Just a question for Communists/Socialists

Just a question for Communists/Socialists...

What makes you think you're entitled to what I earn for work that I do?

Muh collectivism

Because your salary does not correspond to the value you give to society with your job. For instance, those in professions of handling money make more money, and often generate loss to the economy, yet their salaries are still high. Scientists working for a company depend upon work that scientists working in academia create, yet they make way way more money than those in academia.

The pay of CEOs now vastly outweighs those of the average worker, when it used to be more balanced in the past.

Democratic socialism attempts to keep the right properties of capitalism (everyone does not have the exact equal amount of money, items, etc) but it addresses inequalities in the system.

Furthermore, redistribution actually facilitates a merit based economy by giving everyone the same chance, regardless of what economic circumstances you had growing up. As it stands now, the system is more feudal than it is merit based.

What makes you think you're entitled to work and get paid for it?

Simple solution, if you don't work you go to gulag.

Labor is entitled to what it produces. If the Right Wing doesn't come to terms with that soon then when the inevitable time comes for the working class to choose sides, they'll side against us. Bismarck knew this, Spangler knew this, the Fascists knew this.

>those in professions of handling money make more money and often generate loss to the economy, yet their salaries are still high

What loss are you talking about here? They will still buy stuff with the money they earn.

The finance industry is vastly overpaid but that will never change.

because gibs me dat

And what makes you think the pay isn't the value of the work they do? You're not the one that sets these wages, the economy does.

Not me in particular. The individual enjoys certain benefits from the population as a whole, and thus is obligated to give a part of his individual share for the upkeep of the society.
Civics 101.

If everyone is super, no one will be

>Because your salary does not correspond to the value you give to society
Say's who?
How do they know?

Yes, each individual is required to pay for the upkeep of society - the military, police, roads, the military, etc.
That's way different than a politician stealing money from one group of people to purchase votes from another group of people.
One is civics, the other is theft.

Because whatever you earn, you did not earn on your own, but as part of a collective process. Why should you be entitled to all of it?

People in Venezuela get paid for their work...the currency just isn't worth anything

>Furthermore, redistribution actually facilitates a merit based economy by giving everyone the same chance, regardless of what economic circumstances you had growing up.

No, democratic socialism wrecks a merit based economy by bailing people out for their poor decisions and punishing people who make good decisions, all while sanctimoniously lecturing smart people who make good decisions about the "human rights" of dumb people.

Example: stealing money from healthy people who take care of themselves to give to baby boomer fucks who trashed their bodies for forty years, didn't save any money because "muh car payment" and mocked "health nuts" for eating their spinach and exercising. Now the boomer fucks are using their Demoshit thugs in congress to steal money from the "health nut hippies" (who also saved money instead of getting a $30000 car loan in anticipation of non-lifestyle related health problems) to pay for the heart disease and diabetes that resulted from their retarded lifestyle choices.

slash thread

ITT: idiots equate socialism and communism to welfare

> entitled to all of it
> paying your employees

> entitled to all of it
> working in a corporation with other people who earn money

The 'did not earn on your own' part is covered by the fact that every member of the collective process gets paid something.

That doesn't imply that every member of the collective process has contributed something of remotely equal value, and capitalism naturally accounts for that inequality.

Because he doesn't get it all? Besides, if you want better wages, negotiate for them or employ yourself. After all, if they don't deserve it then it's clear that business owners don't do any real work, right? Ergo, it must be easy to start one.

>you did not earn on your own

Found the loser who is unemployed and unemployable.

Yeah, why wouldn't we all want to make sacrifices so you can have the nice things in life?

lotta people need to chill out, smoke some weed, and embrace our automated overlords

let me see if i can explain it to you neanderthals: pretend robots are slave niggers, now sit back and let them provide for all of us

also my great^700 grandfather invented fire so you all owe me a royalty check for using it

you seem like an extremely valuable member of society. I bet you work very hard every day.

nah i played 4d chess and put all my money into stocks for a few years after college

so you need to work harder so i can make more money. get off this board

The fact that you think that the "capitalism" we have now is working is disturbing.

We aren't. We, as the society, are entitled to set the rules by which you work and earn. Don't like it? There are fucking lot of empty spaces on Planet Earth, and there's also Somalia.

Property is a privilege, and may be adjusted in accordance to the benefit and will of all.


>What makes you think you're entitled to what I earn for work that I do?

I am not and neither is your supervisor or the investors in the corporation you work for. You deserve to be able to able to take an active role and ownership over the fruits of your labor.

Okay Ancom leaf, I can agree with you on this one but you've gotta drop the violence and SJW shit.

a lot of the SJW pisses off the left too but I'm not about to get blackballed by my university by taking a stand against it. A UofT prof recently fucked over his carrier by refusing to call an it, "they".
I respect and agree with him but it's not a fight that's worth jeopardizing your career over

neoliberalism created racial theorists and SJW's

smash neoliberalism, smash the state, smash capital, never worry about 'em again