Is Fluoride bad?
Is Fluoride bad?
Taken internally, yes. Topical application of calcium fluoride is beneficial to dental care.
>calcium fluoride
they use sodium fluoride because it's leftover from various industrial processes
>The first community water fluoridation programme was in Kyoto prefecture from 1952 - lasting 13 years, the second was established by US military authorities in Okinawa prefecture from 1957 - lasting 15 years
It gets suspicious in some areas.
Because it turns the frogs gay!
Go watch The Fluoride Deception
Of course it is.
Muh precious bodily fluids etc...
Fluoride is not toxic in any way unless you drink like 2 gallons in one day.
Guys, I was just at the dentist earlier today and she put that fluoride foam shit on my teeth.. How fucked am I?
More likely because sodium fluoride is somewhat soluble in water, whereas calcium fluoride is not.
Of course not. It is just a fucking coincidence that industrial waste from mining that would cost billions to properly dispose are actually sold at a profit to the government so they can put it in your water.
Nope. Fluoride has been present in every major American city water for decades. Blacks who live in those cities are masculine as fuck and have perfect teeth.
Fluoride truthers btfo.
Our Precious bodily fluids.
hi cia
>Topical application of calcium fluoride
I think he meant to say sodium fluoride, or another fluoride salt. Calcium fluoride is not a salt, is insoluble, and thus won't have any topical effect. You need fluoride ions, from dissolved fluoride salts, to replace the calcium in your teeth.
Why havent you bought a water filter yet
they used to give us fluoride tablets in grammar school
>Calcium fluoride is not a salt
It is, by every conceivable metric.
From the huge disparity in electronegativity between fluorine and calcium to the chemical structure of the compound, there's few reasons to believe otherwise.
>You need fluoride ions, from dissolved fluoride salts, to replace the calcium in your teeth.
Fluoride doesn't replace calcium, it replaces hydroxide.
It should be fairly obvious that a very small ion with a charge of (-1) does not replace a vastly larger ion with charge (+2).
You're right. I can't believe I've forgotten elementary chemistry to the point of spewing nonsense.
If you have drunk tap water for over a decade you have almost fully destroyed your pineal gland in the brain. Congratulations.
Fluoride rapes your endocrine system, especially the thyroid gland. For producing thyroxine (Body temperature, mood, growth) your body uses Iodine, wich is very similar to fluoride so if there is excess of F your body will try to use it and produce bad hormones.
This causes apathy and depression on the population, keeping them low and stupid.
If you don't mind strandlike crystaline bonestructures piercing through your brain. That's what these minerals do, if you consume too much of it. And it's VERY easy to do that. I'd even go as far as to say it's fucking hard not to.
For americans it has happened to 40% of 17yo.
Don't look too much at the pictures of calcinated brains. Not every form of self awareness is good for you
What would fluoride have to do with pineal gland calcification? How is it any worse than any other calcium salt in that regard?
>only drank soda
I'd have to guess. Maybe regular toothpaste 2-3 times a day is the problem. How was it possible to have good teeth in your 70's before the invention of toothpaste, especially the flouridatet? Less sugar/flourosis?
A high prevalence of petrified brains would certainly explain to me why most people tend to let other think for them and only feel the inclination to swallow up and spout facts
It's everywhere
It's in your brain
And they don't care
Why not smoke pot to undo it and open your 3rd eye.
Fuck you stupid bitches need to seek mental help, goddamn schizophrenic retards. Let me guess, you think the Earth is flat too?
>1 post by this ID
That's quite a stretch of a comparison
I can agree that it's a long stretch. Either way it's an equally long stretch to assume the egyptians didn't have the slightest idea of what the function of the brain was, considering their vast medical expertise.
Nonvisual photoreceptors of the deep brain, pineal organs and retina.