Ok /pol if we had to get rid of either blacks or latinos which of them would you get rid of?
Ok /pol if we had to get rid of either blacks or latinos which of them would you get rid of?
Blacks, duh.
getting rid of the kikes would take care of the other two problems
Your pic speaks for itself.
You should be president in 8 years
>implying that there's a difference between the two
That's a stupid question
A lot of latinos are red-pilled. Theyre honorary.
Blacks big time mate, the only Latinos I don't like are centre America
niggers. no question about it. the niggers have to go.
I've heard of this before but I've never seen a good reason or argument to explain how it would work
Spics no question about it
need sauce on top pic
*tummy grumbles after spicy encilada lunch*
This isn't even a fucking debate. Niggers, easily.
Off the face of the earth? Niggers.
This country alone? Latinos.
The Black proportion of the population has stayed pretty stable over the last century, at 10-12 percent, so the problem is mainly restricted to a few hellholes--but Latinos breed like rabbits, and they present a massive problem when they can vote en masse for the party of open borders and gibsmedats.
Not to mention that it would be much easier to get rid of niggers anyway if half of the Democratic party's voter base was gone. Stop thinking with your dick, that's how they win.
get rid of blacks, deport latinos
Spics easily.
Spics are taking over. They breed like vermin and they're little better than blacks.
Similar IQ to blacks. High crime rate.
>ghetto attitude and ghetto greeting
into the trash it goes
minorities are their own worst enemy. if they are left to their own devices they keep themselves in check for the most part. The Jews (and Catholics) remove this and focus their behavior as a petty political tool, not realizing the damage they are eventually doing to themselves as well as everyone else.
Latinos are half white so if you breed them enough they will become full white
t/thedrumpf please go
Small numbers of actual white Hispanics are tolerable, and we used to have that provided they INTEGRATE. They still breed far too much to justify keeping them--only people who can prove pre-(((1965))) residence (and descendants thereof) should be allowed to stay.
And I guarantee you, all of the legal Hispanics want nothing more than to deport every last Cholo and indio beaner. They're the 25% who voted for the wall.
Mexicans are about 37% White.
African Americans are about 25% White.
It's similar.
THe only way humans can accept shit latrineo mestizos is if they are forced to choose between niggers and them.
Of course they they "proud" of this, such a "proud" people.
Granted, I'd rather live in Mexico than Nigeria, but that neither is great.
Brazil tried to encourage racemixing as a "whitening" policy over a century ago. Look how that turned out. Latinos exist because the conquistadors couldn't keep it in their pants.
Latinos are the only good non-whites. I have no idea why they trigger Americans so much. The criminal scum obviously are shit but they are always cool when I go on vacation, and they are partially European. The Greeks at my work look darker than most Mestizos I've met.
Please kill yourself.
If you remove the Jewish occupation government in the Vatican (Jesuits) then Catholicism would be based.
But yes, Catholicism is nothing more then third world advocacy now.