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Are the Pharisees in the Bible today's jews?
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Yes. Post temple jews are the jews that follow the pharisaic interpretation of judaism. The saducees and the rest are gone thanks to the destruction of the temple.
false prophet is mohammed btw
So is that why Jews hate Jesus, because he kept talking about them?
>I danced for the scribes and the Pharisees
>They wouldn't dance
>They wouldn't follow me
Do you know else he did danced for? The fishermen James and John. Do you know what they did? They went with him and the dance went on.
Have you even read the Bible?
I listen to it on audio when I sleep so I get a lot of things mixed up.
Delet this reeeeeeeeeeeeee
Nice ID
Meh. If you want to get Jew-wise, read what the Romans had to say about them.
I've been hesitant to tackle reading anything about Rome because I know there's a lot of bluepilled stuff out there. What's the most redpilled book about Rome?
They're satanists and always have been
AHAHAHA sand nigger
No, the pharisees were to judaism what many of today's pastors and religious leaders are to christianity. They were hypocrites who took certain parts of their holy book literally and ignored others. If jesus were to pop up in modern day America (assuming he actually existed, we really don't have any evidence he did), then the majority of christians would hate him and call his teachings heresy.
This makes a lot of sense. I suspect there's also more than just plain hypocrisy involved. But with a broad sweep of the brush, this is a pretty clear picture.
o kurwa hehe
o kurwa hehe
wannabe jews. it is sad what you fucks did to persia.
Is it true they (Islam) were created by the Jews to kill Christians? Doesn't it pretty much tell them to do that in the Koran?
Yeah we conquered in a really short amount of time. We had the best military generals at that time. Funny how a generation before they were harassing that Arabs for being thugs, and weak.
The Pharisees and Saducees of Matthew, Mark and Luke are groups of priests of Judaism.
By the time John was written, there was a split between Christians and Jews, so they are just referred to in John as "Jews".
Protip, almost everyone in the New Testament is Jewish.
no. jews are technically responsible for christianity, but it wasn't done in bad faith --christianity is beautiful and the best thing that could have happened for europe. islam is the abrahamic law twisted to fit arabic paganism and way of life. abrahamism had become so dominant by the seventh century that it was only logical to say 'look, an arab prophet, and he says that WE are chosen!' thinking it would do similar things for their society --well, it did. but it cannot be called good from our point of view because it has strayed too far from western (christian) values.
arabia was very divided, so the romans and persians didnt pay them any mind. at the end of the roman-persian wars, both their militaries were depleted, and islam was able to spread like wildfire. dont forget that it was mostly forced conversion.
You're a fucking moron. The pharisees literally worshipped the elders of Judaism rather than the bible. The elders words would be codified 600 years after Christ into the Talmud which is the Jews most holiest book.
(((Islam))) is a Jew religion that's the truth. You know that the most hated religion in Quran. It's paganism. Ever wondered why every time a Jewish population settle in a place with many pagans they get wiped out? Jews hate polytheist and that's for a reason they are really hard to control. If they have too they'll invent a new monotheistic religion just to get red of them.
"We really don't have any evidence he did," hopefully you haven't bought into the copy-cat theory, and are aware of historical studies done on Christianity. There is evidence Jesus existed, and one of the sources is what most ironically quote to point out "contradictions."
The copy-cat theory is pseudo-intellectualism that relies on chop-logic for any validation, in addition to using exclusion fallacies of historical analysis.
>forced conversion.
I don't give a shit. Many things were forced in that time. They got defeated by the Arabs, and that's the end of the story. I hate religions, but I'm proud of my history.
I agree. There's no period of time then when Christianity was at the height of its power, for Europe. Now we are witnessing the beginning of a world without Christianity being followed, even by people who say they follow it.
The Pharisees were first century orthodox jews.
The Sadducees were first century secular jews.
It would be like trying to control political parties? Much easier to control one than a dozen, yes?
That is correct.
Why would there be Pharisees around 40 years before the destruction of the Temple?
The answer is because the stories were written almost half a century after the destruction of the Temple. Pharisees were the only Jews around at that time, and the Romans had learned not to like Jews but couldn't reject the new religion entirely. So they retconned it.
The story is probably a complete fiction, anyway. If a Jewish Messiah hated anyone, it was the collaborating Sadducees who "polluted" the Temple by being co-operators with the Romans. The Pharisees wanted not to fight Rome in the rebellions, but when the wars broke out, they fought with the rest.
There's a blog called SemitcControversies. All the old articles are essays about the ancient Greeks and Romans and what they had to say about Jews. The new stuff is Jew shit generally. The site is wonky but useful.
Thanks I'll check it out.
Considering Christianity is lifted from Judaism, which is lifted from Egyptian atonism, which is lifted from zoroastrianism, which is lifted from elements of his, we can safely assume it's all a load of bollocks.
I hope this clears that up for you.
well looking at it objectively really shows the power of abrahamism. the jews have survived as a small nation amongst great empires for a long, long time. christianity spiritually unified europe and paved the path for the, eh, 'western temperament' of white people. islam unified arabia, turned it into a conquering machine, and made its cities holy to more than a billion.
>the beginning of a world without Christianity being followed, even by people who say they follow it.
this is very interesting to me. in a small, homogeous country like denmark or iceland, the teachings of jesus can persist as part of cultural DNA even after faith has faded. why are the danish so happy and kind instead of barbarous? they changed drastically in only a century or two. why do europeans give to charity, and why is it so popular a meme to speak your sins? jesus. but in a big and diverse country like america, we fucking NEED the guy. seriously. jesus is the answer to all of america's social problems. atheists talk a big fucking game like they understand that there isnt a happier place than a southern baptist church on sunday morning.
Elements of Hinduism even.
What they did is they compromised a little bit with the Arabs. See, now Arab can be a part of the god chosen people. All you goyims have to do is destroy all the Idols in Makkah except for one. Because we also worship it. And even better the messenger is an Arab, one of you.
And it worked. Similar things happened to the pagan tribes of Europe.
butthurt ex catholic detected
Someone who's studied history a lot more than you and accepts the truth, rather than living with delusions of muh special saviour.
Also keks own digits confirm my post.
In the time of christ, there were four types of jews. Zionists, Essenes, Sadducces and Pharisees.
Essences were acetic doomsday cultists like John the baptist. Christianity is havily drawn from Essene mysticism. Sadducces were Pharisees who lived and worshiped in Jerusalem, at the temple. Zionists were anti-roman independence fighters like Barabas the murderer. Pharisees are the shifty kikes we all know and love (because Christ commands us to)
Essenes didn't fuck. Sadduccees were massacred when the romans sacked Jerusalem. the Zionists were wiped out in ensuing mop-up operations culminating in the mass suicide atop Masada.
Ergo, if the modern Jews are in fact related to the jews contemporary to Jesus, then they can only be Pharisees.
>speaking about yoursqelf in the third person
you need to be 18 to use this site.
It's sort of like the forefathers of America. Even though 49 of the people who signed the declaration of Independence were Mason's, the inner teachings of God still were there when the Constitution was drawn up. Jefferson made sure to say that our right to liberty and property and pursuit to happiness were bestowed by GOD. Without that, without our rights given by God, who else could give them to us? Government? Well, we know how that goes. And that's the problem we face today...
It seems to fit that Jesus was an Essene.
Fucking boomers, man. I think if you asked most people who our rights were given to us by, I bet they'd say the government or "a judge". People are so oblivious to history and culture. It's sad that only an enlightened few attempt to create a succinct worldview.
What are your guys long-term plans with the Shias? Is it true that you guys want to Holocaustâ„¢ (I hope I don't get sued for appropriating that word) them?
Okay and I heard about one more called the Ebionites. They were a mix of Judaism and Christianity, from what I understand. And I think Mark from the New Testament was involved with their creation. They split from the Christianity of John the Baptist becuase of a disagreement. That's the part I've just been learning about today.
>if you asked most people who our rights were given to us by, I bet they'd say the government
Sadly this is true. The first step to opening the door to cultural Marxism is removing God. They've been trying to remove God for years from this country because the religion of science knows everything. People don't realize how politicized the science field is.
Didn't they want to kill your empire? I mean they wanted to enter Europe and take land through the balkan peninsula, isn't that bad for you?
But hey look at it in this way, they kinda fucked them selves up, let me explain, when Arabs united, like any other ethnic group that united(mongols, persians) they started to conquer, so we took mesopotamia, which was NOT a land for Persians, it was for other semitic people, we did so much in a year and took it like piece of cake, even with a smaller army, and limited resources, as well as the civil wars in Arabia that was between Pagans and Muslims, but Arabs stopped at mesopotamia, they didn't go for Persia, actually the caliph wished there was a mountain of fire that will be between us, so our best general, was transferred to the Byzantine front lines, so Persians had time to recover a bit, so Arabs came back, but this time, Persians had their best generals, and elephants, long story short, the Persians crossed a river, while wearing armor, thousands have drowned, nothing more stupid than that, so we took the capital, and the now a day iraq, we pushed them to the zagros mountains, so Arabs stooped and didn't want to fight the Persians anymore,and now, the Persians, rather than growing their army, decided to attack the Arabs, this was the second time they act as retards, but everytime they attack they keep getting rekt, we beated them in the same mountains that they keep on saying you americans will lose if you in it, later, they mad a bigger army, out numbered us at least three times, we still crushed them, we humiliated them in their own homeland, their emperor, ran away leaving the people and the country that he fucked up, it was won by us fair and square.
a video that will explain better:youtube.com
Anyone that uses peoples faith to make a profit
Fixed words
the second line from down ''mad'' made*
''stooped'' stopped*
also the second line from the down ''they keep on saying you americans will lose if you in it''
add ''fight them'' before ''in it''
>implying God has anything to do with inalienable human rights.
You're just as bad
I haven't heard of them but if I had to guess they are ethnically jewish christians who diverged shortly after the meeting between Peter and Paul (the book of Mark is st. Peter's account of the gospel)
I haven't looked too deeply into it (or even heard of it before today)
Thank you. I like history. I don't know this part of history.
I've been researching a lot of esoteric things like the freemasons (before they were even freemasons) and something really interesting seems to have happened around 46ad regarding the Ebionites and Mark.