Refute this.
Pro-tip: you can't
Refute this
Phones cost money every month
They actually aren't wrong here. The American healthcare system is fucked.
No, they don't.
You do realize you don't need a phone plan to make a phone worthwhile right?
You can just use wifi and skype and still use the phones functionality.
Why are americans so cucked by corporations.
All that is covered in Canada, except the iPhone of course
He meant the fucking premiums for the insurance, not the cost at the hospital.
New iPhone every year, $700 per year.
Insurance each year, 1K.
One saves your life and the other gives you cancer
We got that apple culture thing here too with the faggots lining up to drop $600 on every new iphone that comes out
>We can't make our iPhones they'd get more expensive!
>Doesn't matter if 1/4 of people in their prime working age are out of work, the poverty rate is nearing 50%, government debt and spending is out of control and basic healthcare is becoming a luxury.
>lol no you can't bring back jobs that's racist.
Fuck I hate liberals.
Individual plans can cost well over $100 a month. Shit even group plans average out at around that level.
Along with its housing system, its education system, its job system, its immigration system. Basically, if your a millennial, your life sucks.
Boomer always give this argument. "Your poor because you bought an iPhone, hurrrr." An iPhone costs a few hundred dollars, an Android phone costs less. You can even get free service from the Lifeline program. America is fucked and we need a crash and a rebuild, we may even need a war to fix all our problems.
33k$ for burst appendix?
Do they transplant a new one into the body or something?
Because health care for a 20-40 something healthy person is only a few hundred dollars a month.
Meanwhile a smartphone with all the basic functions costs less than $200
fuck apple and samsung kikes
Planning for healthcare ≠ paying out of pocket for every medical expense. He means paying for your own insurance instead of expecting the taxpayer to foot the bill.
I dunno, OP. Seems to me like when you declare something a "human right" and demand that it be subsidized by other peoples' money at whatever cost, prices tend to go up. Yeah, I know, crazy innit?
Actually, it's fucking hilarious how Apple managed to cuck everyone into buying their overpriced phones. Even in Ukraine (where the average salary is about 150 dollars) I see Iphones everywhere. I'm sure that the majority of these are not even Chinese copies. Some stupid hoes are willing to work for a year in order to buy a brand-new iPhone.
And how much does a circumcision cost?
>hey bb let's hook up
>sure papi what's your number
>err here's my Skype name
>que es Skype??
>kidney stone, $8,700
Bullshit. They just pump you fill of painkillers and have you piss it out.
The conservatives wouldn't be able to make it feasible to make the phones here either. The minimum wage and gov't spending is what's fucked us up. No government will cut it.
it only costs that out of your pocket if you dont invest in a health care plan. you retarded or something?
List the deductibles instead of the total cost without insurance.
Then, factor in the new monthly tax credits.
Oh look. You're a faggot.
Poor people are not entitled to healthcare. Our planet is overcrowded, and more Americans means more consumers means more global warming.
Do you not care about global warming and overpopulation?
Why is a Ukrainian arguing specifics on American healthcare?
Isn't there a civil war going on?
Maybe if you had some goddamn priorities I wouldn't have to type this garbage out.
Health insurance is not a subsidy. The only reason it is more expensive is because sick people are signing up for it. Oh and Jews.
You're right the government certainly cant do it and human greed (which is the real reason iPhones cost about $800 after you factor in all the bullshit accessories you will most likely buy to protect it and use it) will always trump all when left unchecked.
The sad truth is were just too fucking selfish to see that we're ruining society so about 1million people can live lives of luxury literally unheard of just a few hundred years ago.
Deductibles will still average far more than the cost of an iPhone.
Our healthcare system and hospitals are absolutely corrupt but nobody cares. Did you know a hospital can charge literally whatever it wants for treatment? Every hospital has different prices depending on how hard they can screw "customers" not even joking.
Yeah it turns out people will pay anything just to stay alive. Funny how that works.
>We can't make our iPhones they'd get more expensive!
I personally don't think America can import all the Foxconn factory jobs into the US even if we wanted to. China controls most of the rare earth metals supply.
China already has the factories, along with the supply chains. Trump can't just magically push a button and get people to build factories in the US.
It looks like after the end of Trump's term, the economy will just be a huge mess, the factory jobs won't come back. And the corporations will just wait out Trump's term until they can outsource again in the next administration.
Right now, it looks like Trump is still campaigning, not busy bringing jobs back. Why is he still campaigning against Obama for this wire tap thing? That's not going to give jobs back to Americans.
Free from a rabbi. They work for tips
Health insurance. Saving up money for an emergency fund. Not buying drugs and other stupid shit in addition to buying that new phone.
Actually, it doesn't.
Those prices (if we even believe OP) are what the hospital bills the insurance company. Because they can.
If you pay out of pocket, prices are much lower.
>"invest in healthcare" means they pay for everything
Fucking retards.
I can't believe even the one without an audiojack got sold and the sillies paid even more for the airpod things
Sometimes they have to shove spacers up your urethra to make room for it to pass
all these dumb fucking prices are made possible by government interference into healthcare. This IS the reason why. You fucking dumb fuck.
>Invest in
>Invest in
How do people not understand how to cut superfluous spending? You don't just say "Oh I will buy a cheaper phone, but keep my top of the line car, expensive tvs, overpriced consoles, and everything else" and then when that wasn't enough go wtf I hate Trump now! How do these people not understand that the underlying argument is don't waste money then demand others give you more.
And when the government pays for it, it's free.
Healthcare has always been expensive in America. Also the government has been involved in medicine since the late 1800s. It was expensive then too by the way.
They forgot the peripherals and data plan that are, on average, purchased with the phone.
For fucking who? He's obviously speaking about people in the lowest tax bracket, which would be the ones receiving MONTHLY tax credits at much higher amounts.
Oh no, I get welfare, ebt, foodstamps, wic, snap, and a monthly check from the government to buy health insurance! Tyranny!!!
Wait till we see specific language, or post the language itself that determines the distribution of tax credits across income levels.
Still doesn't cost $8700. The ultrasound to break it up MIGHT cost 2k.
>They work for tips
Wait are these actual prices paid or are these prices hospitals make up to gouge the government out of rebates?
an uninsured ambulance ride is like 150$ here
so with that being incorrect I take this entire chart as false
Hospitals attempt to price gouge insurers who then try to price gouge their customers.
Seems theres some exceptionally fancy procedures
>The only reason
Oh, no. There are plenty more:
Regulations: The hospitals MUST take every illegal immigrant with a paper cut into the emergency room. For free. They must do this or that expensive test or procedure because the pharmaceutical lobby convinced a senator to put that in the bill (Okay, that's Jews).
Additionally, they have to hire swarms of administrative paper pushers to deal with all the shit
The hospital, faced with such expenses, passes it off to the insurance company. Insurance has to pay for it unless they come up with some scheme not to.
The patient often has no idea how much is being spent on what, so there's no incentive to only buy how much is needed, nor any outrage at how much is being charged.
I worked for a private ambulance company before working for the city on a rescue.
Ambulance ride with no specials is usually between 300-400 for the first ten miles, then x amount per mile after.
Oxygen? 100 a liter, per liter.
IV? 500 smackaroos
4-12 lead? Around a grand.
Meds? Wildly expensive.
Bag of saline? 80 bucks.
If you code in a rescue, you're looking at at least 3k.
And the markup on goods like bandages and instant ice packs and such are fucking insanely rediculous.
Even certain topical ointments are marked up like a mofo. And because hospitals do it to an insane degree, pharmacies and drug stores charge a slightly less but still crazy amount.
I literally payed 20 bucks for at cost stuff that would have cost me 140 at the pharmacy.
The hospital-insurance snugglefuck is what dictates price trends in normal consumer markets instead of the more proper supply-demand-competition atmosphere that other products enjoy being in that drives cost more effectively for consumers.
Why wouldn't sick people sign up for health insurance?
He means unsuccessful people.
Prior to obongocare they were denied by health insurers. That's basically the biggest reason for the recent premium increases.
>not understanding that "iPhone" just means useless overpriced luxury items you don't really need in your life
Price should be 2 years cost of heath insurance vs new iphone + 2 year contract.
Add deductible and another iphone if you want to include the chance of something breaking.
>how dare u tell me to be finacially responsible
>how dare u dont take care of me for free when im retarded
This. And everything the so-called """leftists""" want to do to fix it is just corporate welfare.
>individual mandate to buy private insurance
>don't worry, (((government))) will help you pay!
What we really need to do is crack down on pharma and the insurance industry, then we won't even fucking need single-payer.
better meet up for coffee
CIA hacked skype, knows all
Probably in your coffee too
Depends on which state. Some places don't cover it. In some countries public hospitals will outright refuse to do it unless it's a medical necessity.
>Ambulance Ride
Get someone to take you there by civilian transport
>Broken arm E.R. Visit
Stop being an impatient cunt and wait like everyone else
>Burst Appendix
Literally only happens once in your life, and most of the time it never happens
>Kidney Stone
Stop being an alcoholic
>Normal Birth Delivery
Can be avoided by not having kids, but if you want to have kids you can do it at home
Literally the third most expensive thing here if you stop being an idiot who can't wait in line to get his paper cut fixed, or if you drive to hospital/have someone take you there.
All you need to do is not be an idiot who drinks alcohol, knows how to manage money, and knows how to be patient.
Most people don't pay $700 for a new phone. That's the no contract price. Most people pay $15-$25 a month towards that phone for 2 years. Even a cheap insurance plan would cost more than $350 a year.
Buy an insurance plan...
Don't blow your appendix