I've been a lifelong Trump supporter ever since he went down those escalators, but I have to draw a line somewhere. His healthcare bill is only going to make the rich richer and the middle class sicker. I just can't defend him anymore.
Trumpcare is a fucking disaster
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Trump sums up the GOP perfectly.
Better off than brazil I'm sure.
I don't understand why Americans defend their healthsystem so much. You can not argue with an American about it and they won't say reasons why they support it. They just defend it because it's theirs.
You can redpill me all you want. Everything. But the healthsystem in the US is the most evil side of capitalism.
haha he's right. We cant let him get to those nuclear codes!
pharma+insurance industry are integral part of the deep state
the cost is an extortion you pay to the deep state
purge the middle men
purge the speculators
purge the deep state
>no individual mandate
its light years ahead of Obongocare
We should be happy to get a different flavor of shit, right?
any health care reform that comes without getting more doctors in this country is bound to fail.
We pay 6x more than any other first world country for worse health care.
The doctors union is restricting the number of doctors in this country and nobody is brave enough to say anything about it
"lifelong", sage and ignore oh and share blue people that are bumping this thread the democratic party will be destroyed the there's nothing you can do to stop it did you really think you could kill so many babies and get off scot free? democrats will be taken out of positions of power and will be shunned for their crimes against humanity, sorry that you're ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY
Fucking blind pride is what it is. Ask any American what rank we are in ANYTHING, i promise you they will say number 1 and tell you about how your sources are bullshit because of our military.
Same reason as anything really. If people truly believe it's the best, why bother fucking with it?
>I don't understand why Americans defend their healthsystem so much.
It's the propaganda and paid shills. NOBODY here likes our shitty healthcare system.
Why the fuck would a Brazilian care about American healthcare system anyway?
> paid shills
The worst one is Steven Crowder who retains his Canadian dual citizenship and all its benefits, while railing against the single-payor option on his show.
Easy there, big fella.
>a lifelong Trump supporter ever since he went down those escalators
Because people are literaly dying or bankrupt because of the system. We used to fight the good fights now this site has become a shill site. I cant believe that people are repeating Fox News talking points in here. Sup Forums has changed
>this site has become a shill site
No my German bro, this site has become a cancerous wasteland of people crying boogeyman when someone disagrees with them. Remember when it was just called getting rused or trolled? Now people unironically believe there are a paid conglomerate of people with 1000's of pepes in every thread.
But the yes, the Fox news thing. CNN and Fox news have been in the same tier of FUCKING SHIT for a very long time. Now Sup Forums loves Fox, Alex Jones, and Pewdiepie. Top kek, ALEX JONES AND PEWDIEPIE. Literally 2 of the most bashed public figures here before.
On another note, I listened to Alex Jones for 7 years up until 2011 or so. His coverage of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan was just filled with lies and made up garbage (much like a lot of his mid 2000's "predictions" that he spews as fact. He's a fucking lying kook and you guys will find out sometime. It just pains me to see Sup Forums in this state of newfaggotry. There's a name my band thread right now for fuck sake.
>Now Sup Forums loves Fox, Alex Jones, and Pewdiepie. Top kek, ALEX JONES AND PEWDIEPIE.
But this is what i meant, this used to be people we laughed about, now fucking infowars is in the white house press?
Wtf....the fucking potionseller guy?
Says it all. We got a bunch of edgelords coming to Sup Forums over the past year, but since because Sup Forums is now baby's first board (because of news and social media) instead of Sup Forums or Sup Forums, we get all the newfags who don't know those things.
Ever see on Normiebook all those "Sup Forums memes xD" pages and shit? Huge problem
That spike right after July 2014 is because of the Fappening by the way.
Its only bad on the first level.
I used to be a trump supporters too, former fellow trump supporter but he has gone too far. But in all seriousness, we can't let this man get the nuclear codes.
I'm with HER now.