Other urls found in this thread:

> be white
> have good job with benefits
> mfw I don't give a fuck about gubment healthcare

>implying you won't be paying higher premiums for your health care to foot the bill for tax breaks for millionaires

>share blue testing out

>the angles

saving money =/= helping rich

saving money = roads & bridges

saving money = payin for gibbs

> lower cost healthcare
> means less payments to medical providers


>cut taxes on the rich

If by rich he means anyone actually footing the bill for Obamacare, then I guess this is true. Cant really cut taxes for the poor when they dont get taxed.

randpaul is ON POINT about what he said about the new bill, how likely will he impact the final bill? paul ryan is a muppet.


Pretty much that an removing individual/employer mandate.

Which makes no sense because if you're going to do gibsmedat preexisting toxic risk pool healthcare you need to force dummies to subsidize drains.

Should have just been expanded Medicaid

Well duh. That tweet is 100% spot on. But trailer trash rednecks will continue to believe that their best interests are served by the GOP and their corporatist Koch brothers overlords.

This berniebro is right.

Insurance, whether it be life, auto, or health insurance, only works when more people pay into the pool of money than those who draw from its resources. The mandate is an integral part of any realistic health plan. What would be ideal is if they include a public option to compete with insurance providers.

There are other reps speaking up. I'm hoping he can put together enough of a coalition to put together a cockblock.

Luckily Democrats are fucking idiots and will all vote "no" out of principle even though this would prevent them from taking the L on Obamacare

>tfw I'm a lolbertarian
>tfw I was on this board before hitlerboos completely took over
>now I'm a berniebot I guess


and the middle class is left holding the bill for the poor. How predictable. How long till the middle class just collapses?

You're one of us now, Comrade.

Put simply: sure.

But the more complex answer is that the point of the bill
is to ease the heavy taxation that it brings to anyone
not in the very lowest monetary standing.

Libtards define the rich as anyone who makes more than 30K a year so yes, in a way this is
a bill meant to cut down on the rich people's salaries to give to the needy.

No thanks Commissar Jamal

No step on snek

Its called volume increase and economy of scale.

Curious as to where you think these tax credits are going to come from

Antislide bump

Sometimes I think now Sup Forums is just a tug of war slidegame between shariablue and rick wilson tier neocons

why not just no insurance?

Your average normies, even the white ones, are too fucking stupid for HSA.

Plus, collective v. individual bargaining, collective works e v e r y time.

The problem is who do you want to be bargaining together with and why.

Does this mean I'm a genius for not having any health insurance? I know we don't have it here but I wouldn't even if we did.

No, you are a genius for learning to survive this long with a retarded downie brain.

>muh healthcare
Jesus, I haven't been to a doctor in 15 years. Except for ONE time when my dad got concerned because I thought I broke my ankle, and ignored it for 3 months. It was a severely torn ligament instead, so i thought heh fuck it ya cunt then i went to get some beer

If it's not bleeding or hanging off, then you don't need muh healthcare.
It's just state sponsored gambling!!1

Alright sense you actually aren't trolling

It used to be you could buy catastrophic risk plans; for less than a hundred a month you could get pretty quality coverage in the event you had to get wheeled in to the big house to go under a knife.
In that scenario you'd be dumb not to buy it.
In the new age world we live in of Obamacare and soon RINOcare, insurers have to cover a bunch of shit problems people alright have full stop. From having some legit shit like lupus to being a fucked in the head tranny and wanting to fuck your shit up, insurers have to offer that service. Thus, when you buy into that product, you're covering all these really fucking sick people that effectively need to be wards of the state to survive, or otherwise just want free shit like birth control and expect that to be not a personal expense.
In this scenario, you are stupid to buy insurance.

The problem with RINOcare is it keeps the "cover all the fucked up shit" clause while also allowing people to precisely not buy it because its a shitty deal relative to investing your money and signing up if you get cancer or some shit later.

Really the problem is that you get forced into the same level of care as someone who is a net drain. I have no problem kicking back some for a medicaid type program because being a lolbertarian isn't entirely practical, but fuck you if I get the same level of care as some obese poor fuck shit because I pay the difference for them.

Holy shit, so wait, Obamacare is basically just a fucking manditory tax on the uninsured? Well fuck me sideways I finally get why so many ACTUAL patriots hate it now.

Yeah my dude. This year it kicked up to 700 floor tax or I believe 1.5% of income whichever was higher.
Premiums have also been going through the roof specifically of this year.

See the thing was, you can go back and read David Axelrod types saying this around the turn of the decade, it was designed to implode like this and eventually lead to a death spiral where they'd go "OK,OK we actually need universal LOL". Unfortunately they didn't count on people getting really sick of their gommie racial politic bullshit, they jumped the gun, and everything went straight R.

But the even bigger problem on the horizon is is that while RINOcare does allow you to opt out, they still keep this "give everyone shit because gubmnit says" mandate.. for private entities.
Its going to be the death spiral on steroids and its the dumbest fucking thing that they would try to take charge of this.
They'd literally be better off doing nothing and letting Ds take the L on a shitty combusted system or just repealing Obamacare and letting Ds try to argue for gommiecare from the free market when they take shit back.

Antislider bump

Answering your RYNOcare questions here

just keep telling yourself "taxation is theft" until you hate Bernie again.

Taxation is theft my dude
>inb4 roads
Yes because needing paved streets communally funded means you need to give over 40% of your check to build bridges to nowhere

I was actually saying that ironically.


Oh, I never liked Bernie. Expanded medicaid is just smart.
Force the parasite class to admit they don't want just free shit but shit equal or better to yours at your expense. The ultimate redpill for normie taxpayers.


Answering RINOcare questions here

Teachers are still criminally underpaid.

Just because they get that sweet sweet vacation time, doesn't mean it isn't hard for teachers to live a middle class life style.

That, and most teachers work more hours than they get paid. (Grading papers at home, helping tutoring kids after class, etc.) So this diagram is kind of full of shit.

>glorified babysitters of the unwashed masses
>criminally underpaid


>Get paid less than babysitter.
>Act like one.

I mean, anyone who gets a teaching degree and doesn't become a daycare manager is just losing out. Same job, less pay, more kids to deal with.


>Acting like teachers get any compensation after the horrible bureaucracy that is the state school system gets done with it.

It's not the teacher's faults that 5 billion is still not enough to not have threats of furloughs every year.

nice try nigger. average cps pay is 71-76k. they don't deserve those kind of bucks even if they have to stay an hour later to give the two kids who give a fuck some extra help.

Bump for your RYNOcare quotes CNN

doctors are the rich
therefore reducing the tax burden on hospitals and doctors is "reducing taxes on the rich"

To hell with the Rand Paul thing....

>dat pic in dat post


why would you want statists to ban the ability for a company to promise to financially take care of you if you need it, beyond the amount that you pay them?
Insurance is a good thing, not only because it's superior to putting money away for savings (because unless you're young and virtually never sick, or old and have saved up for money all your life, your bills will be higher than your savings) it also means that the insurance companies, who want to maximize how much profit they make from you, argue to lower the prices of goods and services provided for you.
The reason Obamacare was such a fucking disaster is because it mandated that everyone join (cause everyone having insurance is good, unless you fall into those two groups I mentioned above) however it handcuffed people's ability to GET insurance. It eliminated competition, most people only had one, maybe two options, and they weren't great options. Obamacare basically promised insurance companies they'd have nearly no competition, and as a result, rates went up and up and up.
And negotiation power went out the window because there's always a bottom floor, and they couldn't get prices low enough to keep turning a good profit once they had to pick up all the extra, sick people.
Which is why so many companies pulled out of areas and the exchanges.

I work at a school as a tutor part-time while going to uni, and if you aren't a low IQ dolt everything is easy as shit, it should take very little extra effort

>muh rich people

These insufferable faggots are just mad because they are not smart enough to earn a fucking ton.

how do those boots taste pinoy? gonna let the rich man in the top hat fuck your wife too?

>having a job = rich

Yea, it


I know many like to bring up car insurance to compare to health insurance, ignoring the fact not everyone has a car, but how many would want health insurance to work like car insurance? Every time you have to use your insurance, your premiums go up.

Read an article similar to this, mention that certain health issues shouldn't be covered by insurance, just like insurance isn't used for oil changes and other small repairs.

Cutting taxes on the rich brings more wealth, business and bottom line tax dollars into America.

If somebody owns a multinational business, moved to norway whatever he spends gets taxed straight to norway.
If trump says you pay 10% instead of 30% they'll move themselves and the company to america to save 20% of his income. This also means that anything he spends of that 20% saving goes back into the States along with the 10% which altogether is a fuck ton of tax dollars that would take maybe a few thousand minimum wage taxes to cover

>it also means that the insurance companies, who want to maximize how much profit they make from you, argue to lower the prices of goods and services provided for you.

Nope. Just means they'll collude and agree on a high base price for basic insurance packages.

Shit's been going on here in parts (or maybe all) of Canada for auto insurance.

>have clean driving record for a dozen years
>never an accident or speeding ticket
>buy used 2008 last spring car for $6k
>insurance company wants $840/yr just for basic liability
>ask about adding premium packages that include fire/theft/etc.
>bout $350 a fucking month
>I'd be spending $4200 a year for complete coverage on a $6k, 9 year old car

Insurance companies compete with each other, but when they can, they'll collude to make sure they get cash no matter what.

Well there are subsidies people will get. Some compare it to being forced to have insurance, but the subsidies come from other taxes.

I'm smart, but I'm not rich. How to become rich?

>he thinks he is rich

are you a billionaire?

Use your smarts.

>implying randlet isnt absolutely based
>being an newfag

choose both

basic gestalt

>implying rates don't go up for usage of a health plan
>implying you know what you're talking about
this guy has the basic gestalt

I've used my insurance multiple times and my premium never increased, until Obamacare came along.

>I've used my insurance multiple times and my premium never increased, until Obamacare came along.

Heard the same thing from a friend of mine that moved to the states. SAD

Not only that, but it's also hugely advantageous to illegal immigrants.

This is why even a lot of people on the RIght hate the GOP.

economy of scale applies anytime you increase volume and efficiency to help drive demand

Yeah its fucked mate. I swear to god I'll spend all my time memeing Trump to death if he seriously pushes this RINOcare.


The primary purpose of any political bill pushed by the democrats is white genocide. The rest is window-dressing.

How can I un-take the blackpill then, Ameribro?