do that shit everyday is insane.
>expecting people to drive over the limit
what are you, some kinda criminal?
T. Honda fuckboy. Toyota is far better. Honestly I don't want my car stolen every 2 weeks by Pedro and Jamal
Dude you live in the US. What's there to see? I challenge you to take a road trip of at least 2000 miles and see what you see.
It's about the experience. A screen will never provide that visceral feel you're working the pedals and the wheel and the stick and flying almost out of control. You know you're doinirite when your passengers scream in glee because they live in a carless city and don't know how to do that.
What is gas?
if you can't afford a car and are over 21 what is wrong with you?
The only millenials who dont drive are mouth breathing snowflakes
>UHH scary fast metal thingy, got ptsd pushing the pedal. its bad for the trees, muuuumy can i get a ride to art class??
I'm 22 and owned over 20 cars , driven for a living and pop skids on street every weekend in my RWD shitbox. and i can drive manual with my eyes shit.
stats? i have my licence but i'd rather just take the train into work desu
>calls other people snowflakes
>boasts how much of a snowflake he is
When I was maybe 7 my grandpa forced me to use his lawn tractor to mow the lawn and then sent me on a mission to get a needle from a tree at the other end of his farm.
When I got my learner's permit, he stuck me in his buick and made me take it around the back way even though it was scary as fuck going all of 40MPH.
Get some father figures in your life.
Diesel or living in Texas? For the other 90% of us...
with insurance and car payments and gas, it is cheaper for me to Uber to and from work/ groceries and bike/walk everywhere else. If you live in some rural area, yea I can see the need for a car, but not in a city.
please explain how i am a snowflake?
Hate to break it to you, but BMWs and Japanese cars are imports
Farms and Desert so exciting!
Fine by me. Now that I'm older I'm quite willing to pay the tariff on an import in addition to the extra parts cost
>paying for labor lol
>not working on your own car
And if domestics want to catch up I'll buy one.
California and no. Sub-$3 per gallon is affordable as fuck even for a guy making minimum wage.
the internet, also commuting is hell
Target some national parks. They're great fun, particularly the ones out West.
My car was $3000. Only issue I had was a worn out bearing and I'm pretty sure I didn't need to get that fixed. I'm ignorant about cars but I'm certain you can find a decent car that won't break down for much less than I did. If it's uglier than sin then you'll just have to deal with it. Maybe this is just me but I tend to respect people that drive shitty cars. Usually means they aren't retarded with money (unless they genuinely can't afford better)
Lol come to NZ for takumi funcars, pleanty here dirt cheap and lax modification laws.
>Less home ownership due to expensive fucking housing market
>Have to rent
>If you're renting you can afford to live innacity rather than suburbs
>Cities have less parking and more public transport
Cars are expensive and I only live a 10 minute walk from work.
I have a licence tho
>wanting to pay 200 a month to drive a car to and from work
>Wanting to pay for maintenance
>Wanting to pay for gasoline
>Wanting to buy a car that you'll be laughed at for owning
Good goy.
And why do YOU make the same fucking thread everyday with "why are millenials doing X" while uploading pictures of Soe when Joosten is obviously superior.
>Just get a 2k civic and call it a day
>buying literal garbage from either a highschool kid or a crack dealer.
Better off with a celica if you want a jap beater.
>>If you're renting you can afford to live innacity rather than suburbs
>public transport
>can afford
>that flag
>caring if they laugh at you
laugh at them retard
I'll change my own oil but I can't into germcuck engineering
Also domestics will never catch up to Japanese efficiency or German comfiness
why do you have a webm of soe
>I'm 22 and owned over 20 cars
Sheep don't count as cars
>People who wait in the left lane because they wanted to turn but the turn lane was full.
The fuck else are they supposed to do? Take it up with your city government if it bothers you that much.
>Why are millennials driving less?
Save 2 to 5K per year.
Stay healthy via walking, running biking.
More relaxed pace to life.
Because they all have DUI's, why do you think fixies were such a big thing? Like anyone would take a bike to work if they didn't have to.
>paying 2k for a civic
kek 6969
because they didn't work on skills or education that would allow them to get a real job and now they make as much as a highschool student does.
and this is why I prefer to drive in the late evening when most cars are not around, especially around DTLA.
I'm living out my Drive autism dreams.
I'm about to finish my undergrad and I fucking love driving for fun. However, a few years ago I had an internship where I had an hour round trip commute, actually closer to an hour and a half commute everyday and I fucking hated it. I know that is not a long commute compared to most but fuck me sideways, I hope to end up in a city where I can either mass transit or out in a small city/ countryside where I can have like a half hour round trip commute. It's just a fucking grind.
I'm 18. I drive a 2012 45th Anniversary Camaro Super Sport. I work 20 hours a week at a hardware store.
Right on man. It only took me one summer job of commuting to decide I was going to live within walking or biking distance of my job. Waste of car and time.
Cost of gas? I fill up once every month or two except when I have to go long distance. Nipping out for groceries is a fun excuse to go for a ride.
That makes perfect sense though. It's the people who were at their most in their very early 20s at the turn of the millenia and when 9/11 happened. Huge difference compared to those barely getting out of their diapers when 9/11 happened.
I drive all the time though since I live in the middle of bum fuck no where. Walking to work, the grocery store, or to friends/family would be foolish. I love driving, in fact I drive a manual transmission because I had a father to teach me.
By the time i actually thought it might be nice to have a car i realized the costs involved.
I escaped the brainwashing that causes people to get one asap at 16, and i was older and wiser and more cautious when i started thinking about it, and realized its a scam.
Did you know you dont even own your car? You buy it at the dealership and the legal ownership changes to your state DMV, and then you lease it from them.
not murican but i am single and we have pretty good public transporation. plus i am waiting till cars can drive drive for me cause i like to shitpost on Sup Forums while i am on the way to work. also i dont want to be personal driver for my dad.
Aww did your daddy teach you how to burn shit into the sky like a good goy? This thread makes me sick, OP go back to California, LA wants to give you some more cancer
You're very correct. Last one I bought I asked the finance guy if he had the MGO and he sat back and laughed and said he didn't even know where to begin.
But it's the same if you think you own your own land. It's all about de facto force. So if you like to have your own land or like to drive, then just do it! It's not a scam. It's a toy. Do you think you own the internet or do you rent it as a toy?
>You buy it at the dealership and the legal ownership changes to your state DMV, and then you lease it from them.
I've never heard of this, are you sure about that? I thought leasing and purchasing were two completely different things. Some people have the funds to purchase a car completely, so they do so with the sufficient amount to get a title. Sometimes they lack the funds so they get a loan. If one were to draw a loan out so they could own a car, they would be paying for the loan and not on a lease. A lease is short term "ownership" of a vehicle, that lasts 2-4 years I believe. Never heard of leasing from the DMV.
Yes, I love my dad.
>buys a truck with shit gas mileage
>$20 a week on gas (very reasonable for a truck if you drive a little under 10 miles a day)
>20 × 52 × 2 = $2080
This is assuming that you never drive anywhere more than 20 minutes away and also ignoring the massive depreciation your car will go through over those 2 years. It'll lose at the minimum another $1k of value.
NEVER buy a car and consider it an investment unless you're one of those mechanics buying ancient broken down cars and remaking them. Even then, that's only good because they enjoy doing it, since the money made won't balance out much with the man hours put in.
Just enjoy your car for what it is. A nice convenience that you can have fun being in (doesn't have to be a new BMW or anything to have fun with, I enjoy just listening to music while driving in my shitbox with air conditioning while watching peasants walk places in 90 degree heat).
If you don't have the MGO then the state technically owns it, and that's where the common misconception that you need a driver's license comes from.
You don't need a license to walk in your shoes and you don't need a license to drive in your car. It's only because the state owns your vehicle and you don't know it that they can technically take you to court over it.
Sorry MCO -- Manufacurer's Certificate of Origin.
For me it was a mix of being broke, being fucking terrified of being behind a wheel, and living in Florida.
I know those are bullshit reasons though, well aside from the last one, I gotta get my shit together.
Can't afford it here in down under. Been paying rent for years since 17, working and studying full time. Since I live in the city, it's easier to commute with public transport.
Will get one eventually, but a lot of people in their 20s just prefer public transport if they work or study in the city. Some apartments also don't have car spaces and it's crowded.
A lot of people in their 20s are also hippies who don't want to increase their carbon foot print, have had many cars that break down due to cheapness or they're just lazy and been sitting on their Ls forever.
>driving a car
>not riding a two wheel death machine
The fuck is wrong with you cucks? It's like you enjoy being stuck in traffic and getting Jew'd on fuel.
T. Product of single mother
why should they drive more?
>left lane
>left lane
>left lane
Right laners can be dickheads too. The kind of people sitting in the right lane, not minding their surroundings, and not letting anyone merge.
Didn't grow up in the culture for it mainly. And then by the time I was old enough for a license I needed something I could use to haul around friends and stuff.
>tfw fuck this place I'm out
>tfw pack your entire life into your car
>tfw drive it all a few hundred miles away
>better than expected
The roads are shit and they're filled with druggies, niggers & foreigners.
It's completely rational to be afraid to drive, it can end or ruin your life very quickly. Not needing to drive is the number one reason people live in cities.
Don't you want a Wagon for the Volk as Hitler intended and to take advantage of your Autoban?
It's called freedom. This is a dying idea I think.
>Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin
Is that like a title or something? Forgive me for being ignorant. I've got an old used truck passed down from my uncle, so I have a title but I'm not quite sure if I have some MCO.
I want to eventually learn how to ride a motorcycle, I'm just too lazy and I was never brought up on it.
If it's old enough then you could possibly have the MCO and own the truck outright. The title is really just a custodial title, meaning that you have, uh, I guess you could say "dominion" over it, but that you yourself don't own it.
It pretty much never matters at all in real life. It's like
>am I under arrest?
>am I being detained
level of stuff you'd need to know your way around for it to make any difference in your life. But it is the kind of legal technicality that is the basis for how the Jews took our freedom away.
Im scared of driving and even if i wanted to i couldnt afford my own car. I either bike or walk, or if its really far my mom will drive me but thats rare
I'm still in university, got my driving license a few months back and now I try to drive as much as possible in my parent's cars.
As soon as I'm out of uni and get a job, I'll try buying my own LR Defender. Right now I don't have the money, but I'm saving up.